Ok, thats the one

You're getting ready for yours and Eddie's date. He's suppose to pick you up at 20:00. It is 19:17 and you're almost done, you curled your hair, put some makeup on (which you barely never do, but you wanted to for your first ever date with him). You're trying to make up your mind on which dress you're going to wear. You have two choices. One pale blue skinny and long dress, or a short black one, also skinny. The pale blue on has white lace at the end of it and you think it's really cute, but you really like the black one. Your mom have once told you that this dress brings up your eyes. You try the blue one on. Meh, I don't know. It's pretty but it isn't really appropriate for a first date. It looks more like a summer dress. You try on the black one. I feel pretty in this, but it's really short though... You turn around to look at the back of the dress. Black laces crisscross to the top of your ass, revealing your back. Ok that's the one. You hesitate between high-heeled shoes or your black converse. I think I better be confortable. You grab the converse and put them on. Maybe some jewerly? You open your jewerly box and find a black hair clip with a skull ornament. That's perfect. You clip it in your hair and go stand in front of your mirror. I've never felt prettier... You smile and fix your bangs when you hear the phone in the living room ring. "Y/n I think it's for you!" shouts your mom from downstairs. "Coming!" you run down the stairs and jump on the phone before it stops ringning. "Hi?" "Hi darling" you could recognize his voice in a crowd of a million people. "Hi love, why are you calling?" "Well, i've been ready for 30 minutes now so i've been wondering..." you check the clock. 19:24. "...are you ready yet?" he asks. "Yes you can pick me up before 20:00 Eddie, why are you even asking!!" you hear his key jangle through the phone "I'm on my way then, see you darling" he hangs up. God I love him. "Looking great honey" you raise your head to look at your mom. "Do you think the dress is a bit too much?" you ask, looking at your dress. "I think it's perfect. He'll love it." she approches you and take your face with her hands. "I love you baby. Don't forget the protection, ok?" you frown before realizing "OH" you put your hand on your face, embarassed. "Mom, come on!" "Just want you to know!" "Oh god..." you take your bag as the bell rings. "Have fun" your mom kisses you on the cheek. You open the door and there he is. He looks you up and down. "Hello beautiful"
