
"Hi, mom," Dylan said into the phone as he followed the signs on the ceiling to the cafeteria of the hospital.

"Dylan, thank God you called. Is the baby born? How are you?" she rambled.

"She's here. All 6.4 lb of her," he told her. "Y/N did so well. There were no complications." 

"Oh, I'm so happy for you. Congratulations," his mother said and Dylan heard the emotion in her voice, resulting in him almost choking up as well. 

He cleared his throat. "Y/N is ready for visitors so I'm headed to get her parents from the cafeteria. Do you think you, Dad and Jules can come to the hospital? We would really like you to meet our daughter." 

"Yes, of course! We're on our way now," his mom said. "We'll see you in a few. I love you." 

He chuckled softly and said, "I love you too, mom." He ended the call as he arrived at the cafeteria. He quickly found your parents in one of the booths. "Hi, guys." 

"Dylan!" Your mother shot up. "Is she...?" 

"She's here," he said with a smile and your mother locked him in a tight hug, which he gladly reciprocated. He shook hands with your father afterwards and received a pat on the back. Dylan then led the way back to your room where they found you sitting up, holding Sienna in your arms. 

You smiled broadly as your parents entered. "Hi," you beamed. 

"Oh, Y/N," your mother said, placing a hand over her mouth. "She's beautiful." She carefully sat down on the edge of your bed, gently rubbing your leg. You handed your daughter to your mother. 

"Have you named her yet?" your father asked softly, sitting down on the stool where Dylan had previously sat. Your boyfriend, however, chose to stand to the side, watching the four of you with a smile. 

"We have," you replied. "We named her Sienna. Sienna O'Brien." You looked up at Dylan, smiling. Since picking a first name was already a huge task, you hadn't discussed what your daughter's last name was going to be. You and Dylan weren't married, so it could go either way, but hearing you say that you wanted her last name to be Dylan's, an eruption of happiness exploded in Dylan's chest. He placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. 

"That's beautiful," your mother said, placing a feather-light kiss on Sienna's head. 

There was a soft knock on the door and everyone looked up. Lisa O'Brien poked her head into the room, an instant smile appearing at the sight of her new granddaughter. 

"Oh, my goodness," she muttered as she stepped into the room, Patrick following closely behind. "Hi, everyone. Oh, Y/N, she's absolutely perfect." She wrapped an arm around her son, pulling him close as she never took her eyes off Sienna. 

"We named her Sienna O'Brien," you said, smiling. "Mom, can you hand her to Lisa?" 

"Oh, congratulations, you guys," Patrick said as he looked at Sienna over his wife's shoulder. 

"Thank you," you and Dylan said. Your parents excused themselves to step outside and call the rest of your family. 

Patrick patted Dylan's shoulder. "Good job, son, I'm so proud of you."

Dylan smiled, putting an arm around his father's shoulders as he looked at Sienna in his mother's arms. "Thanks, Dad," he said. "Wait a second, where's Julia?" 

"She wasn't home when you called, so we texted her, telling her to meet us at the hospital. She should be here soon," Lisa told you. As if on cue, a knock sounded at the door before it opened, revealing Dylan's older sister. 

Her jaw dropped as she stepped inside. "Oh, my God, I'm an aunt," she gaped, making everyone laugh. "She's amazing, you guys." 

"She is, isn't she?" you said, tracing a finger over Sienna's head. "And we were wondering if you want to be her godmother." 

If it were possible, Julia's jaw would have hit the floor. "Are you serious? Yes, of course!" She engulfed you in a hug before embracing her brother. 

"Would you like to hold her?" you then asked. 

"Is that even a question?" Julia joked and Lisa placed Sienna in Julia's arms. She gazed down at her niece with nothing but love in her eyes. "How on Earth did you become a dad, Dyl?" 

Dylan chuckled. "I think you know the answer to that question." 

"You're disgusting," Julia pointed out. Her brother just shrugged, grinning. 

After half an hour, your parents returned from calling the family. They said goodbye to you, promising to stop by first thing in the morning. You only now noticed that it was long dark outside. Dylan's parents and Julia left not long after that. 

Dr Goodman stopped by one more time to do a quick exam on you, and your new maternity nurse, Aimee, came to help you and Sienna get ready for your first night. Since you were practically unable to get out of bed, Aimee showed Dylan how to bathe Sienna and change her diaper and clothes, and while both of you had read enough books and watched enough instruction videos, it was nice to have a professional helping you out. 

After Sienna was in her bed, sound asleep after eating for the first time, Aimee and Dr Goodman left you alone so you could get some sleep before it was time to nurse Sienna again. 

Dylan helped you change out of your hospital gown and into something more comfortable, namely a pair of loose sweatpants and a Teen Wolf hoodie, after which he helped you to bed and tucked you in. You hated that you couldn't sleep in the same bed as him, as he was your personal heater most nights. 

You turned your head to the side, seeing Sienna sound asleep in her crib. An inevitable smile made its way onto your face as you drifted off to sleep, completely exhausted but totally fulfilled.

My heart is very happy :)

Thank you guys so much for your support, it truly means the world to me! X
