Chapter 6



“Cas?” (Y/n) asked, staring at the woman sitting by her. She tilted her head to the side, much how the Cas from her time would do.

“Do I know you?” Cas asked. (Y/n) shook her head.

“No. Well, at least not yet.” She explained. Cas looked confused. “I’m from the future. And I want to get home.”

“Time travel?” Cas asked. “Most beings to not dabble in such things. What creature did you face?”

“I’m not sure.” (Y/n) said with a shrug. She watched some teenagers walk by, radio in hand. A Beatles song was playing from the speaker. “I just know that I want to come home.”

“I sense heartbreak.” Cas said. “I am not good with such situations. I’m sorry I cannot help. But I sense something else. Something I can’t quite figure out.”

“I’m sure there’s a lot you can’t figure out about me.” (Y/n) told her. “There’s a lot I can’t figure out about myself.” (Y/n) stood up and paced. Cas watched her, trying to figure out the story behind this young girl. She could sense importance in her soul. This girl was supposed to do great things, but Cas wasn’t sure what it was. Heaven had nothing about her in the information she could access.

“What do you need my help with?” Cas asked, watching (Y/n) pace.

“In my time, the angels sent my friends back and forth through time a lot.” (Y/n) said. “Is there any way that you can send me forward in time?”

“I haven’t had to use that part of my grace before.” Cas kept her eyes in (Y/n). “But, perhaps another type of magic?” (Y/n) stopped and looked at the angel.

“You mean like witchcraft?” (Y/n) asked. “Man, Dean’s gonna love that one.”

“Dean?” Cas asked. “That name means something.”

“Yeah, you’ll learn all about him in about forty years I think. Well, he’ll be born in about nine years or so.’ (Y/n) explained. Cas just watched her. “Can you stop staring? That’s one thing you’ve always done that bugs the shit outta me.”

“My apologies?” Cas asked. (Y/n) waved her off. “If you wish to go through with this, I must gather your ingredients. I can’t guarantee where you will end up though. That can be risky.” (Y/n) glanced down at the bad. John Marine shirt was laying on the top of the pile.

“There’s nothing for me here.” She said sadly. She didn’t expect Cas to understand. Even the Cas from her time wouldn’t understand. He might be in love with humanity, but he didn’t quite get everything about them yet. “I had a duffle bag with some hunting gear in it when I came here. I didn’t have it when I ended up at John’s house. It’s gotta be out here somewhere. It might have some things in it we need…” (Y/n) had barely finished before Cas was placing her fingers on (Y/n)’s forehead and closing her eyes.

“I found it.” Cas told her before disappearing. She appeared back seconds later with the duffle bag. (Y/n) opened it to make sure her things were all there. Her guns, salt, lighter, back up matches, wallet, and her cassette tapes from Dean. She smiled some as she touched the small carrying case that held six tapes. She had told Dean that she didn’t know who Bob Seger was or that she didn’t listen to Led Zeppelin, just so he wouldn’t take her CD’s or anything. She was expecting him to knock on her bedroom door at Bobby’s not long before his year was up to present her with some homemade Greatest Hits. She never went anywhere without them now.

“Thanks Cas.” (Y/n) said. Cas stared at her. “What?”

“This shortening of my name. Is it commonplace in the future? Does everyone shorten their names?” (Y/n) sighed.

“Dean is the designated nickname giver.” (Y/n) explained. “He gave you your nickname, as well as some demons and other creatures. You’ll get used to it. He grows on you.” She smiled at Cas. Cas just nodded, making (Y/n) sigh a little.

“I will go get you the ingredients needed.” Cas said before disappearing, leaving (Y/n) alone on that park bench.


“John, what are you doing?” Mary asked. John had only been at her house a half hour or so, and was already getting up to leave. She watched her boyfriend fidget with his keys almost the entire time they had been there.

“Mary, I feel bad. My mom asked me to watch out for (Y/n), to show her around. And I just left her.” John said. “And I just have this weird feeling in my stomach.”

“It’s probably that you’re hungry.” Mary said. Part of her was becoming a little territorial. How dare another hunter come in and try to steal her John from her.

“No. I don’t think that’s it.” John said. “I’m just going to check on her. I’ll be back.” John quickly left then, earning a growl from Mary. Samuel and Deanna watched their daughter and shook their heads.

John made his way back to Millie’s place and let himself in, surprised to see his mom alone in the kitchen, slicing the ham up and placing it in containers. She turned to look at her son and smiled.

“Did you bring (Y/n) back with you?” She asked. John shook his head.

“What do you mean? She’s not here?” John asked.

“Well, no.” Millie explained. “She told me she had friends in town. I thought maybe she ended up with you and Mary…” John quickly ran for the front door. Something made him want to protect (Y/n). How could these friends just leave her alone in the middle of the street during a storm? He quickly got back into his car and started searching Lawrence for her.


“There.” Cas said, producing the bases for the spell. “I’m not sure how far it’ll send you. But you should still be in Lawrence. Hopefully, you’ll be far enough you can just pray for me. I’ll come get you.” (Y/n) smiled and hugged the angel.

“Thanks Cas.” She said. She took the last remaining ingredient and dropped it into the bowl, saying the last bit of the spell. She started to fill like air as a light surrounded her and she couldn’t hear Cas anymore. She couldn’t hear anything.

Until “Jack & Diane” starting playing in her ear.


John searched everywhere that he could think up, but he came up empty each time. He drove through the park, hoping that maybe her friends were trees or something. But still nothing. Until he saw something laying on a park bench.

He jumped out and ran over. It was a piece of the dress that (Y/n) had been wearing when he left the house. It had ripped off after being stuck to a nail. John carefully dislodged it and held it in his hands.

If it was the last thing he did, he was going to find (Y/n).




“What do we do?” Sam asked, gun drawn on the statue. The Doctor was back to back with Sam, staring out into the darkness. Dean was just off to the side, ready to jump in front of Sam if the need arose.

“Don’t blink.” The Doctor warned. “They can only move if you’re not looking at them.”

“So what are we supposed to do? Stand here and stare at it until we die?” Dean asked. “Can we just blow them up or something?”

“I doubt that would work.” The Doctor said. “If we can get that one Sam and staring at and the one I am staring at to look at each other, they should forever be frozen until someone moves them.”

“How do you suppose we do that?” Sam asked. His eyes were starting to water from not blinking.

“On the count of three, we shut our eyes.” The Doctor said. Dean looked at him like he was crazy.

“You just said don’t blink!” Dean yelled. The Doctor nodded.

“If we close our eyes and dive at the right moment, they should be stuck staring at each other.” The Doctor said. “It’s our only hope.” Sam nodded.

“Okay. Let’s do it.” Sam offered a half smile at Dean, even though he couldn’t turn his head to look at him. “Doctor, you count us off.”

“Okay. One…two…three!”
