-Is That Okay.? 3 -

Guys thank you so much for reading this wattpad story it makes me happy people are actually reading this anyways  have fun reading  this

Dylan : I hope she didn't think I'm a creep..😕 I love her so much she will understand me right.?

y/n in her mind :fuck fuck why do I need to leave Dylan pickle again I wanted to kiss him but now Levi is calling me because something happend ugh stupid Levi.

y/n : but I'm scared if I have a crush on Dylan I always loved Dylan pickle and I always wanted to kiss him, sleep with him, talk about cute things, sad things I always felt safe around Dylan. But what is this feeling?..

Levi : Ugh why is she taking so damn long

- y/n finally came to Levi and something happend....-

Levi : you are here finally!

y/n : Mhm did something happend😐

Levi : Yeah but why are you angry?

y/n : Oh? Me because you fucking ruined my date I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!I fucking hate you, you stupid bastard asshole.

Levi : So all those years I meant nothing to you?

Levi : Did you even trust me all those years? Did you? Did you even asked me if I am okay? No of course not you never asked you never told me if I'm okay with all of those bruises you never cared about me.
