Roleplay 2 | CLOSED

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| Plot |

Week One:
After Applefall is exiled, the Clan is tense and paranoid. Not only is their leader highly unstable, but many of their Clanmates have been murdered. What is there to do in this time of hardship?

Aside from that, Leafbare is soon to arrive, and prey seems to be running low. It looks like it's going to be a very cold winter this year.

( please don't make me write the rest I'm a procrastinator )

| Clan News |
– Snakeleap has become deputy!
– Lilybark has become medicine cat!

| Weather and Season |
Late Leaf-fall
50 degrees Fahrenheit

| Recent Ceremonies |
– Swiftpaw has become a warrior, and is now named Swiftspeck!

If you have any concerns, updates, or news, feel free to consult me in PMs. They're always open.
