Carnival Date {fluff}

The last time a Russian went to an American traveling carnival they got shot 😳 better keep an eye on your Russian.


Y/Ns Pov

Had it really been that long already? Today marks a year passed since you escaped Russia with all your friends trapped there. Yuri had went back to continue his.. Peanut butter business but the same was not said with Dmitri.

You visited him once a week in Illinois; he had moved in with Murray while he sorted out legal issues regarding trying to move into Hawkins.

Today also marked the one month anniversary of the start of your relationship with Dmitri and everyday after he confessed was blissful. You could always hear Murray complaining in the background everyday when Dmitri hogged the house phone to be able to call you. It was the same everyday. 9pm, you'd both call each other to share about your day then at 10pm once you had both finished laughing together, he'd speak softly to you to send you to sleep like a lullaby.

The both of you had talked about him moving in with you since you were already in Hawkins; you'd be able to see each other much more however you both felt like it was too soon to rush into something like that.

Today he was visiting you though because a travelling carnival was in town and you had begged Dmitri to come round so you could show him a traditional American fair. His words would often fade into soft Russian, he'd sound like he was enchanting you with a spell sending you euphoric dream. He'd often let out a proud chuckle once you stopped responding to him like he was elated that his voice sent you to sleep.

He had managed to convince Murray to drive him to the fair, not being able to get his own car yet and the bus took too long.

It was 9am, the golden sun had woke you up at 7am as it streamed in through your window but you hadn't actually gotten out of your bed until half past 7. You wanted to look pretty today, pretty for him. Your hair was curled in loose coils as they bounced on your shoulders. Your makeup look was natural with a pink gloss on your lips to accentuate them. A blue sparkle highlighted across your eye lids with your lashes darken to capture their length.

You knew that it drove Dmitri crazy when you batted your eyelashes at him as if he would fall deep into your eyes and get lost in them. He was really a sweet man, everyday you silently hoped he'd be able to move closer to you so you could spend everyday with him and not just over the phone.

You would get to hear him next to you as you laid in bed together to only see him again once you both awake. You could help but smile, imagining your future with the Russian as you hoped it would just work out.

You patted down your dress, the blue fabric puffed out down by your thighs. A white ribbon was tightly tied around your waist, defining your hips as the square cut of the dress showed your chest. A white gemed necklace complimented the outfit, wearing white platform Mary James to finish off you're alluring look.

You loved wearing blues, cold pale blues that made you look sweet and innocent. However you wore them to match with dmitris eyes, his artic eyes that warmed your heart with a single look.

You spun in glee around your kitchen, making yourself a quick bowl of cereal, cutting strawberries up to freshen up your breakfast.

It was 10pm when you had finally gotten yourself to Hopper and Joyce's shared home. The both of them had been happily together for a year. You felt nothing less than joy for your two friends, everyone around them knew the day was coming when they would finally get together.

The door opened after a quick ring of the bell, soon being met with Joyce herself.

"Joyce! You look beautiful today, I bet Hopper can't keep his eyes off you" you smiled in remark, hugging your close friend as he motioned her hands towards your dress.

"and look at yourself!" she expressed as the both of you moved further into the house, joining Hopper and the kids in the living room as you shared talk over drinks of tea.

12pm, the group of you made your way to the carnival where you were going to run off with Dmitri, leaving the kids to do their own thing with their friends and Hopper and Joyce certainly wouldn't get bored on their own.

You walked through the entrance, the bright neon lights of the rides and stands reflecting against your skin, lighting up your eyes as the smell of food pulled you into the moment. Fresh baked goods, warm doughnuts just made and being coated with sugar, hot burgers and hotdogs. You closed your eyes, getting your senses take in the atmosphere and experience.

Without a warning you were pulled into a hug from being, a familiar face met with your own as you were turned around by a warm embrace.

"Dmitri!" you wasted no time to hug him back, his hands intertwined through your hair and your head in his chest, warming your face as you mimicked his movements; swaying to-and-fro with the sun beating down on the both of you. "i missed you"

"I missed you too, Дорогой (darling)"

His hand took your smaller hand, linking his fingers with your own as he squeezed your hand tightly. It's as if he were in awe. You watched as his eyes lit up, looking around the fair as if this place was completely a childhood dream of his. His smile made your day, standing here by him was enough to make you feel complete. You wanted to run around the fair with him and show him everything.

"y/n, what do we do first?" his head turned towards you, his excitement passing off on you.

You looked around the fair, considering what to show Dmitri first. You wanted to show him the ferris wheel last when the sky had darkened and the bright lights of the fair were the only thing to illuminate the ride.

Your eyes were drawn to a stall game, a common game where you throw a ball to knock over cans. Your smile showed your excitement as you wrapped your arms around Dmitris arm, dragging him over towards the game as you skipped. He looked towards the game, his eyes brows raising as his eyes stayed in the same relaxed position.

His smile showing as he spoke, looking down at your face "are you testing my aim, hm?~"

"well, are you confident that you can do it?" you voice teased him as he dramatically brought his hands forward to crack them, making his way towards the game.

You followed closely behind him, handing the man behind the stall the money to play before he gave three small balls to Dmitri.

You couldn't help but let out a laugh as you looked at Dmitri getting into position "oh- my- god, are you serious"

"shh.... I am focusing" he bit his bottom lip, raising his hand with the ball and holding a tight stare at the cans, clearly focusing.

"am i supposed to be impressed by this" you giggled as you leaned against the table.

He slowly looked over his shoulder at you, continuing to stare at you as if he was the prime example of the perfect man and him knocking over these cans was his greatest achievement. He turned back towards the cans, taking three aimed throws and knocking down each tower of cans.

"HAH! Yes!" he turned to you as he celebrated his win, scooping you up in his arms and over his shoulder as he held you from under your ass. He spun you around as you both laughed, in a childish manner, making the both of you feel alive.

He placed you down and pointed to the cream felted plushed bear sitting on a shelf, a blue ribboned bow around its neck. The man handed him over to Dmitri and he gave it to you.

You smiled, putting it up against your cheek to feel the soft material it was made out of.

"for you, your smile is my greatest reward" he pulled you into his side, taking you away from the stall as he looked down at you, starry eyed as you felt your cheeks tickle pink.

"thank you Dmitri.." you leaned up, letting your eyes flutter close as you brushed your lips against his cheek to give him a peck.

"see. My skill impresses you"

There was a short silence, filled with an outbreak of laughter once again coming from the both of you. You felt light around Dmitri, the heavy weight of your worries always went away when you were with him as if he was helping carry them.

You did the same for him, as if you were two pieces of a puzzle that helped to complete each others life.

You played through more games with Dmitri, each of you teasing the other everytime you lost. It was coming up to 1pm and you felt yourself started to get hungry.

"Dear" he turned to you, stopping briefly as you called out to him, "could we get something to eat please?"

"of course, is my love getting hungry?" he pulled you in closer as you held all the prizes you had won, your favourite being the bear he won for you. "are you craving anything in particular my dearest?"

You both headed into the food section of the fair, skimming your eyes around all the food stalls as an assortment of different smells bombarded your nose. You were drawn to the hot dogs and pointed to them, Dmitri wasting no time to take your hand as you ran through the crowds of people.

You got into line, playfully shoving into him with your hip as you both waited and in return he shoved you back. You were happy you had someone with the same sense of childlike humour, you clicked with him. Both of you could share stupid moments together, everyday was joyful. There was never a boring moment with Dmitri.

He handed over a few dollars to the women working the stall, still getting used to the switched currency.

He handed you a hotdog and you proceeded to squirt a great deal of ketchup onto your hot dog, taking the offer from the women to have cooked onions put onto your hotdog.

"you can't even see the sausage, that's just sauce" he laughed as he put a normal amount on, taking up the offer on onions and he took you into a quiet section of the food court; behind an icecream truck.

"don't watch me as I eat this, It feels weird" you turned the hotdog in different angles, trying to work out how to eat this without getting covered in sauce and just making a mess in general "curses..we should have got napkins"

He laughed, taking a bite of his fair food, making glances as you as you took your first bite. He rolled his eyes with a snort, not surprised by the fact you had gotten sauce on your nose.

"hey! I told you not to watch" he laughed more as you grumbled out your complaint, trying to get the sauce of your nose.

"here, y/n- let me before you end up dropping your onions everywhere"

He turned you to him, picking up the sauce from your nose with his thumb, quickly getting disposing of the evidence by eating the sauce then continued to eat his hotdog as if nothing had happened.

"there was no point of that Dmitri, we both know I'm going to get more sauce on myself"

"I have no problem with helping you each time"

"ha ha, very smooth Antonov"

You took your time with the hotdog, trying to not make a mess to prevent further embarrassment and teasing from your partner. You both finished off your food.

Dmitri lifted your chin, examining your face like you were a child as you dead stared him. While the situation was funny it showed you that you were close, your relationship growing more as you became more comfortable.

The small gesture of holding your hand as you continued walking was nothing big but it was to the each of you. You wanted to be close to each other, missing each others touch and simply just letting the other know that you were there for them.

Or maybe Dmitri just wanted to make sure you didn't get lost.

You wanted to try more treats that came with the fair. So the both of you ran around, sampling and buying treats. Caramel apples, cheese curds, corn dogs. Its as if the options were endless.

You bought a large fresh doughnut as the sky grew dark, the animated lights beaming through the deep blue of the sky. You looked over at the ferris wheel and nudged into Dmitri.

"yes sunflower?" he looked down at you, a warm smiling showing his love for you as he bent forward slightly to check in that you were okay.

"I'd like to show you something"

He nodded, wrapping an arm around your back, his hand slowly travelling down to hold your lower back. You looked at him as it was getting dangerously close to your ass.

"Dmitri Antonov."

His smirk grew through a chuckle as he moved his hand back up to your back.

"am I not allowed to show my affection?" he questioned, knowing that answer but he wanted to tease you.

"we're in public"

"so? They are jealous that they don't have a beautiful girl"

"dear-" you dragged your 'r' as you blushed up, finding his compliments that he casually dropped into conversation every so often to be sweet.

"it's true, we are surrounded by every woman in town but yet, they might as well not be here because I can only focus on how gorgeous you look; my pretty little flower"

You shook your head softly with a blush at Dmitris flirts.

"you speak as if you are jaw-droppingly handsome. I love your hands"

You took his hand in yours, kissing it as if to prove a point. You got to the ferris wheel, paying as Dmitris eyes travelled up its size.

"wow.." he whispered out, stepping into the compartment and sat down, moving over for you.

You sat down, putting all the prizes down on the floor that you had been carrying around all day and took a hold of the warm sugary doughnut.

Dmitri held you close, pulling your head in to rest on his shoulder. You squeezed your arms around him as the wheel started moving around. You always felt weary of heights but also loved the feeling of being so high up, getting to look over at everything.

You took a bite from the doughnut, the sugar melted on your tongue, making your mouth fill of a sweet warm dough. It was delicious. Wanting to share the experience with Dmitri, you held the doughnut out for him to let him take a bite. Smiles were shared as you shared the treat with him, finishing it off and watching as he licked his fingers clean of sugar.

He caught your eye watching him and gently laughed "what, you want me to lick it off your fingers too?"

"no- no" you quickly licked the sugar off from your fingers before he could make his move.

He laughed, suddenly pulling you closer as he hugged onto you, letting his forehead rest against yours.

You moved your eyes to look into his, smiling as the air grew quiet. Everything felt perfect, you couldn't be happier. It was so simple but you loved it.

"I love when you hold me" you confessed, closing your eyes as he took the opportunity to gently rub your side, caressing your waist until you felt like you were melting into his body.

He brought his head away, making you look up at him then felt his lips on yours as he leaned into you. Your hands moved around each others bodies, holding the embrace as you shared the sweet kiss.

You held onto him closer everytime the cart shaked, him being there to protect you.

You pulled away from the kiss and noticed sugar on his moustache, laughing softly as you gently brushed it away then rested your head back in his chest.

There was a comfortable silence, the faint sound of fair music played in the background as your shared your moment with Dmitri.

"I love you"

"Я тоже тебя люблю" (i love you too)
