Chapter Two- The Attack, and the Hunters and the Riders P1


(Dialect key:
Person speaking= "..."
Thoughts= "..."
(W)= whisper
Person Yelling= all caps

Tristin P.O.V.)

I followed the Nagûl for a about a half hour then it reached the castle.

Tristin: Come one Chill and Blaze hurry.

I reached into Chill and Blaze's saddle bag and pulled out my sword that Ellie gave me.

We landed above the Nagûl I was about to strike when I heard voices one was King Henry's and the other i had not heard before. I looked around the corner and saw one of the Shadow Nation Wraiths

Wraith: When well the next shipment be ready?

K. Henry: You won't have it

Wraith: Excuse me.

Henry: you heard me.

Wraith: Her Majesty will not be pleased with you.

The Wraith started coming to me and the Nagûl. A did what I could to hide. The Shadow Nation guy left and I climbed back to Chill and Blaze. I flew to the stables dropped off My dragon and ran as fast as I could back home.


Ellie's P.O.V)

When I got to the Tennyson house I told them about what had happened. Seth being the big brother he is wanted to go and blast that Nagûl to "kingdom come" then we heard the door open and Tristin came in panting.


I gave him the biggest hug I could.

Tristin: hi there *breath* nice to see you *breath* you won't believe what I found.

Nebula: What did you find?

Tristin: we are supplying the Shadow Nation with dust.

Ok I should explain when dust is. It is a mineral with magical properties. Usually Elemental and a few others.

3rd person P.O.V)

Seth,Nebula,Ellie: WHAT THE F---

writer: Hey no swearing like that please.

Seth,Nebula,Ellie: Sorry.

Ellie's P.O.V)

Seth got a call from his friend Revali. He works for the royal gaurd so he knows about the high up stuff. I have met him a few times he's nice.

Seth: Hey there Revali...yeah, I'm at home why...uh Tristin, Nebula, and Ellie is there a problem...and why would I do that?...ok what channel?... wow must be big

Seth held his phone between his shoulder and head as he turned on the TV. (Start at 1:58 and end at 2:35\/)

News announcer: We intrupt our usual program for this important news bulletin.

News guy: King Henry Hyrule the VIII has been killed. His body was found in his bathroom at eight o clock this evening.

News lady: royal gaurds Revali Enso, Soren Dark, and Steve Scuba found the body after hearing a shattering of glass. We will keep you updated every hour and a half for any new information.

Seth's P.O.V)

My phone fell from my hand at this news. I could hear Revali on the line.

Revali: Seth...Seth you there what was that noise?

I picked up my phone and put it to my ear.

Seth: Hey I'll call you...back.

I hung up on Revalli and looked at every one else. Tristin and Nebula looked scared. Elie was on the verge of crying. She then latched onto my brother and cried into his shoulder. I know this thought is out of place here but man they look cute together. Our phones started going nuts with notifications from texts from family and friends. He looked at the first three he saw

Yang: Seth have you seen the news?! Ruby is freaking out.

Izuku: Seth what's going on my Mom is going histaric right now.

Revali: look man I know i am not a Dragon person like you but tell me when the next meeting is I have some thing I have to say

Ellie: I can't believe he's gone.

Tristin tried to comfort Ellie but having little success.

I texted Yang, Ruby, Izuku, and Revali.

Seth: Emergency meeting. my place. now.

Nebula: what's going to happen now.

Seth: I called an emergency meeting. Every one is meeting here.

An hour later every one arrived.

We sat down at the table

Seth: so Revali what is it you wanted to tell us.

Revali: Yes I do. As you know the King is dead and I know why.

Yang: Why did the King die for anyway.

Revali: in fear of his daughter and his life we has supplying the Shadow Nation with dust.

Izuku: Wh-What!

Revali: And now because he refused he was killed and now the princess is missing and most likely dead.

The alarm went off and I ran out side. I saw hundreds no thousands of Nazgûl dragons coming from the north. I dashed back inside and up to my room. And grabbed the egg I found and my latest invention the Drago-sphere. (Think poke ball but for dragons) I tossed two to each person, which they caught.

Seth: we need to evacuate now we have Nazgûl from the north.

We ran for the stables and fire rained down upon us. We had arrived and got our dragons ready to fly Revali had a Razor Whip named Gale

And Yang had AN ORBITAL MARVEL! That she named Carol.

Seth: Yang do you any idea how lucky you are to have one of those.

Yang:(highpicthed squeak) I know , I know.


The entrance that connected the hanger to city collapsed and I looked at every on they where already in flight suits and in their Dragons. But Izuku was missing.

Yang: Hey where did Izuku go.

Ruby: he had to go to The house of Toshinori Yagi for his Dragon.

Seth: ok well one of you tell him where we are going. *gets on Shadow Storm* alright people let's move out I'll catch up.

Yang: wait where are you going?

Seth: *taking off* I need to grab something.

Shadow Storm and I took off with blitzing Speed as he made a break for the base of Mount Lanayru. Where he found a cave. Shadow Storm sent echolocation blast. Right, left, right, left, down, right, left, up, left, left, up. We came to a room and the lights came on themselves as we entered. This is my secret place this is where I go to get away from my life and do my research.

I found this place a few years ago. When i first found this place I was unable to make heads or tails of it. But then I found a way to translate it. So I set up a Data lense making set up and started copying it onto lenses in case something like this would happen one topic could take two or three lenses. The ones on dragons took like one or two. I keep my more sensitive marital here, which is what I am here for I grab all the lense sets I could and put them in a bag, I then grabbed some tools, a few small machines, I then grabbed some gift boxes that I had made for the gang. After that I went to find the room where the power source is. When I got there I removed all three of the power cores or ZPM as I call them.

I returned and put them in a bag.

Seth: Sorry bud if this is a heavy load.

Shadow Storm quietly roared back.

With what little power that was left I shut every thing down and locked it. Only I had the code. Strangely the circle things Sheild was on looks like that it has a different power source but not stroung enough to start up this place. I grabbed my lense viewer, hopped on Shadow Storm and flew out. The city was swarming with Wraith killing anyone on the ground either by sword or eating their life. Shadow Storm flew as fast as he could. To the Evac Island.

I finally got there I met up with every one. Sadly I got punched in the face by none other then Yang.


Yang: You had us worried. What could possibly be so important that you had to go back?

Seth: I had mitairal that would be very bad in the Shadow Nation's hands.

She punch harder than normal wonder if that was cause she Is angry.

Tristin: Hey Seth what are these?

I looked at him and saw him holding a ZPM.

Seth: Oh that is a power source I was working on. Supposed to last ten thousand years in the Nation's power plant. Unless something requires more than ten Naitions.

Tristin put it back then came to the group.

Seth: So where did Ellie?

Izuku: she went to the near by village to see if we can get a boat or something. So how bad was it?

Seth: War what else. Don't know how many got out but I'd say maybe a third got out and are heading to the Myth Nation. Oh bye the way I have somthing for All of you when Ellie gets back

Nose was healed when Ellie came back and with a large boat good thing we brought as much as our wallets could hold. Cause it looked like this\/




ooh free boat nice. Hope they don't mind. Any way we got on the boat I a passed around the gifts I made them. For Nebula a gave a more advanced version of her current one

For Tristin I gave him the ring he asked for. No idea why but I think it has to do with some girl *wink wink*

Yang i gave her some gauntlets

Izuku some gauntlets as well but with blades on them

Ruby a scythe that can turn into a sniper gun

For Revali a bow

And Ellie a cool multi sword

(All photos that say a weapon has multiple function are correct)

They seemed thrilled. You know I wonder way I haven't noticed this, but Yang looks cute in her flight suit.

Could be because we where all about to die. But what ever. And i like it when people try and match their dragons in some way. I also couldn't help but notice Izuku was looking at Ruby. Wonder why but, WHO CARES! Any way we got set up in the ship. And then set sail and went west. During our first two months we came across some Dragon Hunters the we easily sent running with their tails between their legs with the cannons. We where camping out near an island when we saw a orange light in the sky. Almost like fire. I had asked Revali to grab Gale and check it out. Oh and we are calling the boat, the black pearl.

Revali's P.O.V)

Gale and I Took off from the Pearl. And into the night. We close In on the light. It turns out to be people and Dragons one of them being a Monstrous Nightmare. When we caught up we heard the riders on the dragon below.

???: All right, remember guys, Viggo is a master of deception. We have to be one step ahead of him at all times or it's game over.

???2: Sounds a little to me like it's already game over,

???3: Yep, that was my interpretation.

Then, flaming Arrow's started coming out of nowhere.

???4: Whoa! Where are those coming from?

???1: Beneath the cloud cover. They must have ships down there.

???4: How did they know we were up here?"  They all glared at the rider near the back as his Monsteruos Nightmare set himself on fire.

???5: What? I was chilly. Now I'm warm and toasty.

???1: We must be close to the island.

???6: Uh, Hiccup!

Hiccup: Viggo's base!

???5: Are you sure that's it? It looks kinda deserted.

A huge burst of fire came out of nowhere.

Hiccup: And I stand corrected.

They all looked around and saw what was causing the fire.

???5: He's using flipping Typhoomerangs as blowtorches!?

???6: I thought you liked it toasty.

???5: I like toasty. Not toasted.

???2: I have to say, you totally undersold this guy, Hiccup. He's way more devious than-

He was cut off as they all had to dodge the fire.

Hiccup: Look out!

???6: Maybe we should turn back? Find a place to regroup? There's no way we're getting through that.

Hiccup: No. All this is just a distraction.

Revali: It's fire, Sir. Actual fire!

???2: I'm gonna have to concur on that one,

One of the Riders on a Zippleback's helmet was on fire.

Hiccup: What The- who are you?!

Revali: Revali, Revali Enoso you know me and my friends would love to help.

Seth's P.O.V)

I was sleeping peacefully when the alarm bell rang and Yang barged into my room.

Seth: Ah abandon ship abandon ship we're in Mogsverse AAAAHHH!

Yang: Seth. Revali is back. Every one else is on deck.

I got up slugishly and met up with the group. I went to the main deck of the boat where I met the new riders

Seth: So you mind telling me why I am up in the middle of the night?

Revali: Well these guys where about to attack the dragon hunters base nearby. And this guy was the light in the sky.

Seth I walked over to Snotlout and slapped him across the face knocking off his helmet

Seth: that is for waking me up. Any way Seth Mandolor Tennyson co-captain of the Black Pearl. What can we do for you.

They filled us in and I had the perfect plan.

Seth: Yang Nebula. Get the dry ice.

They nodded  knowing what I mean.

Seth: time to see if the Dragon Hunters know the real legend of the Pearl.

3rd person P.O.V)

Seth was at the helm. Yang and Nebula where dumping our dry ice into the sea turning it into mist. Hiccup and his group where in the sky the Pearl moved to the back of island. When the Pearl was in position Seth, Yang, and Nebula dumped as much dry ice as they could.

The hunters on the island stood ready as the fog moved in and covered the beach. Then the top of the Pearl could be seen. There was  a loud *BANG!* sand and men flew into the air screaming. Another bang this time it hit a catapult it shot apart. Another bang it hit the cliff face and boulders fell onto cages. The pearl fired more shots so that Hiccup's team could move in.
