The Baby (Stefanielle)

As the 17-year-old woke up from her slumber, she quickly turned it off before it awoke up the baby. She rolled over after she turned it off and went back to sleep for about another 15 minutes before her second alarm went off. As she did the baby started to stir awake before she started to full on broke out crying. The 17-year-old groaned and then got up from her slumber. "There goes my extra slumber." She mumbled under her breath. She walked over to the bassinet and picked up the child from the bassinet. "Good morning." She whispered to her and cradled her. Then there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Good morning." She said as she opened her door.
"Good morning. Are you taking her with you today?" Her mom asked.
"Yes, I am."
"Are you sure? I'm about to leave for work right now."
"Yes, mom I'm sure."
"Alright, I was just checking. Good bye."
"Bye." And then she shut her room door back and went back to sit down on her bed with the baby. "Your probably hungry huh?" She asked. Knowing she wasn't getting a response back. She then pulled out her boob and let the baby eat before they got dressed for school. As she did that, the 17 year old scrolled through her phone. As she was doing that, she received a text from her best friend.

D.Savre: Good morning beautiful <3
S.Spampinato: Good morning <3
D.Savre: Are you bringing baby A to school today?? :))
S.Spampinato: Yes
D.Savre: And to the christmas party?? :))
S.Spampinato: Yes bambina
D.Savre: Let's go!! I'm stealing her from you after breakfast.
S.Spampinato: No your not bella.
D.Savre: Yes I am. Watch me >=)
S.Spampinato: bella no.
D.Savre: Heheheheh >=))
S.Spampinato: Bella I'll see you at school :))
D.Savre: alright good bye
S.Spampinato: bye :))

Addison or Baby A as Danielle calls her, had fell back asleep during that moment so Stefania took her and put her back in her bassinet before going to hop into the shower.

Meanwhile, Danielle had put her phone back on her nightstand before she got up and went to go get dressed for their class Christmas party. Today was their last day of school before Christmas break and they were having a Christmas party in their last class of the day which, Danielle and Stefania both shared together. Along with their 1,3,4, and 5 hour classes. So they shared 5 classes all together. 1, 3,4,5, and 7. A lot of classes together. Danielle had always had a crush on Stefania. Ever since 9th grade year. And they always had at least 4 different classes together. So that made Danielle's feelings for her even stronger.

Stefania got pregnant with Baby A after a little party the sophomores had at the end of the school year last year. So she got pregnant with her at the end of may and didn't have her until February of her junior year.  Addison is ten months now and Stefania is in her Senior year of school. But Stefania lost a lot of friends from this. But Danielle was the one who stuck around to help and stuff. Which of course Stefania appreciated. Stefania had slight feelings for Danielle as well. Hers wasn't as strong as Danielle's feelings but they were there.

"What you think mom?" Danielle said as she ran downstairs. She was wearing a frosty the snowman onesie with her Nike running shoes as she still had track practice after school. "You look cute honey." Her mom said. "Can you take Stephanie to school today?" Danielle groaned from her mother's statement. Taking her younger sister to school would have ruined all of her morning plans for today. Which were doing her friends coffee run for today and picking up a early Christmas gift for Baby A. "I can't this time. I have things to do."
"What things??"
"Important things. But I'll promise to take Steph to school all week after Christmas break."
"I guess Danielle." Her mom sighed. Dani cheered and then grabbed her keys and left. Of course saying goodbye to her family first.

Stefania had just finished blow drying her hair. She was almost ready for school as she just had to put on her pajamas and then get Addison dressed. She had woke back up so Stefania took her out the bassinet and let her crawl around the room. "Addie no!" She said as she stopped the child from grabbing stuff off her nightstand. Addison started to cry but Stefania quickly picked her up which made her stop crying for a bit. "You can't pull things off the stand bambina." She said. "That's how you get hurt. Let's go get dressed bella." She made her way to Addison's side of their closet and got the matching pjs that they had. Just a black shirt and green and blue striped pants. Stefania laid Addie down on her bed as she changed her diaper first and then dressed her. Then moving on to her hair. Which she decided to just brush it out today.

Addison, you could say was a splitting image of her mom. Even though she looked more like her dad. Her dad you might ask is obviously not in the picture. When Stefania told him about the pregnancy, he magically just so happened switched schools half way across town. Some person he is. But Stefania didn't care. It was his choice not to be apart of Addie's life not hers. He was missing out on all the fun.

Danielle pulled into the parking lot after running her errands. She gathered the Starbucks drinks. Got her secret Santa gift and her gift for Addison. Now you might be thinking why would she get a gift for Addison as well. That's because Stefania was Danielle's secret santa. And on her mind those two are like a pair. Danielle sat in her car for a while before most of her friends started to show up. Then she got out the car with all her stuff and followed them to the cafeteria.
"Hey Dani!" One of the girls said.
"Hello." She said as she put everything down on the table before giving everyone their requested drinks.

"Anyone know what time Stefania is coming?" That same girl said. Everyone else shrugged their shoulders except for Danielle.
"She is bringing baby A with her so it might take a while." Danielle said looking up from her phone.
"She's bringing Addie?! Yayy!! It's been so long since we've seen her. I'm so excited!!"
"Same!!" Danielle said.
"Wait why is she bringing her??"
"For the Christmas party this afternoon. And her aunt does work front office so if she needs someone to watch her, she'll ask her."
"As long as Ashley don't make a huge fit about it."
"Ashley can shut the fuck up."
"She really can."
"Wait what's going on with Ashley?"

Danielle sighed. "So basically Ashley hates Stefania because she has baby A and she thinks she gets special attention for it."
"How would she get special attention? Does Ashley not know that being a mom and having to do school is hard?"
"Apparently not. But Ashley has had a grudge on Stefania since like 8th grade."
"Probably because she's hot and speaks Italian."
Danielle's cheeks turned fully red at that statement. She could feel the butterflies churning in her stomach. She tried to hide the blushing but that didn't work. Their friends noticed and started laughing at her. They all knew Danielle had a huge crush on Stefania and always teased her about it. Danielle didn't care though. Her friends always told her to shoot her shot but she never listens to them.

Just then Stefania walked into the cafeteria with her backpack and her baby in her arms. Almost everyone from the table broke their necks trying to get to Stefania. "I wanted to hold her first!" Danielle pouted as another one of their friends walked back over to the table with Addison. "But don't worry. I have first period with her." She said with an evil look. Stefania laughed and then sat down next to Danielle.
"So how was your morning beautiful?" Danielle asked.
"It was good. Addie didn't put up a fuse this morning so that was a life saver."
"Good job Addie." Danielle said holding out her hand to get high five from the baby. Which she did. Making everyone at the table laugh. "See I knew she liked me." Danielle said proudly. They all sat there at the table at little bit longer before the warning bell had rung. Stefania took baby A from her friend and then walked to her locker to get her stuff and then to class. Which as soon as she walked in Danielle took her from her arms and ran off to her seat. "Danielle!" Stefania said and followed her to her seat. Then the bell rung again letting them know class was starting.
"Alright class. Last day of school before break. I'm putting on a movie and you guys can do whatever." Their teacher said. "Someone get the lights for me."

As they were sitting there in watching the movie, Stefania and Danielle were cuddled up next to each other in the blanket the teacher let them use. Addison was really into the movie. She had not lost her attention on this movie since it started. Stefania enjoyed that because at least she knew that Addie wasn't gonna be a distraction to the class. "You wanna come over my house later?" Danielle asked the brunette as she was resting her head on her shoulder. "Si bella. I'll probably drop Addie off-"
"No bring her too."
"You sure?"
"Yes. I'm positive."
"Alright then."

"Stefania don't you want to go eat lunch?" Her aunt asked as she saw her sitting in her office.
"Yea but I was gonna feed her first and then go."
"Didn't you bring a bottle?"
"Yes. I think its one in my locker."
"Go get it and then bring it here. I'll feed her. You go to lunch."
"Oh ok. Well thank you."
"Anytime baby girl. Now hurry before you miss lunch."
Stefania handed Addie to her aunt before leaving the room. Addie got slightly fussy when she got handed to her aunt but Stefania just left and ran to her locker, grabbed the bottle, and then ran back to the office. "Thank you so much." She said and then ran off to the cafeteria.

"About time your here. Where were you?" Danielle asked Stef as she sat down with her lunch tray. "I had to feed Addie but my aunt didn't want me to miss lunch so I had to run to my locker to grab a bottle and then run back to the office and then run here so I didn't miss lunch." She said out in one breath. Danielle just nodded.
"Aren't you hot in that thing? I get hot just looking at you in it." Stefania asked pointing to Danielle's onesie. Danielle shook her head 'no' which made Stefania shrug her shoulders. "You look hot all the time." Danielle mumbled under her breath. The friends all continued to talk and laugh with each other before the bell rung for lunch to be over.

As they all sat in class for their 5 hour class, it was very boring. The teacher ended up handing out work unlike the rest of their teachers who all played a movie in class. Luckily Addie wasn't with Stefania at this time because she most likely would have been a huge distraction and their teacher looked like he was not in the mood. Then the intercom rang in the classroom. "I need Stefania to the office please." The lady said on the intercom which Stefania knew was her aunt based on the sound of her voice. "She's coming." The teacher snapped back. Stefania quickly got up from a the desk and ran out of class.

"You rang for me?" She asked  walking into the office. Addie was there crying and when she saw her mom she reached out for her. Stefania reached out and picked her up. "What happened?"
"She's probably just tired. I couldn't get her to calm down."
"Shh your ok bella." She whispered to her.
"I'll let you in the back to calm her down. I'll tell your teacher your not coming back to class." Stefania nodded and then walked to the back of the office. In the little room it was mostly a little extra room that they used for storing supplies. Stuff like pencils, paper, all that good stuff. There was also a little desk in there with a chair as well. Stefania choose to sit there and try to get the toddler to sleep. "Shh bella your ok." She whispered again. Addie started to pull at Stefania's shirt which probably came to the conclusion that she wanted something to eat or just suck on to calm her down. Stefania happily whipped out her boob and the child quickly attached to it.

After about 15 minutes of them sitting there, Addie was deeply asleep. Stefania fixed her clothes and then left out the room. "You good?" Her aunt asked as she turned around in the spiny chair. Stefania nodded and handed Addie back. "I'll come get her after 6th hour." Stefania whispered and then walked out the front office. She made it back to her 5th hour class just in time because the bell had rung. Telling them it was time to switch. "One more class then it's party time." Dani said. "Why did you go to the office during class?"
"Say no more. I already know." Danielle said making the motion of her zipping her mouth and throwing out the key. "I'll see you in 7th?"
"You shall bella."

6th hour class went by quickly for the both of them. Both of their teachers just put on a movie and the toe of them were texting each other the whole time. Which was like them. Stefania walked to her locker and then got the snacks and stuff she brought for this class.
"You got the good sugar cookies!" Danielle exclaimed. "The soft ones with the frosting. Let's go! I love you Stefania." Danielle blurred out that last part and her cheeks turned red quickly making Stefania confused for a second and then she just laughed it off. "Alright class you ready?" Their teachers said as he walked in. The class cheered and then they pushed a bunch of desk together to form a big table. It was only like 8 students in this class. Most of them being Danielle and Stefania friends. And that one extra, out of the bunch student being Ashley.
"Bella I'm scared." Stefania whispered to Dani.
"For what?"
"What if Ashley says something?" Stefania questioned. Practically shaking in her seat. Leg bouncing up and down super fast. Dani put her hand on Stef's leg, which instantly calmed her down. "Ashley can suck my dick for all I care. She doesn't control anything. Don't be nervous. Alright?"

Stefania nodded. She was somewhat calmed down by the actions of her lover. "Alright class. It's a buffet. Come get what you want." Everyone got up and quickly fixed their plates before sitting back down. Then there was a knock on the door. "Hi bambina." Stefania exclaimed as the 10-month old crawled her way to her. Of course she didn't wonder these halls by herself. "I was just dropping her off. Bye Stefania."

Addie sat in Stefania's lap the whole class party. Of course everyone wanted to hold her which she let them. Even if it meant stealing someone's cookie. Which Addie did. Stefania let Addie down on the ground again and she crawled to Ashley this time. Making the whole class go quiet. Addie did a little baby wave to Ashley and Ash returned. The whole class was watching them both like a hawk. "Why are you guys staring?" Ash asked.
"No reason." Danielle said and everyone went back to doing what they were doing.

"Alright class secret santa time!" Their teacher announced. "We're gonna go in a circle. Starting with ......Danielle! Who pulled Danielle's name?"
"I did!" Stefania said and raised her hand. Which caused Dani to give a confused look. Stefania handed Danielle her gift. "It's from me and Addie." She said looking down at the girl who had cookie crumbs all over herself. Danielle opened the gift bag to find two Nike head bands. One that was a normal one and the other that tied around her head. Along with that was a Christmas card that had a $25 gift card to one of Dani's favorite sports store.

"Thank you guys." She said pulling in for a hug. Which of course they happily gave. "Alright who pulled Stefania's name?"
"Me!" Shouted Danielle. She handed her them their gift. "I got one for Addie as well." She said. Stefania opened her gift first. It was two vintage t-shirts from one of her favorite shops and a bunch of her favorite snacks. "Thank you bella." she said. Danielle nodded and then Addie, well Stefania, opened her gift. It was the same vintage t-shirts as Stefania and along with that was a little anklet. "What you think Addie?" Danielle asked. "Now you and your mom can match." Addie did a bunch giggle noises which made the class laugh and 'aw' at the same time. "Thank you bella." 

As the rest of the class went by, everyone had a good time. Even Ashley. Which she started to warm up to Stefania and Addie just a bit. As Stefania and Danielle walked in the hallways to get to the senior parking lot, they noticed it was snowing outside. "It's snowing!" They both said at the same time. Making each other chuckle. Danielle wrapped her arm around Stefania and she quickly melted into the touch of the blonde. "So I'll see you at my house this afternoon?" 
"You shall." 
"Can't wait. Bye guys!" She said and ran off to her car. 
"Bye Dani!" 

A/N: Part 2?? Let me know. Also if there is anything you guys want to see let me know as well. This was inspired by one of my favorite youtubers who was a teen mom as well. And I got this idea from binge watching her vlogs so shoutout to her. Hope you guys enjoyed and comment what you think. Enjoy the rest of your day/night. -Shay <3
