There I was in a public area all alone.

I turn back to where my heroes had previously been. It felt a distant memory. That's all it was. I continued to walk in that general direction. I decided to take a breather before actually figuring out how I was going to get home. I sat down on the sidewalk where they had previously been. I leaned against the nearest light poll giving me relaxation to just be alone.

My eyes nearly feel shut until I herd loud footsteps. If I didn't know any better; they're running and coming in my direction.

I tried not to look at the person but when it came down to it. I looked over and the boys hair made my heart skip a beat causing me to get a little excited.

"Hey!" He's talking to me. "Hey, yeah you. Have you seen people walk past here." I nodded a small nod. "Do you know who I'm taking about?" He finally to took the chance to look at me. He immediately noticed my shirt.
"Uh- well in that case you obviously know who I'm taking about." Did Niall James Horan just sass me? "Yeah actually I made one upset."

He propped a brow. "Really?" I nodded a bit more freely. "Yeah, but they had to leave because Harry touched Louis bum." Niall bent over and let out that famous 2010 laugh that we haven't heard years.

This was great. It was beautiful until Niall realized he was laughing. He quickly covered his mouth and straightened his posture. Almost as if he was trying to prevent it.

"So which one did you upset?"


"Why doesn't that surprise me? How did you?" I usually would be so bothered by so many questions. I'll make an exception.

I explained to him how I noticed he was gone and brought attention to it which upset Liam. Basically. As I explained it Niall took a seat beside me. Every time Niall made any sudden move I swear I had lost a little breath.

Needless to say, our conversation came to an end when Mark showed up being absolutely relieved that he had finally found him.

Mark helped Niall up while I sat there. I eventually got up whipping down my pants from any dirt while Mark explained his worried state and how his job was on the line.

"It's okay Mark. He was in good hands." I presented one of my hands that was clearly dirty from dusting sweats off. It took me a second to filter what I was wearing and what I had just said to Mark.

Niall looked at me and did those well-known double takes that goes straight to your heart and causes it to beat insanely fast. "Your shirt brings irony to this situation."

To not see the irony is perfectly normal cause I didn't see it either.

"Let me explain," I don't know if he forgot but he poked me. Right in the boob. "He used to tell Mark the same thing." Right there on the my right if my chest. Zayn.

My mood dropped. My face went flat. My heart dam near faltered. My ears rang. My eyelids pooled. My fingers went numb.

"I'm glad you saw the irony in that statement. But I definitely wouldn't go through hell to make other people happy if it didn't bring me happiness in return."

I turned my heal. That's all. Turn away from Niall like it's all going to be okay.

He used to tell Mark the same thing.

"He's one of the youngest ones he needs to be watched over more, He's like my brothe'."

There it was the break if the March dam. I could hear Niall call out to me. He didn't know my name which didn't give him much options. I can tell you now, I am not a silent crier.

I felt a drive of energy as arms began to hold me. Nialls pale arms and hands around my stomach. He squeezed me causing my body to cave into myself. The last thing I remember feeling was the blood from my face drain.

I blacked out.
