5. Changes

Draco's POV

As I left the bath, I thought about how we could've been friends. If I had been born in a different family. If I had been sorted into gryffindor. If I hadn't been a complete arse to the three of them on the train 7 years ago. I somehow knew that Hermione would've been better friends with me than those twats. We are alike in many ways, including sharing the love of books and a determination to succeed. Maybe things would've been better.
Without bothering to put any clothes on, I just jumped into bed and let my thoughts take over me.
I hadn't expected her to be in the bath and I was genuinely surprised that she let me come in.
In fact, in all the years in the past, I was always the one to start teasing her or bullying her. She had even tried to be nice a few times. I was such a fool to think she was trying to trick me. I mentally slapped myself, now, for all the times I hexed her. Whenever I'd get in a brawl with Potter, she was the one to break us apart. She was genuinely a good person- since the beginning.
I remembered how her collarbones popped out of her body. She had becaome thinner. I thought about how her smile touched her ears and her brown eyes lit up when I told her about my decision. Even after everything that I put her and her friends through, she could still forgive me. The true mark of a good heart.
I got off my soft, satin, black sheets and put on my boxers and pants. I was having a hard time deciding which shirt to wear when I heard a scream.

3rd person's POV

He went outside his room and knocked on her door multiple times and asked if she was okay. She continued to call out for help. He tried the handle but the door was locked.
He went back to his room and into the bath. He tried her door from there and to his surprise, it clicked open.

She had been thinking about how things may have turned out, had the circumstances been different. She was thinking about Draco's stunning physique when it happened. She felt as if she was being choked as she immediately screamed for help. Her mind flashed images of all the people who died. Her ears were ringing with multiple screams. Tears and fear started filling her up.

He saw her clutching her chest and gasping for air and he immediately knew. This had happened to him countless times. Madam Pomfrey said it was because they all had something called Post traumatic stress disorder. And this caused these panic attacks. She had also told him that there was no particular medicine or spell to treat it. The person just has to be consoled.

She was lying on the floor and whimpering so he held her by the sides of her arms and hoisted her up. He noticed that she had decided to stay in her robe too. She was trembling with fear as he laid her down on the bed. Her hand was gripping his bare back. He sat next to her and wiped the sweat off her forehead and the tears from her cheeks with the back of his hand and sat down on her bed next to her frail body that was still shivering. She held onto his hand and the shivering seemed to die down a little. He moved his hips forward and lay down next to her when she immediately buried her head into his chest. Her cold face pressed against his warm body. He kept saying over and over again that everything was okay now.
He stayed there till her heavy, deep breaths turned into soft, calm ones.
He slowly un-twined her fingers from his and removed her other hand from his chest. He slowly placed her head on her pillow when she stirred awake.

Draco's POV

Her first reaction when she saw me was panic. I felt bad that every time she saw me, the first thing she felt is panic. Then she noticed that I was shirtless and she was only wearing a robe and pulled up her sheets to cover herself.
Then her look of curiosity turned to one of realization.
"Th...thank you" she said, weakly.
"It's no problem. Are you alright?"
My expression of concern was returned with pleasant surprise.
"I've been better" she said, honestly.
"Well, will you be okay on your own?"
"I think so" she said, but she was uncertain.
"Okay then... Take care" I said and started walking away toward the open door to the bath.
"Wait." I spun around "Thank you." She said, again.
I nodded reassuringly, with my hands in my pockets as I shut the door behind me.
