Soul-Stealers Information | BATTLE-IMPORTANT

Hey all! The battle is beginning soon, and you know it's being led by Archangel and Shadowfire; however, what no one else knows is Archangel's secret weapon. A weapon so lethal it could wipe out an entire Clan.

The Soul-Stealers.

Soul-Stealers are pitch black, large, demon-like cats with glowing red eyes. They have long, black claws, and sharp teeth made for killing. The average size of one is about 2x the size of a large cat; that's big. The color of their eyes shows how powerful they are; dimmer, paler reds mean they're weaker, normal-colored reds mean they're in the middle, and vibrant, glowing reds mean they're stronger. They have no way of speaking, but use a power to talk in cat's minds (only the ones they're battling, though), to either taunt them or make them use their soul more when fighting.

They're powerful and dangerous, their blows sending cats flying back. Their claws are so sharp they dig into skin on impact, making it much harder to attack them.

Soul-Stealers feed off of souls, just like their name implies. If they sink their teeth deep enough into a cat, they begin sucking out their soul; it pains the cat being attacked so much it feels like their insides are being ripped out. When Soul-Stealers finish off their prey, they turn pale and hollow, as if everything inside of them had been sucked out.

Soul-Stealers feed off of these souls like cats feed off of mice and birds. The more souls they gather, the stronger they get. They respond to Archangel and Archangel only, who they look upon as their king.

The only way to kill a Soul-Stealer is to use your own soul against them. Remember those you love that have died; bring back old memories; fight with passion. That is the only way to kill one of these creatures. But it's not easy to do this. You can't think about trying to use your soul; you just have to get to that point where you can wipe out many at a time.

So these are what you'll be fighting in the roleplay, along with Shadowfire, her gang, and Archangel.

Here's some extra info/rules you also need to read:

• If you want your character to die and you have a Soul-Stealer kill them, then you can play up to three Soul-Stealers after their death; you may attack other cats and try and defeat EchoClan. This is optional, of course, but it would help move the battle forward.

• When you fight a Soul-Stealer, you can only control that one until kill it. But again, if that same one kills you, go on controlling it.

• Remember that these cats are super powerful, so you can't kill 'em in a few blows. Don't god-mod and be super OP. Let your cat get battle scars, and let your cat shed a little blood.

• Also remember that when playing Soul-Stealers, these are ruthless demons who only listen to Archangel. These cats don't have separate personalities; they aren't shy, they aren't forgiving, they aren't sweet and kind. They'll kill you on sight. Just remember this, please!

• This battle will probably go on for at least a day or more, so don't be worried if you miss some fighting parts. You'll be able to jump in.

• Dead cats may battle, too! But only ones that have died in the previous roleplay parts. Soul-Stealers do the same damage to SpiritClan cats as they do to normal ones.

I think that's it! If you have any questions, comments, cries of despair, go ahead and tell me ((((((((((((;
