8. The truth



Y/N was woken up by silver, shaking her lightly.
"Where's jimbo?" He whispered, nodding to Jims empty hammock.

Y/N shrugged, rubbing her eye tiredly. "Probably with morph" she yawned. "I heard 'em running around not to long ago"

"And why weren' you with them?"
When Y/N didn't answer he rolled his eyes, she was going with the plan to play dead.

"C'mon" he nodded for her to get out, so she did.

She quickly pulled on her boots, adjusted her shirt and followed after Silver.
He pulled a purp out from his pocket, rubbed it on his jacket and threw it back to Y/N. "Breakfast"
He lead her to the dining area, where most of the crew already was.

"Where sick of all this waiting!"

"There's only three of 'em left!"

"We are vrunting to move!"

Y/N walked off to a table and sat herself on top. Uninterested.

"We don't move till we got the treasure in hand!" Silver scolded them all.

"I say we kill 'em all now" scroop croaked with a smirk, presenting his claw proudly.

"I say what's t' say!" Silver yelled, grabbing Scroops face and pulling him back down.
"Disobey my orders again like that stunt you pulled with Mr Arrow any my daughter, so help me you'll be joining him!"
Silver threw scroop against the barrel of purps that sat not to far away my

"I'm on your side? Why'd you even try to kill me?"

Scroop eyed her angrily, hissing before looking between both Sikver and Y/N.

"Strong talk, but I know otherwise" scroop put his hand into the barrel, trying to reach for a purp.

"Spit it out" Y/N spat, pushing herself off the table to glare back at Scroop. Her arms crossed.

"It's that boy!" He hissed with a smug smirks. "Me thinks you have a soft spot for him" Scroop poked the purp, it's purple juices now leaking out. "The both of ye..." he glared from Y/N to Silver.

"How are we supposed to believe that you weren't close to swapping sides?" Scroop only glared at Y/N now who's arms were crossed as she glared back.

"So kill me?!" Y/N shrieked. Lifting up her a hand and gesturing to herself. "I'd die before I would make myself untrustworthy to-"
Her voice began to get louder, so did Scroops.

"I'd best believe it! With me own eyes I saw-"

"It was you guys who encouraged me to get close with him! Now you want to-"

Silvers gaze darkened with Scroops accusations and he was getting annoyed with the growing noise.
"Now mark me, the lot of ya!"

Y/N and Scroop became quiet, still annoyed with each-other as they turned to Silver. "We care about one t'ing and one t'ing only! Flints trove!" Silver reminded the crew.
"You'd think we'd risk it all for the sake of some nose wiping little whelp?!"

"What was it now? You've got the makings of greatness in ye!" Scroop clasped his hands together by his neck. "I'm gonna miss you!" He spoke in a higher pitched voice to mimic Y/N.

Y/N gritted her teeth and huffed, somewhat embarrassed. "It's doesn't take a lot to fool you does it?! You think I meant all that crap?! He's been pestering onnn to me for weeks about who knows what." Y/N said, dragging out her words to make it seem like she was tired of it. "The only talented thin about him is he knows how to use the map" Y/N lied, motioning with her hands as she exhaled.

She pictured how Jim would react if he could hear her right now, her heart clenched with guilt upon seeing the look of betrayal on his face.

But thankfully he wasn't here, and would hopefully never find out what's she had said.

"I cozied up to that kid to keep him off our scent!" Silver added, brushing it off with the wave of his hand. "But I ain't gone soft" he pointed his finger at Scroop.

Y/N started to storm out.

"I wonder where you're going off to" Scroop called after her sarcastically.

She Turned to face him fists clenched. "I- shut up!"

"Land ho!" Someone yelled from above, the crew muttered cheerfully before running up into the deck.


Y/N couldn't help but grin, gripping at the ledge of the ship as basically everyone awed at the planet they were soon to land on.

Jim needs to see this.

Junking back from the edge, Y/N quickly scanned over the deck for Jim, but she couldn't find him.

Her smile never faltered however, she jogged down the ship to try and find him.
"How could he not be here?" She mumbled to herself, still trying to find him.

She hadn't checked the galley yet, maybe he had come in for some breakfast?

She ran down the steps, but ran into Jim as he was running up.
They both yelped, falling down the stairs onto each-other.

Once they finally hit the ground, Y/N laughed. She had fallen on top but her hands stopped her from completing crushing him.
Y/N grinned down at him as just looked up blankly, like he was still processing something.

"Jim! We're here! We're actually here!" She giggled, quickly stepping up and grabbing ahold of him to help him up.
but he yanked her off, glaring at the back of her head as she passed.
"I remember reading this story to my siblings, I don't think they enjoyed it as much as I did though..." she rambled on, it could but her some time.

She had pretended not to notice his aggressiveness.
He knows. Her heart dropped.

She pretended she didn't sense his anger, feel the yank or see the glare he had on her as she passed.
Instead, she reached up for a glass from the cabinets in front of her.
"You wanna glass of water?" She sounded cheery, wanting him to believe she hadn't caught on yet.

"No. I-I'm good" his voice was cold, he turned his head, watching as she grabbed a glass.
Y/N spotted Morph fly up from a barrel from the side of her eye.

Taking a sip of the water, Y/N turned around to face Jim.
There it was, he was glaring at her darkly from just before the steps. It made her heart fall out of her chest.

"Hey silver!" Y/N yelled, slowly making eye contact with Jim. His face slightly falling as Y/N began to hold the same glare.
"You left your spyglass in the galley"

Jim slightly gasped, making another run for the stairs but this time being blocked by Silver who had heard Y/Ns call.

Silver paused for a second. Looking between Jim's suddenly alerted Aura and Y/N who was across the galley.
"...playing games, are we?" Silver caught on, walking down the steps, causing Jim to back away.

Y/N silently walked forward, so that Jim would be stuck in between.

"Yeah, yeah we're playing games" Jim replied, no hint of humour.

"I was never much good at games" Silver replied, stroking his chin as he stalked further into Jim. "Always hated to lose"
He cocked the gun on his robot arm from behind his back.

Y/N saw Jim reaching for the pliers behind him on the table, she casually walked to Silvers side, leaning over the table and grabbing ahold of the pliers, mockingly spinning the handle with the fingers.
Jim eyed it angrily.

"Hm" Jim hummed, his eyes traveling didn't to the dagger Y/N always kept on her thigh. "Me to!"

He leaped and grabbed the dagger from Y/Ns thigh who had let out a gasp.
He stabbed a hole into Silvers fake foot, causing him to yell in 'pain' as the steam started to escape.

using his arms, Jim pushed Y/N onto the floor before running up the stairs.

Y/N quickly got up to follow Jim, running out from the galley to see Jim, she scanned around for him but didn't need to work that hard as Silver managed to climb onto deck enough to scan the deck with his mechanical eye.

He quickly stood up, now whistling for the crew to hear.
"Change in plan lads!" Silver yelled with a smirk, conjuring a sword on his hand. "We move now!"

The crew cheered, sliding down from the shrouds to assist at Silvers side.

Y/N ran back down into the galley, quickly collecting a spare dagger out from a drawer before running back onto deck.

When she ran back out she noticed that they had already sprung out their pirate flag.

"Where are they?" Y/N quickly turned to Silver who was already look to the place that Jim had escaped to.

"Captains office"

The crew took off to the office, using their laser Fine to weld a hole into the door.

Silver grunted frustratedly. "No need to take all day abou' it!"
He pushed everything to the side, now clicking on a large blaster and firing at the door, making in burst into pieces.

Y/N pushed pass everyone to make it to Silvers side, quickly scanning around the room as no one was longer inside.
She spotted a small hole into the ground.

She jumped right in, seeing the group of three just turn a corner.
"Help her!" Silver yelled, throwing another crew member down.

She could hear Delberts unsure yells as they run.

Y/N however was very quickly on her feet, she was catching up to them but was held back as Amelia has closed the heavy metal door on her.
"NO!" Y/N blurted, banging her knife on the door as she yelled in frustration.

"Open it! Hurry!" She shrieked as a crew member finally reached her and started to weld the door.

Once it was blasted open Y/N quickly took notice of the longboat headed out. She quickly ran to the controls and turned it off, causing the opening to start to close again.

Amelia saw the hatch closing. "Ah Blast it!" She cursed bridge looking to see Y/N was the one to cause it.
She smiled guiltily, holding her hands behind her back in shame.
But she couldn't back away now. This was all she knew.

"Morph here morph!"

Y/N whirled her head towards the yells, seeing that Jim had jumped out of the boat to take the map back from morph.

Then silver popped out form the side, now also whistling for morph to head towards him
"Morphy come here!"

"Morph morph! bring it here! Morph come here!" Jim spoke in an affectionate tone.

"Com' here! Com' here boy"

"Morph over here!"

"Come to your dad!"

"Come here!"

"C'mon boy!"

"Morph! Morph! Morph" Jims tone now became more firm and impatient.

Not sure if you to run to, morph flew into a bundle of ropes.
Silver tried to crawl after him but as Jim was able to actually run on his feet, he was able to reach the map quicker.

Silver pointed his gun towards him as he ran, but couldn't bring himself to shoot.

Jim was then halted as Y/N blocked his path, holding her knife out towards him.

Jim eyed it, another look of betrayal washing over his face, he looked between the knife and Y/N.

She wouldn't actually?


"I'm really sorry Jim" Y/N said sincerely, but Jim didn't trust it.

"Y/N. Move" he spoke dangerously under his breath, holding the map behind him.

"I can't" Y/N shook her head, her knife still aimed.

Not having much time and not much of a choice, the long boat had started moving again.

He kicked her feet, making Y/N yell and almost fall through, but she caught herself just barely with her fingers.

"Lass!" Silver shrieked, quickly scurrying over to pull her up.
They were panting. Silently looking to one another to see their boat fly away.

"The cannon!" Y/N panted to silver, he too grew concerned.

Her legs were already wobbly but she quickly ran back up into deck, spotting an alien sitting in the cannon, aiming it towards the life boat that the three escaped it.

"No! Hold the fire, we'll lose the map!" Y/N scolded, trying to use her body weight to shift the cannons aim but it was to late, it hit their boat and they began to fall.
