7. Control

Draco's POV

She was so beautiful. Especially when she laughed. I was about to enter my room when-

"Draco. Wait" She did it again. Whenever she said my name, it was like fireworks went off in my chest.

"Its a hogsmeade weekend and I think I'm going to go" She looked at the floor and then back at me.

"Okay." I said.

"Okay what?" She asked

"Okay I'll go with you." I replied and her cheeks reddened to match her lips.

"That's not what I- " I loved to see her blush like this.

"Hermione" I cut her off and her face lit up. She adjusted her posture and put her hands on her hips. I had the same effect on her. It felt good to know that. She slowly walked towards her door.

"By the way, its Hogsmeade weekend every weekend. Seventh year- benefits." I said.

"God do they even want us to study? Parties, Hogsmeade all the time, no curfew. "

"What are you worried about? You could write the exam tomorrow and still get the highest.p" She blushed again. If only she knew what she did to me.


3rd person's POV

Hermione put on a black crop top to go with her dark blue jeans and brown boots. She looked at herself in the mirror and fussed at how much of her stomach showed. Ginny had gotten her a bunch of clothes in Diagon Alley since she thought, with the influence of Ron and Harry, Hermione always dressed like a man. At least that was comfortable. She thought. Hermione was sure that in everything that Ginny got her, more was shown than covered. She wore a comfortable coat that covered her arms. She left it unbuttoned since she would probably sweat if she didn't. It was only September.

Draco rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt which contrasted his pale skin and hair. He went outside, sat on the couch and waited for Hermione. When she finally came out of her room, his eyes widened. "Wow" he exhaled to himself. She noticed him and pulled her coat closer together. He beckoned her towards the portrait and they stepped out.

"We're matching" She said, as we walked towards the stairs.

"I always wear black." He said, grinning.

"Well, at least it suits you" he chucked. This was probably the first time she had complimented him.

"So... Does this mean we're friends now?" he asked.

"I guess. I mean there's no use being at each other's throats right? Let's cherish this last year." she held out her hand.

"I think we're past handshakes Granger." he said and pulled her in for a hug. Many stared and pointed. But they didn't care. She felt safe in his embrace. Her head only came up to his chest. they both broke away and smiled at each other. It wasn't awkward between them at all.

Once they reached the station, they saw that the train had already left.

"Wanna walk?" he asked.

"Sure. How long do you think it would be?"

"Well, it's a thirty minute walk" he said matter- of -factly.

"So what are we waiting for?" She said and he held out his arm. She looped her hand around his and they started walking. As they spoke, they realised how much they had in common. Books, classes, movies, etc.

They said hello to Madam Rosemerta and asked for two butterbeers when Draco found Goyle, Pansy and the new kid sitting in a corner. They looked at him in shock as his hand was still looped into Hermione's. He thought for a second if he should just let it go and walk over to that table. But he decided against it and still walked to the table, dragging a reluctant Hermione with him.

"Whats the mudblood doing here?" sneered Goyle.

"I should probably-" Hermione tried to get up. Draco placed his hand on her arm.

"No. Stay. Goyle, apologise to her. And either of you will not call her that again." And they nodded. Hermione was surprised at how both, Pansy and Goyle obediently nodded. A small fur of dislike was growing inside of her. She hated how he controlled and barked orders at them but she was also thankful that they would stop picking on her . Draco immediately cringed that his behaviour reminded him of his father.

"Thank you" hermione muttered under her breath so only he could hear it.

"Again, you need to stop saying that" he said, with a smile playing on his lips and turned away to make conversation with the other two. Hermione turned away and noticed him for the first time.

"Luke. Luke Anderson" he introduced himself.

"Hermione Granger" They shook hands.

"I know."


"You should be surprised if people don't recognise you" he said. "So Harry Potter and that Weasley boy didn't come back?" he asked.

"Uhh.. No. They decided to stay back and join the Auror Program."

"Right" he said. "Krum's told me about you" he suddenly said.

"Viktor? You know him?"

"Know him? He's my cousin. Course I do"

"So you're from Durmstrang too?" She asked.

"Yeah. My mother got a job at the ministry so my father, brother and I moved here."

"So if you're from Bulgaria, how come you don't speak like-"

"How come I don't have an accent?" He completed before she nodded.

"Well, I lived here till I got my letter from Durmstrang. My mother is a wizard and my father is a muggle so I'm like half Bulgarian. I was there for six years but I didn't really get an accent. I can imitate one if I want to though" he said and sang something along the lines of 'oggy varthy ogvaarths' and she gave out a hearty laugh.
Draco whipped his head around. He noticed that the new guy had made some joke and that's what made her laugh. She looked inhumanly beautiful. He wished that he'd have spent his time making her laugh rather than making her cry.
He felt a pang of jealousy and regret.

"You want to check out this bookstore?" Draco asked her.

"Sure!" She replied excitedly and said goodbye to the others. Luke got up and walked along with then which annoyed Draco but to his relief Luke stopped at the bar and bid them his goodbye as they walked out.

They bought 4 books each and decided to walk back to Hogwarts instead of taking the train. The evening sky was beautiful. Starting with red, the sky extended in pastels of ochre, blue and violet.

As they walked, hand in hand in a comfortable silence, both of them were thinking about the other.
