Chapter four- The Wraith Ship


(Dialect key:
Person speaking= "..."
Thoughts= "..."
(W)= whisper
Person Yelling= all caps


Yang's P.O.V)

We have been at Berk for a few weeks and it has been some what boring so we decided that they go and investigate a rumour that has been going around about a ghost ship kidnapping little kids in the east. So we went to see a "friend" of Seth. His name was Ves-something or other. They met on one of Seth's research expeditions that took him outside the border one time. Seth said he was a bard. We set sail for a day or so until we came to and island that was covered by a storm. Izuku and Ruby opted to stay on Berk for awhile.

Seth's P.O.V)

Yang, Nebula, and I put on our cloaks and made our way to the Tavern where my friend was sure to be given his...habitats. while Tristin and Ellie stayed on the ship. We entered the Tavern and put our cloaks on the hooks near the door.

Yang: So who are we here to see again?

We could here some one get on one of the tables. A boy with aqua eyes, blue hair border line on black, with short twin braids that fade into aqua at the tips. He wears a frilly white top with a corset-like leather midsection, along with teal shorts with gold embroidery, a matching teal cape held together by a deep blue and gold bow. He also wears white stockings with three gold diamond shapes along each leg. Started to sing. (The song below\/)( this is also what he sounds like.)

???: 🎶Lost in the wind a whisp on its own where to begin, the journey unfolds trapped by the storm and longing for sky a boy longs for freedom reaching for wings to fly

Let me tell you of Mondstadalor's true beginnings if you care to listen.

About a heroic bard! Not me of course, one braver than I. This is his story of rebellion, his fight to see past the storm, to see the sky..

"rile up the crowd fight back against the king" he sings to the wind his voice carries on "gather your arms and rally to me, steel up your heart and fight to be free!"

Tear down the lightning the thunder will fall Hurricanes rage through the people's resolve but bloody and battered the people will stand, whisp of the wind will hold on and do what he can

never deterred the people fight on the castle torn down, the king now is gone the boy tells the crowd, a tear in his eye "the city is free now look to the sky!"

glorious blue like the waters below gone is the storm that had kept it unknown see how the birds all rejoice in their flight see how the sun touches down with its light

but war is not won without anger and hate an arrow was notched and he noticed too late the boy stumbled back as it shattered his bones the whisp of the wind watched as he fell alone

tragedy strikes the most innocent hearts war is a chain that will leave lasting scars the whisp of the wind took the boys face and name in hopes that he might someday see him again.🎶

After he finished his song the whole tavern gave a round of applause. He bowed then we made eye contact.

???: Yo bar tender! Get me four ciders please!

He walked over.

???: Tennyson! How are you doing you old pirate?! So good to see you!

Seth: Vesper my man! It's good to see you to!

We gave each other a firm hand shake.

Vesper: ah I see you brought friends. Who might you two be?

Seth: Oh right Yang, Nebula. Meet Vespertilio Atlas Vulcan.

Vesper: nice to meet you and please call me Vesper. Now what can I do for you Seth.

The drinks came.

Vesper: So what brings you out this far?

Seth: Well given your ties we thought you might know something about a boat kidnapping people in the area.

Vesper: ah yes well I was on island not far from here and this ship you speak of came. It's many of the crew had long blades and pitch black robes and spoke in a strange language. But one had white hair, pale skin, and the others had black cloaks.

Seth,Nebula,Yang: The Wraith.

Vesper: Sorry Wraith, what are Wraith. Any way answer me later. So one of the villagers was being difficult and next thing I knew this Wraith as you call him. Grabbed the man chest or that's what it looked like. He appeared to suck the life from the poor man.

Seth: that was the Wraith feeding. They eat people. It is...something you don't want to go through.

I shivered at the memory of a expedition that I had went on a few months ago. I got captured by a enemy of the Shadow Nation but a not so friend up until a week ago. they had a starving Wraith held captive and had him feed on my for information. It wasn't pleasant.

Vesper: you sound like you know the feeling.

Seth: I'd rather not talk about it. Right now anyway Vesper.

Nebula: which way did they go after that.

Vesper: North from there the island is a few miles east of here.

Seth: Thanks man you have been a great help.

Vesper: yeah no problem man. Good luck with them Wraith. I hope I will see you soon.

Seth: Yeah bye man.

The three of us left the tavern and went back to the Pearl and set sail.

3rd Person P.O.V.)

It was now night and they where sleeping. When a figure in a dark blue cloak that fades to teal at the bottom climbed onto the ship. The figure started snooping around the main deck of the ship opening barrales of gunpowder. The person's foot bumped into some cannon balls and the stack fell with a series of thuds.

???: *Gasps*

Revali: *shorts and snors*

The person sighed in relief and kept looking around. He or she went below to search for anything of value. He or she didn't find anything of use so she moved to the captains cabin where Seth was at the desk with his face down on the top. The figure looked around and saw some full arm armor on the wall.

His racing helmet on a stand and the data lenses in a cabinet he or she reached for one she jumped when Seth shot straight up and screamed.


He then faceplates back onto the desk with a thud. The figure grabbed a lense and looked at it with the candle behind it and saw marking etched into the white crystal and moved closer to the candle which illuminated their face. She had fair skin, violet eyes could be seen through a blue  knight like face guard, and strands of blue an white hair could be seen. The candle light shown through the lense. It was faint but info on a kind of Dragon could be seen. She then lost her grip on the lenses and she watched it fall as it hit the floor with a clatter. She looked towards Seth who snorted awake.

Seth: *half asleep* Who huh who goes there. *snors*

He fell back in his chair.

???: Wow deep sleeper.

She picked up the lense. And put it in her pocket and kept looking around and saw a canister of black goo on Seth's desk. She then looked at the lense cabinet. She moved towards it when she stepped on a pressure plate and a yellow coo coo bird came from the clock it looked at Seth and said.

Bird: WAKE UP!!!

Seth fell from his chair and onto the floor.

Seth: ow... what?

The cloaked woman ran out through the door.

Seth: You stop right there!

She was almost to the front of the ship when Seth shot her in the back with electrified  Drac-Rachnia webbing. She screamed in pain as she fell to the deck unconscious. Seth wrapped up the strange woman and tied her to the main mast. He climbed up to the crowd nest and ring the bell.

Revali: I wasn't sleeping!

Seth: Intruder. main deck. Now.

He climbed down with Revali in suit and the other eventually came up in curiosity.

Yang: (sleepy) what's going on?

Nebula: maybe gas to do with them.

Nebula points to the tied up thief.

Seth: let's find out what she want other than the lense I found on her.

He pulled down the person's hood and lifted  the face guard revealing ocean blue and white hair with teal tips.

(Thanks lunime for your amazing app with it I was able wip up a temporary appearance for this character)

She opened her eyes and saw the crew of the Pearl looking at her. She looked scared for her life.

???: I-I-I-'m sorry Please let me go I-I-I-I nothing but a little girl please I won't come near your boat again i swear! Please don't kill me!

She kept rambling on about how she is it going to die and has a lot yet to live for.

Seth: Ok ok you can stop.

She kept yapping.

Seth: (Scottish) SHUT IT!

She closed her mouth.

Seth: Thank you.

She quickly nodded.

Seth: I would like you to answer a question for me.

???: (squeaky) Sure.

Seth: why did you take this lense?

???: (squeaky) I thought I could sell it for a lot of money.

Seth: and what is your name?

???: G-g-Galileah Q-quilin.

Seth: We will drop you off on the nearest island.

I pulled out a knife from his belt and severed the webbing keeping Galileah to the mast.

Seth: Follow me. I'll show you your room for now.

Seth headed towards the sleeping quarters  will Galileah close behind.

Seth: Ok this is where you will be staying. Wake up bell is at six am and then seven am. You will be staying here for a few days.

Galileah: thanks sir for not throwing me overboard.

Seth: Names Seth just for the record. And No coming into my office at night.

Galileah: Ok understood.

Seth: see you in the morning.

Seth walked back to the captains cabin and Galileah walked into her temporary room. And sat on the bed a little red in the face.

Galileah: this better not be Stockholm syndrome.

She layed down on the bed and feel asleep.

Seth's P.O.V)

I woke every one up at five thirty in the morning for a crew meeting.

Yang: So why are we having a meeting at five thirty in the morning?

Nebula: yeah bro I need my sleep.

Revali: is this about our guest?

Seth: Yes it is Revali. Miss Quillin is currently sleeping in the guest room. I was hopeing we could profile her in case we run into her again after we drop her off.

Reavli: As much as I want to agree with you Seth. We still have yet to find the Wraith ship we can't keep an eye on this girl at the moment.

Ellie: Why do you want to talk about her anyway.

Tristin: She is a risk at the moment. She could do anything.

Seth: that is true Tristin and as Revali said we have still yet to find the Wraith ship.

Revali: what if she wants to stay even when we drop her off.

I hurt a thud and it looks like every one else did to. I went to go check it out and saw Galileah out side with a Silver and blue bow shooting at a target.

I poked my head over the Steps as she fired and hit two thirds of an inch away from the target. She pulled another arrow from the quiver on her back and readied.

Seth: Your stands is wrong.

She jumped in fright quickly aims at me and fires. I moved my head a bit and the arrow hit the wood where my face was.

Galileah: Oh I'm sorry you scared me!

Seth: Nah it's good. Nice shot though this time though. Here let me show you how it's done. I pulled my Katana from the sheath on my waist and transformed it into a bow.

Galileah: where do I get one of those cause that was awesome!

Seth: Built it back home. Uh may I?

Galileah: Oh sure.

She pulled one of her arrows and handed it to me.

Seth: Thanks. Now whatch my form.

I took aim and fired

I hit it bang smack in the middle.

Galileah: nice shot way better then me.

Seth: you try now.

She mimicked to the best of her ability.

Galileah: Like this?

I Stepped behind her and tooked her arms and lifted them a bit and moved her foot back just a tad.

Seth: Fire when ready.

She took a deep breath in and released the arrow. And split the arrow I shot. And smiled. I moved away.

Seth: Good just keep on doing this and you will get better.

The sky grew dark and cold and started to rain really hard. I looked east and saw the same boat I had saw yesterday I climbed up to the crow's nest and grabbed a spyglass from the bag Revali had put up. I looked through it and zoomed in on the movement. I rang the bell Everyone else came up from below. And I Slid down the ladder.

Tristin: What's going on?

Seth: Wraith.

I ran up the stairs and took the helm and turn towards the ship at full speed.

Ellie: Wraith!

Galileah: Wraith? What's a Wraith?

Revali: All you have to know is Don't let them hit you with their swords or put their hand over your heart.

Seth: Tristin take the helm and take us to that ship. I'm getting my gear. I ran to the captains quarters and grabbed my full arm armor, a full quiver of arrows, and my helmet. I swiched my bow back to my sword and put it on my belt.

Seth: Alright every one get what you need and prepare for the battle of our lifes.

They all got what they got their rider gear on and stood behind me
(Nebula,Revali,Ellie,Tristin) \/

Seth: If they bring out Nagûle Tristin and Yang bring out Carol, Chill and blaze.

Yang,Tristin: got it.

*Time Skip cause I'm lazy)

Well that sucked. We are now in a jail cell . They took thr Armor off our Rider gear so all i had was the black full body thermal suit I wore underneath. I recognized one of the Wraith walking around the ship. We got separated into three different cells I got stuck Galileah. I heard the cell door open then close.

???: Well well well if it isn't Seth Tennyson. I have to say you have a habit of getting in trouble.

I turned to the door and saw a Wraith I know. He is more of an aquntance. I call him Todd.

Seth: Todd, how wonderful to here you voice again.

Todd: I see you made a friend. She looks...delicious.

Galileah moved closer to me. Todd laughed.

Todd: don't worry I ate before you attacked. In fact the Captain would like to see you.

Seth: Alright. Galileah stay here.

I went with Todd to the Captian of the ship. One another thing about Wraiths. The ship captains are always female. Todd's Cpatain had traditional pirate clothes her skin was the same as Todds and she had Magenta hair.

Captain: So this is one of the fools that attacked us.

Todd: Yes captain.

Captain: My I know the name of the man who dares attack this fine Shadow ship.

My hands where free. So I gave her my favorite finger. She kicked the thing between my legs. I fell to the ground in pain. Todd roughly grabbed me and pulled me up.

Captain: I'm getting rather hungry I think you will make an excellent snack.

She thrust her hand over my heart the pain was almost unbearable. My body tensed as I felt my life being taken from me. The captain relished in my pain. I felt my life return for some reason as I fell

Captain: put him back in his cell. And bring him back I couple of hours.

Todd: As you wish.

Todd grabbed me and dragged me back to the Cell. We passed the others and they where scared for me. We came to mine and Galileah's and Todd tossed me in. I slowly got up holding onto the wall for support.

Todd: I apologize for what we must put you through.

Seth: sympathy from a Wraith? Man you have a funny way of showing it.

Todd: See you in a few hours.

Todd left and I limped over to the bed. And laid down when I heard the door open and herd Galileah yelp in pain as she hit the floor and the door closed. I tried to get up but I was still weak after the feeding.

Galileah's P.O.V)

We where on that ship for days. Seth  was interrogated by the captain every few hours from morning to evening. After the first six times he was so tied and sick he even had trouble moving his own body. I started taking care of him. When he asked why I was doing this I told him I was repaying him. On the night of day three Todd slipped the keys into his food. I had to carry him and boy was he heavy. Though in all honesty he was eight inches taller then me. We located Nebula and Yang first. They went full on Big sister mode on him. We then found Tristin and Ellie and did the same. We made it out with there stuff and back to the ship. After we sailed away we where all waiting outside for Nebula to give us news.

(Hi there sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I have been busy doing other things. Please please please tell me what you think so far.)
