Eddie, of course

September 3, 1986, 6:23

I woke up at 5 am this morning, couldn't go back to sleep. I'm still thinking about last night with Eddie... why was he acting so different? When we first met by our locker, he was so mean and arrogant but the second we got out of school he was all sweet and polite, why?? I can't lie, I had a pretty good time at Eddie's, he was fun, playfull and... somehow really cute... maybe I've found another friend? Well, I will not get my hopes to high, maybe he was just being kind because we're teamed up for the history project. I will go get ready for school now, bye!

Y/n's pov

It's 7:49, so you hurry to get your books for the first class of the day. You open your locker. What's this? A folded piece of paper is laying there, on your english book. You take it, intrigued. Before unfolding it, you see your name writen in a sloppy handwriting. My friends don't write like this? You unfold the paper and read the first two lines
<< War Pigs - Black Sabbath
Ace of Pades - Motorhead >>
It's a list of songs? You sweep the sheet of the glance before arriving at a small word at the end of it.
<< Ya seemed to enjoy the tunes of yesterday, so made ya a list of my
favs >> You instantly understand who it is from even if it's not said on the sheet. Eddie, of course. You jump at the sudden movement you see out of the corner of your eye. "Hi you" Eddie takes his math book with one hand and he leans against the locker door. "Hi" you say. "See that you found the word" he says while playing with his rings. "Yeah, thank you, it's very kind of you" you say, putting the little folded paper in the front pocket of your backpack. "Hm" he says, still fidgetting with his fingers. "I had a good time yesterday" you say, hoping for an elaborate response. "Yeah me too" he says, without even looking at you for a second. "I... better get to my class" you say, walking away. Where is the sweet Eddie from yesterday? I don't understand...
