
The air was knocked from Dylan's lungs as he entered your hospital room. You were almost as pale as the white bedding, with tubes and wires stuck to your fragile-looking body. 

A sob escaped Dylan's throat as he sat down in the seat next to your bed. Dr Goodman placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can hold her hand if you want. She's not going to break," she told him quietly, noticing his hesitation.

He carefully slipped his hand into yours, placing it against his forehead. His phone had yet to stop buzzing in his pocket, so he took it out and turned it off. "How could we let this happen?" he asked softly. 

"Things like these just happen, Dylan. There was nothing any of us could have done to prevent it," the doctor replied. "This wasn't your fault." 

Dylan shook his head, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. Your fingers were awfully cold. 

"I'll give you a few minutes. She should wake up soon," Dr Goodman said. She turned around to head out the door but stopped when Dylan called her name. 

"How am I supposed to tell her we lost one of our babies?" he asked her.

She lowered her gaze. "There is no good or easy way, Dylan. I'm sorry." 

He nodded almost invisibly, turning back around. Dr Goodman left the room and Dylan was alone with his thoughts. 

In his hand, your fingers started to twitch and he shot up, seeing your eyes slowly opening. "Y/N?" he whispered and you let out a groan, turning your head toward him. "Y/N, baby, it's Dylan. Can you hear me?" he asked softly. 

Your eyes opened fully. "Dyl?" you croaked. "Wh-Where are we?" 

"Oh, my God," he breathed, getting up to press a kiss to your forehead, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay." 

"Dylan," you said and he sat back down. "What happened?" 

"You went into labour," he replied. "But something went wrong. You were rushed into surgery." 

You frowned. "Surgery? What happened? Are the twins okay?" 

A massive lump rose in his throat and he lowered his head for a second. "Y/N, none of us could have seen this coming. It's nobody's fault-" 

"Dylan, where are they?" you asked him, your voice shaking with fear, anger and fatigue.

"They eh..." His voice cracked and he had to clear his throat. "You had a uterine rupture. One of the babies didn't survive, Y/N. I'm so sorry." 

Your hand left his as you clasped both of yours over your mouth, your eyes filling with tears. "What- How- What- I-" you started to ramble, thick sobs making you hiccup uncontrollably. Dylan pulled you in for a tight hug, holding you against his chest as you cried, mourning the loss of your baby. 

"I'm so sorry, Dylan," you cried.

"No, Y/N, please. This is not your fault, none of this is your fault," he told you. "Dr Goodman told me that things like these happen. There's nothing anyone could've done." He took your face in his hands. "We have a son, Y/N. A beautiful baby boy. We have a son," he repeated over and over, pressing a long kiss to your forehead to temporarily hide his heartbreak from you.

He held you in his arms until you fell back asleep, worn out from the surgery and the grief. Dr Goodman came to check up on you after an hour and told Dylan that you would be just fine. He left the hospital room and sank down against the wall, holding his head in his hands. 

He felt a pair of arms wrap around him and he didn't have to look up to know that they belonged to Holland. Your parents went into your room and he heard the heartbroken sobs of your mother. 

After an hour or so, Dylan calmed down again and he stared at the wall across from him. "D-Did anyone call Tyler or Shelley?" he asked Holland. 

"I did, right after you went to see Y/N," Holland replied. "Sienna's fine. She's asleep." 

"I don't..." he started, but his voice wore off. "I don't know how to feel." 

"I get that," she said softly. "You're happy Y/N is okay and that you have a son, but you're also mourning a loss." 

He nodded, leaning his head back against the wall. "I was so scared that I lost all of them." 

Holland didn't say anything. She just rested her head on his shoulder, giving his arm a squeeze. 

Your parents came out of your room. "We're eh... We're gonna head home. We'll call you in the morning," your father said. His voice was raspy and his eyes were red-rimmed. Your mother looked utterly heartbroken, and Dylan couldn't look at her. 

He nodded, keeping his eyes on the ground, not having the energy to offer a smile or a goodbye. Your parents left and Dylan and Holland were alone in an empty hallway. "Where are my parents?" he asked quietly. His voice didn't sound like his own.

Holland sat up, clearing her throat. "They went back to your house to relieve Ty and Shell. They said to call when you were ready to see them," she replied. 

The corner of Dylan's mouth twitched. His parents knew not to hover around him when he was going through something. That he needed space first to get his head straight. He was eternally grateful for them right now. 

"Can I get you anything? Some food or something to drink?" Holland asked after a few minutes of silence. Dylan shook his head. 

"No, I'm good," he muttered. He drew in a sharp breath that half sounded like a sob before he pushed himself to his feet. "I'm gonna keep Y/N company for a bit." 

Holland nodded before getting up too. "Okay," she said. 

"You should go home, Holl. You've been here all night," he said, unsure of what to do with himself as he stood in the middle of the hallway.

"All right," she said. "Call if you need anything, okay? Anything at all." 

He nodded slowly, still unable to make eye contact. Holland softly squeezed his arm before she left. Dylan went back into your room and sat down on the seat by your bed. He took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. The second he closed his eyes, he felt his body go heavy and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep, his head resting on the edge of your bed with your hand still in his.

He woke up with a start a few hours later when Dr Goodman entered the room. "Oh, Dylan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," she said, looking up from her clipboard. 

"No, it's okay," Dylan said groggily, sitting up. "What time is it?" 

"Almost eight in the morning," she replied. She looked him over. "You should go home. Take a shower, eat something," she said. "See your daughter." 

He shook his head. "No, it's okay. I need to-" 

"You need to take care of yourself," Dr Goodman said. "Y/N is okay. The nurses and I will take care of her when you go home for an hour. I'm sure your wife would agree with me." 

He let out a long breath, not having the energy anymore to protest. "Okay," he agreed. "I'll see you later." 

"Hey, Dylan?" the doctor said as he walked to the door. He turned back around. "I know it feels impossible right now but you will get through this." 

He attempted a smile. "Thanks," he muttered before leaving the room. He called Holland, asking her to pick him up, and an hour later, he stood under the scorching hot shower, attempting to wash off the past twenty-four hours. 

Sienna was still asleep when he got home. His mother was on the couch and she hadn't said or asked anything other than what he wanted to have for breakfast. 

He finished his shower and sat down at the kitchen table. His mother placed a bowl of cereal in front of him before sitting down across from him. "Mom?" he said softly and she made a noise that she heard him. "How am I supposed to explain all this to Sienna?" 

Lisa drew in a long breath. "The truth, honey. You tell her the truth," she said. "And she's one. I don't think she'll be fully able to understand what happened. You can tell her the full story when she's older, but right now, your little girl is confused about where her mom and dad are." 

Dylan wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater. "I'm just..." he started. "I just don't know what to do." 

Lisa squeezed his hand as she reached across the table. "You're gonna wake up your daughter and prepare her breakfast. Then, we're gonna explain to her together what happened." 

He finally looked up, his eyes pooled with tears. "I wanna take her to see Y/N after that." 

"All right," Lisa said, nodding. "Let's do that." 

Well, that was depressing...
I'm sorry for the emotions, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon with a new chapter.
