¤Chapter 11

"Yeah, not happening," replied the voice from the other end of the call.

"Taeyong please," Seohyun pleaded.

"No can do, Seo. The fun is yet to begin," he smirked. Although Seohyun couldn't see it, she knew.

"But he's your father, Yong."

"Only biologically and maybe on papers but I don't consider him as my father and neither has he acted like one in my whole life," he burst out.

"Yeah, I'll do it, dad. Yes, yes I'll inform you if they make any movements." Taeyong said, hanging up the phone and turning away from the balcony, to go back inside the theatre room where all the members of Scarlet Rose had gathered together to watch a movie, which happened once in a blue moon.

But what he didn't expect was Seohyun standing in the hallway, outside the room with a glass of juice and teary eyes.

"I trusted you, Taeyong. We trusted you," she said in a shaky voice that broke his heart. "I thought you were an orphan. You lied to me, to all of us."

"This might not be the best time or situation but can you give me one chance to explain myself? Please? I know you will understand," he begged taking a step forward but halted when she took a step backwards.

Taeyong knew he had broken their trust and there would be absolutely nothing to regain it but he didn't want them to look at him as their enemy either, not without hearing the full truth.

"Okay," said Seohyun still standing a few meters away from him, the glass clutched tightly to her chest.

Taeyong blurted out everything that he knew. He told her that he was the eldest son of the Lee Family but he had been sent to live as a spy in the Jung Family by his father when he was 7. Since then, he had been reporting about Scarlet Rose's plans to Sangyeon. Being in a higher position gave him that advantage.

Seohyun took another step back to run away to Jaehyun at that moment but stopped when Taeyong continued the second part of his story.

"But it all changed the day Jaehyun and Doyoung saved my life. If it hadn't been for Jaehyun who had come to find me in the burnt-down house, I'd have been dead by now. I owe him my life and since then I realized where my loyalty lay.

My father abandoned me at the mere age of 10, sent me into an unknown environment without promising to come back, treated me like a doll, used me whenever needed and then didn't even look back when the work was done. I was stripped from my mother and my 3 little brothers. Heck- they don't even know I exist. I am like an erased memory for them. I now, have to meet my mother in secret as if I'd be committing a crime by meeting her in public.

But here, with you guys, I got to know what is it like to have a family, a place to come back to after a long tiring day. I found my home, I found my family, though not related by blood, but connected by the heart.

I know you won't believe this but why do you think I didn't tell Sangyeon about us raiding the Black Mamba's base when you know, very well, that they've got strong relations with Azure Blaze? Or the time when Johnny had been shot. I could have easily left him for dead because there was no one else around but I couldn't bring myself to do it. If this isn't enough, then why do you think I gave him the wrong intel about the Sunam mission recently."

Taeyong's voice cracked by the time he finished his monologue, but even then he didn't move a muscle. This time, Seohyun took a step forward and another step and then another one till she reached him and slid her hands around his torso to hug him gently. Both of them were overwhelmed with emotions and didn't say anything for a while until Seohyun spoke up first.

"Thank you," was the first thing she said.
"Thank you for not breaking our trust. Thank you for being the person I believed you were. Thank you really, for everything."

"And one last thing," he said as Seohyun hummed that she was listening, not moving from the hug yet. "I know about my father's role in the Dojeon incident. What he did was wrong. I want you to know that I'll always be here to help in any possible way. Even if it means me having to shoot him," Taeyong finished firmly.

"What are you two doing?" Jungwoo asked coming out of the theatre room with an empty popcorn bowl, supposedly going for a refill.

Both Seohyun and Taeyong jumped at the sudden interruption. "Nothing. Can I not hug my brother at any time I like?" Seohyun retorted sassily.

"No," Taeyong said softly.


"No, I'm not doing it."

"Okay, fine. But can you meet me at Hyerin's place tomorrow?"

"Mom's? You know that I can't-"

"Yong," she interjected.

"But what if Mark-"


"Or Jeno-"


"Or worse, Haechan-"

"LEE TAEYONG," Seohyun snapped which shut him up.

"Yes?" said Taeyong as Seohyun entered his room one fine morning.

"Yong, I have been thinking about something for a while and I need your help," said Seohyun as she sat on his desk chair and began explaining the rough plan she had been plotting for quite some time.

"What do you know about Azure Blaze?" Seohyun jumped straight to the point.

"Nothing much, except for the fact that it has 7 active members- Lee Mark, Lee Jeno and Lee Haechan are my brothers. I don't know about the rest though. Lee Sangyeon was the leader but now it's Mark. Sangyeon retired 3 years ago, just after he found out that I was loyal to you guys and not him. He had even blacklisted me."

"So, how do you think should I approach them to join the gang?" she asked.

"I don't know, Hyunie.

You see, I was born as the eldest son of the Lee family which automatically makes me a member. I have been living in Scarlet Rose for almost all my life and had never gone back to Azure Blaze's base for the risk of getting caught. My only job was to send messages and updates to my father. He rarely ever contacted me first, unless for information about our whereabouts or our plans.

I had become like a one-way messenger pigeon; only taking messages from one place to another and not receiving any in return. He never even revealed the official joining process to me saying that I didn't need to know it. I was a member for just the namesake."

Yes, Seohyun had visited Taeyong a few days before Haeyoon was abducted. She hadn't told anyone about the meeting though, not even Jaehyun or Haeyoon. She had even kept Taeyong being Azure Blaze's former spy a secret from everyone.

She had thought that Taeyong might be helpful after knowing that she had recently bumped into an Azurite and saw his tattoo but turned out Taeyong only knew things that Sangyeon wanted him to know and not anything else. He had been kept in the dark throughout his course of service to Sangyeon.

Seohyun sighed. "Hyerin's place, tomorrow night at 8. She will clear things up. And also tell Doyoung that I said sorry for tonight. Good night," said Seohyun hanging up the call.

She knew that the boys (Mark and Jeno) usually visited their mom in the mornings and that too occasionally. Haechan never came voluntarily unless forced to, like the recent one.

Taeyong shrugged, putting his phone away and getting ready for bed when someone knocked on his bedroom door.

He asked them to come in saying that the door was open. He had expected Jungwoo to come asking for extra pair of socks or Yuta who'd frequently stop by to brush his teeth before bed. Jaehyun was the last member that Taeyong thought would come to his room, that too late at night.

"Taeyong," he stated sternly. "We will have to let Sangyeon go."

"Not you too," Taeyong mumbled to himself. "Why?" He said out loud for Jaehyun to hear.

Jaehyun didn't reply, instead placed two letters, with the same envelope, on the bed beside Taeyong.

"We have no choice," he said before exiting the room.

Taeyong was confused about the night's happenings. First, Jaehyun urges them to go somewhere with him. That somewhere turned out to be a deserted factory. And now, he leaves him with two letters and no explanation.

However, Taeyong picked up both the letters and examined them. His eyes widened when he saw the Blue Flame symbol at the bottom right. Azure Blaze?!

He opened them one by one to read the contents inside. The first one said:

Meet me at the rundown candy factory. A second's delay can result in destruction because you know, curiosity killed the cat. You better reach till this one's alive:)


Taeyong didn't know who Mark was talking about in the first letter, but it became clearer as he read the second one that said:

Oops, did I tell you the day? Tomorrow, 10 p.m. Bring Sangyeon along; coming empty-handed would only cause you more trouble. Don't be late, the cat is growing impatient to meet the tiger but unfortunately, she'd have to wait longer:(


"Mark has Seohyun? But we just talked- how is it even possible? Seo better have a good explanation for this tomorrow," he finished talking to himself, putting the letters aside and went to sleep, eager for the next day.

But his sleep was interrupted by someone knocking on the door again. He opened the door to come face-to-face with Doyoung.

"I want to tell you something," he said breathlessly as if he had come running. Taeyong nodded his head that he was listening.

"Seohyun had come in through the laundry room, earlier tonight, just before the Azurites struck. I don't know what to conclude from this, but Jae and you guys did leave in a hurry right after. I am not accusing her, but what does this all mean?"

Taeyong heaved a sigh. "I guess you're coming along," he mumbled and said, "Come with me tomorrow. Seo will clear all your questions."

These words left Doyoung even more confused than he had come. He managed a small okay as he walked out towards his room.


Mark rang the doorbell of Hyerin's apartment around quarter to seven the following day. He wanted to thank Seohyun for giving first-aid to Chenle and also prepare her for the second mission that night.

He had prepared a plan B for yesterday's break-in. He did mention about getting the female rosette, a topic he knew would trigger Jaehyun. He could only hope that Jaehyun would react impulsively, which he did.

"Mark," Hyerin exclaimed in surprise as Mark had come without a prior warning.
"What brings you here?" She asked opening the door wider for him to walk in.

"I want to talk to Seohyun," he said settling on the sofa. "Please call her."

"Oh Seohyun. She.....has gone to the market. Yeah, to get some groceries for dinner," Hyerin lied. She didn't think that Mark would up show at her place to meet Seohyun.

Seohyun had called her in the morning to inform her that she would be dropping by later that night, along with Taeyong. Hyerin was delighted to hear about Taeyong's visit and was impatient to meet him after quite some time. But now she was worried what would happen if they showed up at the same time!

Just as she was about to call Seohyun to 'ask' her if she had gotten the necessary groceries, the doorbell rang again.

"That must be Seohyun, I'll get it," Mark motioned his mom to stay seated as he got up to open the door.

It was indeed Seohyun but followed by two more boys. He eyed them suspiciously.

"Mark?" Seohyun asked in confusion. Taeyong was bewildered to come face to face with none other than his little brother, Mark Lee. Doyoung was.....well he was even more puzzled.

"Who are they?" He directly questioned Seohyun, without moving aside.

"They're....." Seohyun was at a loss for words, not expecting Mark there at a late hour.

Hyerin heard the commotion and appeared behind Mark, her worst nightmare coming true. She asked him to let them in first which Mark denied and had to quite literally drag him inside so that the others could come in too.

"Who are you?" Mark directed this to Taeyong and Doyoung now, not liking the idea of two unknown men in his Mom's house.

He did know some members of the Scarlet Rose, but not all. Taeyong and Doyoung were two of the few who the Azurites didn't know, not by face at least.

"He's my-"

"I'm her boyfriend," Taeyong interjected Seohyun. He did not think of what he said in a moment of panic and only realized the words after he said them.


Hyerin, Seohyun and Doyoung, all looked at him wide-eyed while Mark nodded his head and turned to Doyoung and raised his eyebrow.

"I'm just her friend," said Doyoung.

"Didn't know you had a boyfriend," Mark said to Seohyun.

"Neither did I," she mumbled, looking away.


"What are you here for?" Seohyun avoided the topic.

Hyerin quietly watched the occurring unable to process Taeyong calling himself Seohyun's boyfriend. She was still in shock from both her sons being under the same roof.

"Can we talk somewhere," he looked at Taeyong first and then Doyoung, "private?"

Hyerin told Seohyun to take them to 'her' room, which happened to be the guest bedroom. Seohyun was reluctant at first but agreed when Hyerin whispered that she would clear the things to the boys in the meantime.

Seohyun settled on the bed as Mark closed the door behind them and faced her.

"How's Chenle?" She asked first, worried about her newly made friend.

"He's fine, thanks to you," Mark replied nonchalantly.

"So, what do you want me to do next?"

"I want you-" his words were subdued by the loud ringing of his phone. He excused himself as he received the call.

"Yes. No. Okay. Now? I can't- Fine," was all he said to the person on the line.

He turned back to Seohyun and said, "Be ready in an hour. I will pick you up then," and left in a hurry. He did not even bid Hyerin a proper goodbye just a rushed, 'I'll be back later for Seohyun.'

Taeyong, Doyoung, Seohyun, Haeyoon (whom Seohyun had called a few minutes earlier to come to Hyerin's) and Hyerin were now settled in her living room.

Seohyun was changed into an outfit that Haeyoon had brought for her from their place. She had even brought Seohyun's suitcase along, which she had packed for emergencies like this. Her leg bounced up and down as they all waited for Mark's arrival.

Everyone present there now knew of Seohyun's plan. Doyoung did throw a fit at how dangerous it could be for his precious jewel (as he liked to call her) at first but in the end, Taeyong managed to convince him. Haeyoon had been introduced officially as Seohyun's best friend too.

The doorbell rang again. This time Seohyun opened the door and instead of letting him in, she stepped outside. None of them exchanged any words and quietly made their way back to his car.

It was only after a few minutes that Mark spoke up, "Why do you look so nervous?"

Seohyun was caught off-guard by the sudden question but still managed a small "I'm fine," as she wiped the sweat forming on her forehead.

"You don't have to worry about this one. It isn't like the previous one," he reassured Seohyun. "There's a bottle of water in the glove box if you like."

Seohyun thanked him as she took out the bottle. She took a few sips to soothe her throat and leaned back in the passenger seat as Mark drove silently.


The still air outside the rundown factory was disturbed by the grumbling of a car engine. But it soon died down as the driver turned it off and alighted from the car. Jaehyun stepped outside the car at 10 p.m. sharp.

He hadn't brought too many members along, since the case concerned his sister. Only Taeyong, to handle Sangyeon who was unconscious, and Johnny, to accompany him in searching for Seohyun and Jungwoo, in case they needed to hurry away.

Jaehyun did not expect the place to be deserted for the second time as he stepped inside with Taeyong and Johnny, who were holding up Sangyeon. He had expected the new leader of Azure Blaze to be sensible enough to at least put some guards in and around the place. But this scene looked just like yesterday, except he hadn't brought Sangyeon along.

He found yet another letter, at the same place as yesterday, that read:

Welcome back. I see you are smart enough to bring my dad and 'company'. No problem; it'll be a smooth deal if you would kindly put my father there, in the next 2 minutes. You would be guided to your cat just after.


Just as he finished reading the last line, a spotlight turned on from beside him, to lighten up a comfy-looking armchair in a corner. It was as if someone had been monitoring their movements in that place. But how? He had asked Taeil to access the security cameras on the premises earlier, but Taeil had said that these were long dead.

Jaehyun looked back at Taeyong and Johnny who were surprised by the sudden light. He shook his head, signalling them to not put Sangyeon there, just not yet. He wanted to test what this 'new leader' had planned if he didn't follow their command.

During the wait, a stone flew in through one of the windows, completely shattering the weak glass. It had a letter wrapped around it. Jaehyun picked it up and straightened the paper to read:

2 minutes are up! I see you haven't followed the instructions. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. Don't say I didn't warn you:)


Jaehyun examined the surroundings to find nothing strange. He had already removed his glock from the waistband and held it tightly, ready to shoot anyone that appeared in sight. Just when he turned around, a smoke bomb flew in from the previously broken window, and another and another till the whole room was filled with smoke, restricting the three Rosette's visibility. 

Jaehyun shouted, "You both handle here. I'll fetch our cat," as he made his way towards the other end of the room on hearing both the males' affirmations. 

He ran towards the almost invisible door, that he had spotted when he had first come there yesterday. Jaehyun knew there could be something fishy behind that door. He also may or may not have predicted that the Azurites would pull the typical smoke bomb stunt to get Sangyeon, which was exactly what he wanted, so that he could sneak out of the room, and they wouldn't notice it.

Jaehyun opened the door with one powerful kick. It seemed unlocked. Strange! But he ignored it as he made his way towards the end of the long, dimly lit, hallway that was before him. Multiple doors had been lined along, Jaehyun making sure to check every one of them. Some of them had old, unused machines while some had wrapping papers and boxes messily thrown around. One of the rooms appeared to be the monitoring room, with one PC on a desk and a chair behind it.

He was about to exit it and move to the next room when the sight of a figure on the chair stopped him. Jaehyun walked closer until he reached the chair to find a person, precisely a girl, tied to it. Her face had been covered with a black cloth but she was awake seeing the fact that she jolted when Jaehyun removed the cloth from her face. Yet she made no movements to free herself from the ropes and only looked up at Jaehyun.

He was astounded to find Seohyun in that chair, looking at him with cold, uninterested eyes.

Jaehyun stared back at her with equally stern eyes, and without any effort to untie her, he stated,

"You're not my sister."

*Casually sips tea*🍵

