Kohaku With Modern S/O HCS

Two words... power couple...

So like, Kohaku and s/o would have so many conversations about the modern world. S/o would tell Kohaku the most unbelievable things and Kohaku doesn't believe them until Senku confirms it lmao.

If s/o knows about martial arts and such, Kohaku loves to listen!! And like, if s/o practices like karate, taekwondo, judo, etc, Kohaku would be so so amazed!!! If s/o is willing Kohaku would beg them to teach her some moves!

"How are you so strong even without a weapon?!"

"Your fists are your weapons, Kohaku-chan!"

Literally, anything s/o does, Kohaku is like, "S/o, how did you do that??" One time, Kohaku caught s/o drawing with a bit of writing next to it.

"S/o!!! What is this sorcery??"

"This isn't sorcery, it's drawing."

"It looks really good!! What's this writing?"

"Have you ever heard of poetry, Kohaku-chan?"

"Erm.. no."

"Well, in the modern world, there were all kinds of poems, haikus, sonnet, limericks..."

Kohaku would listen to every single word s/o would say. She's actually really interested in this stuff! When no one's around, she might try to do the things s/o does, like writing, drawing...

If s/o is not strong, then she'll protect them forever!! She puts their safety before hers and just... s/o has to stop Kohaku from making rash decisions and running into danger.

Would teach s/o how to whoop ass just in case she's not there.

If s/o knows gymnastics, please teach her it!! I think she'll be really good at it since she's already so flexible. S/o would tell her about the famous gymnasts and about the international Olympics... just good times man.

One time Senku gave s/o a grueling task to do and to carry a lot of supplies. Kohaku was not aware of this and when she found out she knocked Senku on the head so hard and rushed to take care of s/o.

When s/o is stressed, she brings her the big jar of hot water for s/o to bathe in like she did for Ruri! Once s/o invited Kohaku to join them and Kohaku fell down lmao.

S/o would tell them about jacuzzis and onsens, and about the big neighborhood pools!

Bro, Ruri and s/o would be best friends. Ruri would tell s/o about all the embarrassing things Kohaku did as a kid and describe all of the memories they had since they were children... both of you just go uwu while talking about Kohaku.

Getting Ruri's and her dad's blessings mean the world to her. She secretly wants to live a long, happy life with her s/o.

Play! With! Kohaku's! Hair! Ok, it might hit s/o in the face with its frizziness, but!! Just tangle your fingers in it! She loves it when s/o does that! Do fancy hairstyles!

"S/o, this is a braid... but I've never seen it done like this!"

"This is called a french braid! It was very popular back in my days!"

"Suika wants one too!"

"Hmm, I'll do a braided bun for you, Suika!"

Eventually, all the girls in the village were crowded around s/o, in awe of the adorable hairstyles. S/o ends up making a store called "S/O's Deluxe Hairstyling" lmao.

If anyone is bothering s/o, Kohaku will fight them no lie. No one messes with her s/o and gets away with it. She may or may not break their arm.

Hype Kohaku up!! Lowkey, sometimes she feels bad that the only thing she is really good at is fighting. But!! Tell her that her strength is amazing!! She loves it when her s/o compliments her!

She may be called gorilla and lioness a lot... but please call her sweet stuff too... honey, cutie pie, sugar, sweetie, anything... make her blush...

Once, s/o told her about Valentine's Day/White day!! Since then, she's been counting the days till February 14 by repeatedly bothering Senku and asking him what day it is.

She asked Kaseki to help her with her gift. Even though it wasn't the best, it made s/o's heart explode. She glued many pieces of paper together in a heart shape so it wouldn't rip easily. On, it, crudely written in Japanese, (which she annoyed Senku so he could teach her how to write) was "I love you more than anything" - Kohaku. She left a bouquet of flowers next to it as well.


Kohaku does try her best... please love her and give lots of hugs...
