Part 5:

*Darkrai's P.O.V.*

"Alright you lot," Mr Aizawa said. "Now that introductions are out of the way, I would like Mr Darkrai and Mr Giratina to show us their powers," He then pressed a button and we were taken into the gym. 

I look at Giratina and could see him smirking as he pulled out his scythe and his wings appeared out of his back. "Are you ready son?" he asked. "Son!" the class gasped. "Yes," Giratina said. "Darkrai is my son,"

"I'm ready," I said, drawing my sword. "You're going down old man,

"Sure," Giratina rolled his eyes and launched forwards. I barely had time to bring up my sword to block his attack before he used Shadow Force to teleport behind me. Sighing, I changed into my pokemon form as Giratina did the same. 

We fought like demons, which of course we were, the class watching in shock. Suddenly, the battle ended with Giratina disarmed and my sword at his throat. "Give up now?" I asked. "I yield," Giratina said. I helped him to his feet as my dad embraced me. 

"Well done my son," He said. "I am proud of you."

"Thanks dad," I said. "That was bloody incredible!" Aizawa said. "You two could easily become top heroes." 

"Thank you sir," I said. "Class dismissed!" Aizawa called out. We then made our way to the cafeteria for lunch... 
