7. In to deep

Y/N was sitting in the Galley, peeling potatoes again as she waited for Silver, he was talking to Jim, in an attempt to cheer him up.

Once he finally came back Y/N stood up from her seat.
"Am I up now then?" Y/N grinned slightly. Silver shook his head.

Y/Ns face fell.

"Lass.." Silver began, sighing. He took off his hat and used a napkin to cool off his head.
"Maybe it's best if ye don't.." he took a seat across from her, he beckoned for her to sit back down but she didn't.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I uh- I'm gettin' the feelin' you're not actin' anymore" Silver spoke cautiously, trying to find the right words . "I think you feel more for Jimbo than you let on.."

Y/N scoffed. "I'm just good at selling it." She was quick to defend herself.
"Nothing, is going on"

"Lass..." he eyed her warningly as she began to strode off.
"If ye heard how he was talkin' about ya just now, askin' me how I felt abou' it and for me-"

"That! Was the plan, was it not?" Y/N interrupted firmly. Grasping the Hollister her dagger stayed in tightly.
"Is this because you're embarrassed that you got attached? Now you wanna try put it on me so you're not the one to blame?" She spat coldly.

Silver sighed at her tone, a little taken aback.
"Now here Lass, I'm only lookin' out for ya"

"Well I'm fine." She replied. "G'night"

Silver puffed out his cheeks and blew out, laying onto his back tiredly.


"Feeling better?"

Jim turned around from looking out as he leaned on the ledge, smiling as Y/N joined Jim.
"The best you can be y'know? after basically letting a man die"

Y/N rolled her eyes as Jim's 'joke', nudging him roughly.
"Things happen" Y/N shrugged. "We were all running around, all stressed, it's a miracle this ship still fuckin'... survived!" Y/N continued, gesturing to the ship.

Jim only hummed in response, still looking glum as he fiddled with his fingers and looked out.

Y/N pressed her lips together in thought. What more could she possibly say for Jim to no longer blame himself?
"Remember when you asked me where I was from? And I never really gave you a proper answer?" Y/N began, also looking out towards the stars .

Jim paused, confused as to why she was brining this up. "Yeah..? You said you and Silver travel all the time?"

"Well yeah, but before I met Silver I actually lived on Earth... With my family"

Jim's jaw dropped, he now turned to face her.
"You mean? When the planet.."

"Blew up? Yeah" Y/N chuckled with the shake of her head. "Thirty-thirty five. I was eight and walking with my dad around the market when we heard the first warning. Everyone had started to run, escape boats where docked around everywhere and people where piling in more than the boats could actually carry"

Jim nodded as he listened. He remembered learning about all this at school.

Y/N took a deep breath in before she continued, "My dad threw me in of them, told me he was going to find my mum and my twin siblings, bring them to the same life boat. But as you can imagine, it filled up quickly then it fled."

"I remember as we flew away, watching the planet burst into flames in different spots. It was really loud too, the ringing didn't leave my ears for like a whole week" she chuckled again sadly.

"Anyway, once the boats landed on different planets, monstressor was probably one of 'em" she acknowledged.
Jim nodded, he remembered he and his mum helping out, handing food and blankets she had knitted to survivors. "I was on proteas one"

"I was on my own for a while and I did... some things that I'm not proud of but then-"

"What things?" Jim cut her off, he sounded genuine, not like he wasn't going to judge what her answer could be.

Y/N laughed, looking into the space nervously. "You won't judge me right"

"Whatever you did, I've probably done worse" Jim smiled encouragingly, nudging her with his arm softly.
Y/M smiled back comfortably.

"...I stole Food... and money" Y/N replied with a cringed smile.

"That's it?" Jim waved off, causing Y/N to chuckle. "That's nothing"

"There's more, I've accidentally burnt a building down."

Jim was a little taken aback but then waved it off, "so? We've all done something like that at some point"

Y/N cocked her brow. "Really? So which building have you destroyed?"

When Jim didn't reply, Y/N only laughed.
"Anyway, I ended up meeting Silver in front of a bar, I was planning to steal stuff from the drunken men but then this pira-silver, saw me and I don't know, I guess he felt bad? He ended up letting me go with him, he tried helping me find my family, taking me to all sorts of planets where people were taken to, but I couldn't ever find them."

"So after all that, Silver just let me stay with him. I guess he thought I was pretty handy, I used to break all my toys and fix them again so I had learnt how to make little gadgets and fix different kinds of motors, so it all worked I guess" Y/N shrugged.

Jim felt so much pity for the girl, she had been separated from her family at such a young age but was still able to live like nothing happened.

Y/N wondered if Jim would still think of her differently I'd he found out that she still owes those things.

"So, what I'm trying to say is that bad things happen, but that doesn't mean you can't move forward from it. I have, and I'm happier than ever, so you can to"

Jim thought for a moment before smiling. "Thanks Y/N, sorry about.. all that though, it must've been tough"

"It was, but I've accepted it" Y/N smiled, turning to face Jim again. "And please please please don't feel sorry for me. Travelling the galaxy is all I ever wanted and I'm living that dream. I'm really happy with my life."
Jim softly smiled as well, turning back to the sky. The two just enjoyed enjoyed each other's company.

Y/N needed to speak, she didn't want her mini horror story to be stuck in their minds right before they tried to sleep.

"Anyway" Y/N grinned loudly to change the topic. "You must be excited about the treasure, what are you planning to do with it?"

After a short pause and a small smile, Jim spoke.
"Well first, I'm gonna rebuild my mums Inn" Jim smiled excitedly as he thought about it.

Y/N face fell. She had forgotten she'd been there when it burnt down. Oops.

"Then, I'm gonna use the rest for the academy" he nodded brightly turning to face Y/N who smiled at him proudly.
"What about you?"

The question caught Y/N off guard. "I.. don't have any proper plans" she rubbed her neck embarrassedly towards Jim who smirked at her playfully. "There's this restaurant I've always to go to"

Jim laughed, Y/N playfully glared at him.
"Is that not good enough Hawkins?" She slightly slapped his shoulder. "I love food"

"C'mon there has to be something more you'd like to do with it"

"Fine. a new boat would be nice, something bigger me and Silver could use comfortably"

"So, after all this, is that gonna be it? You and Silver go your way and I'll go mine?"

Y/Ns face fell. Where is he going with this?
"Why would you say it like that!" Y/N chuckled, brushing him on the shoulder. "Now I'm all sad, I'm gonna miss you" Y/N frowned.

She tried to hide how stressed she was feeling with Jim's words.

What if she corrupted Jim to be a pirate as well, so he'd have no problem joining her and Silver? She shook her head and laughed at herself.
She knew she couldn't do that, but at least it wouldn't hurt anyone in the end.

Jim rubbed the back off his neck shyly. "Well maybe you won't have to"

Y/N cocked her brow. "What do you mean?"

"It's just that- I was talking to Silver just before you got here and-" he sighed before he smiled, looking up to meet Y/Ns eye. Confidently.

"These last few months have been... different, and have getting to know you-"

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no.

Y/N heart started to race. She wanted more than anything to slap Jim across the face to stop him from talking.
"-has made me realise, just how exciting the world can be. I just- I would really love it if you'd- if we could explore more of the galaxy... together..."

Y/Ns face started to grow hot. Internally, she was yelling at Jim to stop talking.

"Jim there's something you should know" Y/N quickly interrupted him, her hands slightly shaking from anxiety, she tried to hide it by clawing at her chest.

"Hang on a sec" Jim pleaded with her. "I can do this. Y/N. I really, really like you. you're so fun to be around, you have an extremely positive view on life which is what I needed and you're super talented" he chuckled nervously.

"Jim please" Y/N didn't meet his eye, she laughed nervously. "I think you may have knocked your head a few times during the supernova"

Jim shook his head desperately. "No Y/N-" he sighed stressfully and clicked his tongue in annoyance, but at himself.
"I actually want to do something with my life, and I know that I want you to be apart of it! So I was hoping that, well, if you want to..."

So much guilt.

Y/N closed her eyes, her lips pressed together.

"..come back home, with me and maybe we could-"

"Jim I'm a pir-"

"What in hells name are ye two still doin' up?!"
she was drowned out by silvers booming voice.

Saved by the bell Y/N signed in relief.

Jim glared at Silver who only eyed him back cautiously.
Y/N made her way over to Silver, where he pat her on the back and pushed her behind him to walk back down into the cabin.

"What's happened over here?" Silver asked cautiously.

"Nothing happened" Jim still glared at Silver as he nodded his head towards Y/N.
"Thanks to you" he whispered yelled to Silver for only him to hear, he crossed his arms spitefully.

"Oh. Oh" was all Silver managed to say. Y/N stayed behind with her eyebrow raised as Silver began to walk next to Jim.

"Well it's gettin' kind o' late don't tell think jimbo?"
Silver chuckled nervously, slapping a hand around Jim before whispering in his ear.
"Maybe ye can catch her in the Mornin' hm?" Silver winked, chuckling teasingly.

Jim scoffed with an eye roll, eyeing silver as he then stalked off beside Y/N.

They walked down to the cabin together. Now an awkward silence.
Jim kept sparing longing glances at Y/N, like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words.

Y/N however kept looking ahead, she could feel his eyes on her but she didn't dare to look cause she knew he would say something once she did.

After another moment of silence, Y/N internally cringed as Jim decided to speak.
"He always know just when to show Up doesn't he?" Jim spoke sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood.

Y/N forced a laugh, her heart was still racing. "It's his specialty, the amount of times he's walked in on me just as I'm.. taking back some coins is insane"

Jim laughed. "You coming in?" He nodded to the cabin.

"In a minute, I need a glass of water" Y/N sighed. "A very tall glass of water"

"Right, G' night"

Then Jim did something she hadn't expected him to do. Jim leaned forward and kissed Y/N on the cheek. She froze.

Jim had the same gummy smile plastered on his face as he watched her eyes widen in shock, walking backwards into the cabin smugly.

Y/N stormed back onto the deck, walking right behind Silver who yelped when he turned around and saw her.

She had her palm outstretched.
"Give me the keys. I'm leaving."


"To the skiff, where are they?" She demanded, circling around Silver and shoving her hands into his jacket pockets to grab the keys.
"I'm leaving"

"No ye' not!" Silver hissed, holding both his hands over one particular pocket that Y/N was now trying to pry his hands off.

"Yes I am!" She hissed as Silver shoved her off.

"What's gotten into ye'?!"

"Tomorrow morning you can tell him I slept walked, fell off of the ship and died"

"Uh- what?!" Silver shrieked, trying to grab hold of her shoulders to keep her in one spot.

"Or just say my parents found me or something and took me home-"

"Lass you're makin' no sense!-"

"Say that I suffocated in my sleep, I'll act dead and then you take my 'body' into the skiff and fly me somewhere else-"

"But- well what about-"

"Then after you get the treasure and all the that you can come and get me and we'll go far away-"

"LASS!" Silver finally yelled, making it so Y/N would shut up and actually look at him. "You can' keep running away from your troubles"

Y/N scoffed. "I absolutely can-" she gave him a look. "-I've been doing it for seventeen years."

"There's a first time for everythin'" silver chuckled lightly, Y/N did not.

"When he finds out he'll be crushed. And I actually feel bad"

"Ohhh don' worry Lass, Jimbo's a capable boy he'll get over it" he assured. He was lying.  "I'll fetch ye' a glass o' water and you'll be right as rain, okay? That's a girl..."
He guided her back into the galley to get her a glass of water.

He couldn't say that he had also grown a soft spot for  Jim.
