We'll Get Out Of Here {fluff} (pt. 1)

I haven't wrote anything in a while so excuse me as I get back into it.
All you need to know for this one shot is that you were imprisoned alongside hopper and due to this being my first stranger things one shot, I'm going to keep it close to the shows plot but have Y/n featured. I'll get more creative later on.

Dmitri doesn't have a wife because we are not homewreckers, he's divorced. Perhaps he is looking for a new mother for his child 😊👈

Ages (everyone is 18+ and doesn't impact the story. It's up to your decision but I'll give a range of my preferences)
Enzo/Dmitri Antonov: 40-46
Y/N: 32-42
Jim Hopper: 43-44
Murray Bauman: 42
Joyce Byers: 44
Strong language


Y/ns pov

The harsh cold of the metal bench nipped at the back of your skin as you laid on it, shuffling in different positions but nothing you did could make the empty cell furniture a comfortable place to rest your head.

Hopper observed your behaviour intently, opening his mouth to say something countless of times but no words came out. You shared gazes every so often, both wanting to speak to fill the silence but yet the silence continued. He had been through hell and back and you knew that you would undergo the same. It wouldn't be long until you showed weakness in the hands of these Russians.

A grunt was heard from your older American friend; you both went back as close friends except you both had secrets of your own. Emotions weren't talked about much and you didn't know if that was just Hoppers personality or that you weren't as close as others thought. You knew he had a thing for Joyce, it was apparent, he'd be lying each time he denied it. Your friendship was built from mutual understanding and respect; that friendship is the thing that ended you up in this place.


A hushed spoken voice muttered out your name as if it were a secret not to be heard by the other prisoners around the both of you.

Your eyes met once more with hoppers as you glanced towards him, getting lost in the helplessness of the situation. You stayed laying on the bench, head tilted to the side to give your attention to him. Arms crossing over your chest as to keep yourself as warm as possible in these foreign temperatures. It was cold, ever so cold and the thin material of the prison uniform wouldn't do anything to keep you warm.

"listen..." Hopper followed after speaking out your hame "Don't give up hope, if you trust me I will find a way out of this. I can't say much now but.."

He swallowed as he stopped, circling his eyes around the prison, your eyes following his range of view.  Until he continued speaking after looking back at you.

"I have a plan to get us out of here"

Those words perked you up; they were just words but the meaning of them brought something you had lost as soon as you entered the prison. Hope. You slowly pushed yourself to sit up on the bench, your dry frosted hands meeting with the sharp raw metal of the bench. You couldn't handle the malnutrition of the prison, it showed in your behaviour that you felt weaker. The tiredness caught up with you but the Russians showed no mercy. No extra food. No breaks. No time to rest. It was if they knew you were cussing them out in your mind because you noticed a guard begin to head in the direction of your shared cell. His gun intimidated you, causing more silence as the guard held it sturdily against his chest. The bottom of his boots clashed against the metal, the layer of snow was no barrier for the crushing sound. He stopped at the door of the cell. The thick metal bars were a barrier between the both of you as if they were showing the different position between you and the guard.

"Ты, американская женщина" (you, American woman) the guard spat out.

You couldn't understand much Russian yet but the cold glare he gave you assured you that he was talking to you. Glances were met with you, Hopper raising concern in his expression but you got up anyway before they could drag you out.

"I don't understand your filth" You mocked back at him in response, not wanting to lose your self respect in this place as they tried to rid you of sanity.

You wouldn't let them break you, nor tell them anything to endanger your friends back home.

The door to the cell opened after the guard unlocked it, the stubbornness of his expression didn't leave him. You wondered if all the guards here were grumpy soulless copies of each other. Was it just an act? Not wanting to stay around to find out, you walked out of the door only to feel the butt of a gun shove into the back of your head, sending you down on your knees.

"HEY! CAREFUL! She's fucking complying, asshole" Hopper jeered, the guard only grunting in response, kicking the side of your body as the air left your weary lungs through a choke.

"fucking dick" You coughed up in distress as guards walked up to you and pulled you away from under the arms.

Their stronger builds were apparent as they carried you away, your body bruising as you were dragged across the metal floor. You trashed about, finding strength in yourself but soon found it pointless as you knew there was no where to go.

The darkness of the next room you were taken into felt daunting. The atmosphere was putrid. The walls decrepited and crumbling with drips of dirtied water dripping from the cracks in the ceiling.

"where am I?" you questioned, knowing it was pointless. Did they even understand English? "tell me, what are you going to do to me?"

Your voice quickened louder in panic as your tried to show strength through that fear. There was a knot in your throat as you whined out as they shoved you up onto a chair. The chains around your ankles pulled tightly, bruises appearing as the metal coarsed your skin. The skin was swollen and red but nothing was more agonising than what came next.

The Russian guards left the room, all but one stayed. He almost laughed harshly as he smugged, tutting under his breath, his voice heavy and his accent thick.

"you see, your American wouldn't tell us anything. Strong, he is. But you? I think we could break something out of you."

Each word mocked your situation as if the words were piercing through you, reading through your eyes to make you feel weak. Silence fell in the room, clinking of his boots circled around you as he wandered around. You thrashed your head to the side; his cold hand gingerly brushing the back of your neck as he walked past, sending a shiver down your bruised spine.

You could feel his movements around you due to the closeness that was caused by the smallness of the room. After lightly shutting your eyes your breathing felt heavy in your chest, focusing on it to bring yourself to a calm state.

A jarring clinking sound of metal got your attention, his inharmonious voice following it.

"the woman, who is she?"

Your eyes stayed closed. Your breathing softening as your continued focusing on it, the raising and lowering of your chest was the only thing that felt real in this predicament.

"you won't get far in this place if you don't speak" he sounded closer as he spat at you, hissing through his teeth.

A sharp blade prodded at your neck, your eyes widened at this, making contact with the Russian to find out how close he was to you.

"a shame, really. You, a waste for such a.. Симпатичная маленькая женщина" (pretty little woman)

His tone felt invasive, like he viewed you as what most viewed woman. You had noticed before that majority of the prisoners were men, if not all. Had woman been here before, could a woman survive here?

"you sick bastard, I do not know what woman you speak of" your response was met with a disapproval, the grip of the knife felt tighter as it was held closer to your skin. A movement from your head could end in disaster, your breathing in result was forced to a minimum.

A picture of Joyce was shown to you. Your teeth clenched shut, cold puffs of air in front of you as you breathed through your teeth.

"I don't know h-"

"lies" he tsked in angered disappointment. Your head flung to the side as he punched your cheek bone. An aching cry hissed through your teeth, followed by gasping of air through the pain.

"one.. Last chance, American"

Your gasping continued, the knife had been pulled away from your neck beforehand, giving you a chance to catch your breath but the silence you gave him was met with a disrelished tsking.

Another punch was thrown to your face, followed by another, each time the hits got less accurate as if the man was acting through anger now. Cries from your throat built up each time, the bruising on your face swelling and stinging you like crystallised ice against your skin. Your throat was dry from the build up of tears that pooled out your glossy eyes.

A final hit was delivered through his foot hitting against the centre of your chest, wounding your ribs as you fell down with the chair.

Your mind was clouded, sniffled cries of agonising defeat left you as you lost focus. A migraine grew in your head as blood oozed down your face.

Time felt slow, sounds were blurred. The pain was your main focus as it overtook your senses. A hand lifted under your chin, your eyes forced to meet with his again as your grew a hatred towards the man along with this place.

"next time, don't lie. Hopefully this will be a warning. Lie again and it will be worse for you and your little friend"

You were dragged back out the room, not given any time to recover from your beating. You felt winded and overall like shit, there wasn't any pleasant way to say how you felt.

You fluttered your eyes open, the cold air making it a challenge to do so as your were forced out an open double door to the outside. It was snowing, of course but the snowfall was more gentle unlike the blizzard of last night as if the weather was showing your mercy to make up for what the Russians lacked.

Your face met with snow as you were tossed down, determined to show your strength, you began pushing yourself up without having to be told. It took a moment, heaving as your took slow steps to get to your feet but you managed. You dragged your feet over to the hammers, spitting at the ground by the foot of a Russian guard and walked over to the train track. The guard followed you, checking the chains around your ankles and you got to work, copying the rest to your fellow prisoners.

Hopper looked down at you, concerned, like any friend would be.

"assholes, you showed them" he smiled, trying to lighten the mood and it worked. The pain was throbbing, a nagging reminder along with the bruises of what happened to you but joking about dire situations seemed to make it better.

"they won't get a word out of me" you smiled in return, the determination to get out of this place was shared between the both of you.

You remembered hoppers words and leaned in closer to him, not wanting to let your words get the attention of others, especially not the guards.

"you said you had a plan?" you asked, announcing your interest in his past words. More than ever after your incident.

His eyes gazed around, landing on a guard nearby.

Hesitantly, you turned your head to look at the man he was looking at. A typical guard like the others; dressed in soviet uniform with a stern look. You turned back to Hopper with an empty look, not taking kindly to the idea of relying on a guard for help.

"Hopper, a little explanation here? Is that the plan? Getting help from him?"

He was silent, as if he wasn't fully on board with the plan either but the silence brought the explanation to both of you. There was no other easy way to get out of here. You both turned back to the track to not raise suspicion, the crashing sound of metal reminding you of the boots of the guards, bringing a chilling feeling to you.

"follow my lead" Hopper whispered out, not taking his eyes away from the track.

You did the same as you replied with a short "ok" as to not raise attention to the both of you.

A couple minutes past of working on the track until you felt Hopper tapping your leg with his foot. You glanced over at him, averting your eyes to not turn your head. He looked down at his chains and spoke.

"hit them"

You wanted to question the absurdity of that request. Was he foolish? Surely that could break his foot. However there was no time to question him. You didn't know the plan and you didn't want to mess it up by not doing something that could be required. You wished someone would tell you the goddamm plan though. It would certainly make it easier for you to help.

You raised your eyebrows for a moment as your took a breath, hitting the chain with your hammer as hard as your could against the chains, the impact causing a whined grunt from Hopper as he bit the arm of his coat. A few more hits and he signaled for you to stop. The guards seemed to be showing curiosity towards the both of you, especially the one that Hopper had suggested was going to help the both of you.

Hopper shoved you down into the snow and you just stared at him with a confused glare. If the plan wasn't explained to you soon you were going to assume that Hopper was just messing with you.

Then suddenly you heard the calling of the guard from before as he began running up to the both of you.

"hey! Hey! You, Americans!"

You looked up at Hopper, taking in his expression to try and get an explanation if this was apart of the plan. You were working with the idea that everything that was happening at the moment was in fact, apart of the idea.

The guard grabbed the both of you, dragging you both away in the snow.

"Antonov" another guard called out in the harsh weather, causing the guard that was holding you - who you assumed was called Antonov- to stop.

"I've got this. I will just, teach these Americans a lesson, yes?" he spoke out, his accent strong like the rest of the guards here.

The other guard nodded and turned his attention away as he went back to the other prisoners.

Hopper and you were dragged away behind a pile of logs by Antonov, letting you go when it was clear of view of the other guards.

Hopper was the first to speak, turning to you, "sorry about that y/n, is was apart of the plan"

You laughed out a smile, getting up from the ground and brushed yourself off. "I figured but this plan, can someone please tell me what's going on"

Antonov looked at Hopper, a brow raised as if question why I didn't already know the plan. He laughed. His accent showing even with his laugh.

"I know, I know, there wasn't much time to explain" Hopper spoke, not having to look around as he felt safe to finally speak out about the plan. "the plan is y/n, Antonov will help you escape and I will escape myself which will create a distraction that will help the both of you"

You glanced at Antonov, questioning his trust, wondering what he was getting out of this.

"the plan sounds doable but question, how do we know we can trust a guard, no offence" you turned to Antonov as you spoke out that last part. He just shrugged with a smile, tilting his head closer to you in understanding.

"none taken American, I can assure you though that there is something in it for me that makes me trustworthy to you"

"money" Hopper followed up. All three of us letting out a laugh, the laughter making you reassured about the guard as you could feel a connection through the banter.

A nod was shared between the group, you crouched down by the logs to watch as Antonov pulled Hopper along to a shed with a broken hammer.

The plan played out well, almost too well as Hopper managed to get into the shed, following the guard that was sorting him out with a new hammer. Antonov walked back to you and you slowly got up to look at him.

Your eyes met for a moment as you shared a trusted smile.

"Hopper called you y/n, is that your name?" he questioned and you nodded in response so he followed up his question with a smile "its.. Different, the name is not common here, its pretty"

You weren't sure if the both of you had time to talk but you trusted Antonov remembered that he was to help you get out of this shithole. A smile appeared from the compliment, your cheeks pink from it but the cold could have also been a cause for that.

You decided to amuse him by continuing the small talk the both of you had going on.

"and you are Antonov?"

"Dmitri, call me Dmitri. Antonov is my last name and trust goes both ways so you shouldn't have to call me by my last name"

"Dmitri" you repeated his name as if you were letting your tongue get used to it. It was an easier name to pronounce than other Russian names, Dmitri slid off your tongue. Although you found it funny as you had called Hopper by his last name since you met so now it was almost weird to call him Jim "thank you for helping Dmitri"

His smile was sweet, the pink of his bottom lip complimented the icy blue spark of his eyes. The frosted flakes of snow on the ends of his moustache, a dirty blonde. You wondered how his hair looked from under his Ushanka.

His eyes looked to the bruise on your cheek, making you move your hand up to it. You didn't want to look at it, not wanting to know how it messed your face so you'd stay out of sight of a mirror.

"don't worry y/n, you still look beautiful. A bruise cannot hide that but the sooner you get out of here the better, I'm sorry they think that they should be allowed to hurt you. This place- is not just a prison for those imprisoned here"

You met with Dmitri's eyes once more, taking his hand than hung low by his side.

"then why stay? Come with us, you don't belong here either"

His mouth opened, his expression blank but his eyes sparkled in hope as if he were making up his mind to come with you. Abruptly his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of gun shots from the shed.

Your eyes were directed to the shed in horror, fearful that Hopper had been shot. Dmitri held the side of your untouched cheek, pulling your head in close, your attention brought back to him.

"that's the signal. I cannot come with you, I have unfinished business here"

"but-" you were disappointed as you wanted him to come alongside with you. The short connection he had made with the group made you want to help him, sympathetic as you knew he didn't want to stay here.

"there's no time to discuss this, you must run. Run in the direction of Hopper until you come across a town and meet in the church"  He left a quick kiss on your bruised cheek then gently pushed you away. "I hope you get home safely even if that means I won't see you again"

You felt conflicted, wanting to grab his hand and run with him but you couldn't force him to come with you so you ran from the prison in the snow, the wind hitting against your face.

You looked back at him, a smile on his face as he raised his hand to his chest, waving to you. You wanted to run back to him to make him come with you but the intrusion of guards yelling in your direction caused you to snap away from Dmitri, looking at the guards that spotted you.

You had to get out so you ran.


Jeez I haven't wrote in like a year so I'll accept any criticism.
I want to do this one shot in two parts so there is a bit of slow burn and you're not just suddenly making out with a man you just met.

Despite the want to do that 🙄
Dmitri is a sweetheart, did you all know that they originally planned to kill him off in season 4. I swear, i would have f o u g h t.

I hope this was enjoyable, fuck, i don't know what i think about this chapter 😭 it's my first stranger things related anything so please be kind.

Let's all just appreciate this Russian together and hope he comes back in season 5 🙏 I think he and Hopper should live close by in Hawkins with his som and be friends because I love them as a duo and our man deserves that.

No I am not checking for spelling and grammar mistakes right now, I will later once my Russian speaking friend wakes up so they can also check to make sure the Russian is correct lol.
