-Confusion 2-

y/n : Really...?

Draco : Yes, y/n. Tell me who made you sad...

y/n : So I feel like my boyfriend (Dylan) doesn't show me his true feelings. I feel like that its all my fault what if I was only friends with him.??Then he would show his true feelings right...??

Draco : y/n! don't blame yourself! its not your fault and yes people make mistakes and that's alright your boyfriend might want to take a break that's why maybe he is not ready to be in a relationship.

y/n : But. I did everything for him I even betrayed my own best friend and later he wanted to broke up with me. And later Levi told me that he saw a same figure like Dylan outside of his house..

Draco : Oh my.. I am sorry to say this y/n. But..

y/n : But..?

Draco : He is clearly gaslighting you. And if you want  I can pretend to be his boyfriend for a week and I will tell you everything that he will do I will put cameras in his house too. I understand that sounds creepy but what if he had done that to other people and now you're next?

-to be continued
