Chapter 11



Dean loved having (Y/n) around. She would play cars with him and read him stories when mommy and daddy were busy. And he was very excited when he found out that the baby that was in (Y/n)’s belly was going to be his baby brother. He kept giving her belly kisses and talking to the little guy.

“What’s his name?” Dean asked as he set by (Y/n). She looked up from her magazine and smiled at Dean.

“His name is Sammy.” She told him.

“I like that. Sammy. Sammy!” He smiled and kissed her belly again. Dean had recently turned four and he just knew he was going to be the best big brother in the world. He gently put his hand on his belly to talk to his little brother when he felt something hit his hand and (Y/n) gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Dean asked as John ran into the room. He had become super protective of (Y/n) over the past few months. Both the Winchester boys had and she could tell it was making Mary angry. But they both knew how to be civil, especially when Dean was around.

“Dean…” John got ready to discipline his child for hurting (Y/n), but (Y/n) shook her head.

“He didn’t do anything John.” (Y/n) explained. “Sammy kicked.” John’s eyes lit up.

“But isn’t kicking bad?” Dean asked. He had gotten in trouble a couple weeks ago for kicking one of the neighbor boys. (Y/n) smiled and kissed his forehead.

“This means Sammy’s okay.” She explained. John put his hand on her belly. He could feel Sammy moving some before another hard kick was delivered.

“My boy’s going to be a soccer player.” John laughed. He missed (Y/n)’s smile falling some. She knew how her son was going to be raised. She knew the man that he would become. She knew what was going to happen to him. There would be no soccer when there was gun cleaning and research to be done. She pushed those thoughts away. Maybe, just maybe, with her in the picture things could be different. Maybe she could return to a time where there were no angels or demons trying to kill the boys left and right.

“He’s going to be something.” (Y/n) said with a laugh. She saw Dean watching her with curious eyes. “What is it honey?”

“I don’t want Sammy to hurt you.” He said. (Y/n) smiled and hugged him.

“Sammy’s not hurting me.” She laughed. “He’s just stretching and moving. And wanting to play with his big brother.” Mary came in then from going grocery shopping. Her and (Y/n) were on a truce for the time being, and (y/n) had offered to do the shopping but neither Mary nor John would hear it.

“Mommy! Sammy kicked!” Dean announced to Mary. She smiled at her son.

“Really? That’s great.” She said, handing him a juice box. (Y/n) helped her make dinner as Dean kept talking about all the things that he wanted to do with Sammy when he was born. Mary couldn’t help but smile at how excited Dean was. Honestly, she was excited to have another baby around too. And (Y/n) wasn’t all that bad. Yeah, Mary was pissed that John had slept with her and knocked her up, but she knew that she hadn’t been a loving wife recently, and she had had her own affair too. Plus, Mary had someone now who knew what she knew. About monsters in the dark.

She decided then and there that (Y/n) would be a part of Sammy’s life.


“John!” (Y/n) cried out as a contraction hit her. John was still at work. He had wanted to stay home as (Y/n) due date drew near, but she hadn’t been able to work at the bookstore and Mary was a stay at home mom. So someone needed to earn a living. It was May 1st and Mary had been sure that Sammy would’ve came at the end of April.

“He’s still at work.” Mary comment as she walked into the living room. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I think Sammy’s gonna be joining us very soon.” She groaned. “Oh fuck!”

“Shit!” Mary said. “Dean’s over at the neighbors. I’ll ask them if he can stay. I’ll leave a note for John. Just hold on okay?”

“This is worse than a wendigo scratch.” (Y/n) groaned. Mary rubbed her shoulder.

“I know, I know. I’ll be right back.” She ran off to ask the neighbor to watch Dean. (Y/n) gathered her bag that she need for the hospital and jotted out a note for John. Thankfully, her contractions were far enough apart that she wouldn’t be giving birth on the kitchen floor. It still hurt pretty badly though.

“Dean’s good. Are you ready?” Mary asked. She was anxious to meet Sammy. Her and John had never talked about having kids. She honestly was only ever wanting one after her adventure in the 70’s.

“Yes.” (Y/n) gasped. Mary led her out to her car. Mary had a station wagon that she could easily fit Dean and all the groceries in. Now she was driving towards the same hospital where she had Dean and getting (Y/n) inside. They had just gotten into the elevator to head up towards the maternity ward when a frantic John ran in through the front doors.

(Y/n) laid in labor before Sammy finally joined the world.

“12:05 am, May 2nd, 1983.” The nurse announced as Sammy was born. (Y/n) smiled at the little baby that was placed on her chest. John smiled with tears in his eyes. Even Mary couldn’t help but smile. He was such a perfect little child.

“What’s the little guy’s name?” The nurse asked (Y/n). (Y/n) smiled.

“Samuel Matthew Winchester.” She announced. The nurse wrote the information down to go on the birth certificate.

“Fathers name?” She asked.

“Jonathan Winchester.” (Y/n) said casually, smiling up at John.

“Mothers name?” The nurse knew that this little boy was being adopted by the two other people in the room. (Y/n) smile fell as she looked down at Sammy.

“Mary Winchester.” She whispered as a tear fell down her face. “His mother’s name is Mary Winchester.”




“W-what?” Sam asked. Dean shook his head.

“Don’t listen to them Sammy.” Dean said. “I would know if you weren’t mom’s son. If you were just my half-brother. And dad never mentioned anything. You’re my full brother and your Mary’s son.”

“No she’s not.” Cas sighed.

“What do you mean my mom’s still alive?” Adam asked. “And I’m Sam’s full brother?”

“Yes.” Cas said. Dean grabbed a book from Bobby’s desk and threw it, just barely missing Cas.

“Shut your fucking mouth.” Dean growled. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but Sam is my brother.”

“Your half brother.” Cas told him. Dean was on the verge of punching the angel when Sam put a hand on his shoulder.

“Cas, who’s my mother?” Sam asked. “If it…if it’s not Mary, then who is my mother?” Cas sighed and looked at Sam, Dean, Adam, Bobby, and the Doctor.

“I…” Cas licked is lips. “Your mother’s name is (Y/n) Winchester.”
