Kissing HCS For Gen and Senku

So we all know that Gen loves to tease his (s/o) and call them cute names. So, of course, his kisses would tease his (s/o) too!

Sometimes Gen would woo his (s/o) with sweet words, cupping their cheek and caressing their hair. Now, this can go two different ways. Gen swoops in and gives his (s/o) a loving kiss. Or, if he wants to poke fun at (s/o), as soon as his (s/o) closes their eyes and is prepared to receive the kiss, he abruptly moves away and leaves them hanging. He loves to see their frustrated, blushing, pouting face as they scold him for leading them on. Of course, he'll make up for this by giving them a real kiss and lots of cuddles!

Gen's first kiss with his (s/o) would be really adorable and endearing. He'll be slightly nervous, but he realizes, he had the courage to ask (s/o) out and they said yes. So why should he be nervous about a kiss? He shouldn't, right?

You know how he always puts his hands in that position where his purple haori thing hangs down so you can't see his hands? He'll be doing that a lot, fiddling with his sleeves in anticipation. (s/o) questions why he's doing that, but Gen just smiles and says it's nothing.

Here's the kicker. It's a cold night, and in the stone world there's no radiator or heaters, so the only way to keep warm is to (cuddle the hell out of Gen) wearing thicker clothes, right? Haha, of course not.

"Gen," his (s/o) calls in a soft, loving voice. He turns to face them and boom. His (s/o) takes hold on his sleeve and goes inside it, cupping his hand and brings it outside. (S/o) gently squeezes it and asks him what's wrong, saying it's their duty to make sure he's ok.

For once in his life, he's pretty shocked. He's moved by your words. His eyes gaze at your beautiful face, noticing how the moonlight perfectly blends in with your features. He notices how soft and supple your lips look. He wonders how'll they feel on his.

He leans in, barely noticing his (s/o)'s questioning look. He can feel (s/o)'s warm breath, and soon, his lips connect with theirs. His heart is beating, go thump, thump, thump. He squeezes (s/o's) hand, and they squeeze back. (S/o) gently kisses back, using their other hand to comb their fingers Gen's hair. It's eternal bliss.

Senku isn't the biggest on physical intimacy. He more appreciates the fact that you've always been there for him, and will always be there while he rebuilds civilization from scratch.

But Senku isn't dumb. Relationships, physical and sexual attraction are all part of science. He knows being a romantic relationship means there will most likely be kissing and hand-holding. After all, its human nature.

So whenever Senku drops a kiss, (s/o) knows he is in a good mood. Senku being in a good mood means more kisses, and (s/o) will 100% exploit use this to get more kisses. Senku's kisses will more be on the cheek or forehead, and usually a quick peck. He's a busy man, after all.

Senku's kisses are quite soft and gentle, contrary to what most people might think. Senku knows that he is quite obsessed with science, and it takes up most of his time. So he thanks his (s/o) for being able to love someone like him, and shows it with his gentle kisses.

When Senku first kissed you, everyone was mind-blown. How could a demon, as Kohaku would say, managed to get a cutie like (s/o)? Ginro complains about how someone like Senku can get a girl but he can't. Everyone in Ishigami Village ships you.

When Senku kisses (s/o) on the lips, it's usually after a dire situation. Perhaps when his (s/o) was taken hostage by Tsukasa, or when he was revived from the "dead," that would definitely call for a kiss on the lips. (S/o) would stare into his red jewels for eyes and sob about how worried they were, while Senku would give you a genuine smile and let out his signature statement.

"Kukuku, (s/o), I am 10 billion percent sure that I am never going to leave you."
