Part 14:

*Cresselia's P.O.V.*

Me, Darkrai and Ochako were currently flying through the sky when a portal opened up and a huge comet crashed into the ground. We landed on the ground as the comet opened up and a familiar pokemon appeared.

"Deoxys," I said. "What do you want?"

"Hello Cresselia," The Hoenn pokemon said. "I have been ordered by Arceus to retrieve you two for her," he said in a robotic voice. "She needs you as bait to draw out Giratina,"

"Never!" I cried, pulling out a beam of light and transforming it into a bow. After a ferocious battle, me and Darkrai were knocked to the ground and restrained by Deoxys' tentacles. "Ochako!" I shouted. "Go get help!"

Ochako nodded and flew off, heading in the direction of UA High. "Our father will save us," I said. "That's the plan child," Deoxys replied.

*Giratina's P.O.V.*

"Giratina!" a voice called. I turned around to see my girlfriend Ochako Uraraka flying towards me. "What is it?" I asked her. "Cresselia and Darkrai have been captured by a tentacled pokemon," she said in a panic. "Son of a bitch!" I swore.

"I'm going to save them!" I said. Ochako nodded. "I'll go tell Mr Aizawa what happened," she said. "Got it," I nodded, kissing her on the lips before changing into my altered form and flying off...

*Darkrai's P.O.V.*

I am so annoyed. Not only did Deoxys capture me and my sister, but now he's taking us to who knows where. "Let us go!" Cresselia yelled as she squirmed in her restraints. After subduing us, Deoxys had bound us with some magical ropes to prevent us from transforming or using our powers. 

"So sorry Cresselia," Deoxys said. "But Arceus wants you two alive,"

"Exactly!" a voice boomed from above as a large shadow covered us. "But you won't be!"

"Dad!" Cresselia said in shock. I looked up to see our father in his altered form staring at Deoxys with hatred. "Let them go Deoxys and perhaps I won't kill you,

"I'm sorry Giratina," Deoxys said. "This is the only way to draw you out,

"What do you mean?" dad asked. Suddenly, he was pushed to the ground as Arceus used tackle on him. "Dad!" Cresselia shouted, struggling to break free and help him. "Shhh," a voice said. I turned around to see Ochako, Momo, Deku, Bakugo and Shoto.

"Need a little help?" Momo asked. Me and Cresselia ran over to them. Within a minute we were free. "We need to help dad!" Cresselia said. "I'm sorry cousins," a voice said. We turned to see Dialga and Palkia. 

"We can't allow you to interfere," Dialga said. "Come back to our side and we won't kill you,

"I'm sorry," I said, drawing my sword. "But we would never betray our father,

"Let's settle this with our weapons then," Dialga said. "Agreed," Palkia said. 
