The Battle for Earth

The three angels shouted in turn as they launched their arrows at the three kids. Gabumon, Meiccomon, and Agumon watched anxiously, while Kari, T.K., and the others watched tensely. The arrows find their marks in the trio's backs, as an iridescent light explodes from where they stand. Even VenomMyotismon is startled by the force of the blast as Meicoomon, Agumon, and Gabumon are enveloped in a blinding light. "Agumon warp digivolve to WarGreymon!" "Gabumon warp digivolve to MetalGarurumon!" "Meicoomon warp digivolve to Rasielmon!"

 WarGreymon was a bipedal reptilian Digimon with a humanoid body structure. Unlike other Greymon-species Digimon, its back is not angled, giving it a human-like posture. It has orange scales covering most of its body; the only exception is its face, which is covered in gray metal, with one spike on its nose, two spikes behind its eyes, and spiky red hair on the back of its head. The shin guards, cuirass, and spiked yellow shoulder pads it wears are held in place by thick, red cable-like ropes. It holds two large, yellow three-clawed gauntlets in its hands. 

MetalGarurumon was a quadrupedal cyborg lupine automated all over the body, encased in dark blue metal. Weapon systems, like missiles, ammo, and lasers are hidden inside its body, and on its front limbs rests a pair of rocket launchers. It wears a dark blue helmet with two teeth in between with a pair of scutes on the back, and on its snout is a red nose that contains four laser sights. Its metallic joints have three spikes and its back emerges blade-like wings that release light energy. It has a blade-like tail, and its neck underbelly is coated in yellow-plated metal.

Last but not least, Rasielmon was a feminine Angel-like Digimon with feline features wearing large golden armor. The armor itself was full body, covering everything but Rasielmon's face which was hidden by a feline-shaped mask. Combined with golden gauntlets and golden metal wings both adorned with pink jewels as well as a white fur cloak and braided tail.

"It's WarGreymon! It says here his attack is Terra Force - gathering the energy around him and focusing it in the palm of his hand! And MetalGarurumon has his Metal Wolfclaw attack. He shoots a powerful cold blast at his enemies, then blows them to pieces! Last but not least Rasielmon! Possessing the mysterious power to foresee all events throughout the Digital World. Her Sefer Raziel attack brings about a miracle to exterminate the adversary. Mega Digimon! They digivolved to their Mega Digimon forms!" Izzy exclaimed. "That's great, 'cause we'll need them to beat VenomMyotismon!" Tentomon replied. "Yeah, that's for sure!" Matt agreed. "Good luck! I'll wait here." Tentomon hums backing away.

WarGreymon leaps into the air towards VenomMyotismon as he gathers energy around his body, and slams into the monstrous being, knocking him back. VenomMyotismon struggled to stay up after the force of the blow knocked him back; however, he inevitably fell onto his back as WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, and Rasielmon chased after him. "Way to go WarGreymon! You creamed him... I think...." Izzy muttered, unable to see the result through all the dust. "Quick after them!" Daigo exclaimed as the groups hopped into the vehicles. "Look, there they go! Get after him, WarGreymon!" Tai called from the van. "Put his lights out!" Kari shouts from the back of the pickup. "You two really are siblings, huh?" Arashi chuckled.

"Ice Wolfclaw!" MetalGarurumon fires missiles at VenomMyotismon which begin encasing him in ice. "Frozen!" "Solid!" T.K. and Matt cheer. However, VenomMyotismon's icy containment soon broke apart and left him more pissed than before. "It didn't work!" MetalGarurumon growls. "My turn!" Rasielmon comments as the gems on her armor begin to glow. Behind VenomMyotismon the water from the harbor began to twist into the sky creating a vortex. The vortex slid out of the water and consumed VenomMyotismon, knocking him around and stopping him from breathing. "Remind me not to get on your bad side," WarGreymon tells Rasielmon who chuckles. The vortex soon dissipated leaving a hunched-over and sopping-wet VenomMyotismon.

"Your miserable attempts to destroy me have failed! Now you will pay!" He growled as his eyes began to glow. Soon, VenomMyotismon was firing powerful blasts at anything that crossed his field of view. By sheer chance one of the blasts hit a bit of a broken building knocking it into Hiroaki's van and sending it tumbling. "Everybody out! Get clear of the van!" Hiroaki yelled, ushering for everyone to get away from the battle. "We should get out too," Daigo told Arashi, Kari, and T.K. who nodded.

Back at the Convention Center, Sora, Mimi, Joe, and their Digimon watch the fight from afar as Jimm approaches his brother. "Jim, how's Dad? Is there any improvement yet?" Joe asks. "No. Still exactly the same." Jim replied solemnly, glancing at the ongoing battle. "All right, I'm tired of fooling around! We have to defeat Myotismon once and for all!" Gomamon shouted. "Our parents always protected us. Now it's time we came through for them!" Mimi stated. "Mimi, if we do it together, we can beat him!" Palmon assured. "Think so?" Mimi asked as her partner hummed. "I'll try." Biyomon chimed in. "You will?" Sora asked as Biyomon nodded. "Ok." Sora resolved. "We already tried." Joe protested. "So we'll keep on trying, Joe! Because Digimon never give up." Gomamon began, jumping onto Joe's head.

"Like they always say, all for mon and mon for all!" Gomamon cheers. "You're right! We can do it! Let's get 'em, guys! Aaaaaahhhhh!" Joe exclaimed, running off towards the battle. "You'll have to excuse Joe. He's a little hyperactive. Aaaaahhhh!" Sora bowed to Jim before dashing after Joe. "Please take care of my parents, Jim. Oooooohhhh!" Mimi pleaded before chasing after the others with a battle cry all her own. "Good luck, you guys," Jim stated watching as they ran towards the monster ahead of them.

Back on the battlefield, VenomMyotismon had begun shooting lasers from the eyes around his groin. Below in the plumes of dust, smoke, and destruction, the groups were frantically searching for one another. "Kari!" Tai shouts. In the air above VenomMyotismon swats at WarGreymon who is caught by Rasielmon. "Where are you, Tai?" Kari shouts as a broken piece of building begins to topple. "Kari, watch out!" Daigo exclaims, pulling the girl out of the way of the falling debris. At the same time, a broken piece of building is flung at Angewomon, sending her crashing into a pile of rubble. "Tai!" Matt shouts climbing atop a pile of broken cement. Meanwhile, T.K. watches as MetalGarurumon evades VenomMyotismon's attack and fires his own at the massive being.

"T.K. we have to find the others," Arashi tells him. "Ohh. Get him Angemon!" T.K. shouts following Arashi away from the battle as Angemon charges at VenomMyotismon. The angel Digimon is promptly swatted away and into a broken building as Hiroaki, Masami, and Kae look on in horror. "Mom! Dad! I'm coming!" Izzy shouts looking for his parents as Tentomon stops him. "Look, Izzy, all the others have digivolved too! There's Ikakkumon and Togemon and Birdramon! I'm going in!" Tentomon points out as the others all arrive on scene. "Tentomon, digivolve to Kabuterimon!" Kabuterimon is quick to join the others as WarGreymon addresses them all. "Everyone, attack at the same time!" He calls to the others who all nod in agreement.

"Ok, how 'bout a little Needle Spray!" "Harpoon Torpedo!" "Meteor Wing!" "Electro Shocker!" "Hand of Fate!" "Celestial Arrow!" "Heaven's Punishment!" "Metal Wolfclaw!" "Knowledge Stream!" The Digimon's attacks all condense upon VenomMyotismon's groin, MetalGarurumon's missile, and Rasielmon's multi beams attack doing the most prominent damage. "And now, to wind things up!" WarGreymon calls spinning himself into a mini tornado. "Mega Claw!" MetalGreymon calls launching himself at VenomMyotismon's groin and cutting right through it. "That had to hurt," Daigo commented as they watched the massive creature fall to his knees. "That did it," Hiraoki stated confidently as VenomMyotismon roared in anger. "You think you can defeat me? You've only awakened the beast within!" He shouted as an ugly formless creature appeared inside the tear in his groin.

"Aaah!" Mimi screamed as the others looked in complete horror. "What is that thing?" Tai asked. "Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick," Arashi commented, covering her mouth in disgust. The creature shoots out dark rings of energy which sends all the Digimon backward. "WarGreymon!" Tai gasps as his partner crashes to the ground in front of him. "Now, to devour all you so-called digidestined! You've stood in my way for the last time!" VenomMyotismon shouted. 'It can't end like this...' Mimi pleaded internally. 'I've let everyone down again...' Matt groaned. 'I wish I could've done more...' Sora admitted. 'It's impossible he survived that!' Izzy gasped. 'Maybe we should surrender.' Joe frowned. 'This is scarier than the movies!' T.K. shivered. 'I will never give up!' Tai resolved.

'Not like this...' Arashi thought as she glanced at Kari standing beside her. 'I can't let you believe this is how it ends. I won't let any of you see this ending' She resolves, glancing at all the fallen Digimon and dismayed Digidestined. "I refuse to lose like this!" Arashi shouted at the monster as everyone looked at her as her crest began to glow. "Huh? Arashi, your crest!" Tai pointed out as Arashi glanced down at her crest glowing with an iridescent light. "Yours too!" Arashi realized glancing at Tai who looked at the others. "Everybody, look at your crests! They're all starting to glow!" Tai exclaimed as everyone took off their crests and held them in their hands. The kids watched amazed as ribbon-like light shot from each of the crests and bound VenomMyotismon in place.

"Curse you Digidestined! Curse you and your lousy crests! Let go! Let go!" The beast within VenomMyotismon shouted. "Look at that! Mega-freaky! I wonder if that monster represents Myotismon's actual form-" Tai realized aloud before turning to his partner. "WarGreymon!" He exclaimed. "Pass me the ball!" WarGreymon shouted as Rasielmon and MetalGarurumon tossed him the broken viewing tower off the tv station. "Nice pass," Sora commented as WarGreymon caught the ball. "Now..." Arashi began. "Shoot!" The Digidestined all exclaimed as WarGreymon tossed the ball at the beast. "Terra Force!" "Metal Wolfclaw!" "Sefer Raziel!" The combined attacks of energy, icy blasts, and lightning crash into VenomMyotismon as he dissolved into code.

At the convention center, all the unconscious people began to wake up. "Hey, what happened Jim?" Mimi's father asked coming to his senses. "It must be Joe and the others! They did it! They won!" Jim cheered. "You hear that Kyoko? Arashi did it!" Luke cheered, hopping around excitedly. "Did what?" Kyoko asks as Maki shakes her head. "I'll tell you later." She smiles. Back at the battlefield, Koromon, Tsunomon, and a small yellow round ball with four legs, a pair of sharp pointy fox ears, and a fluffy white-tipped tail run back to Matt, Tai, and Arashi. "We did it, Tai! We did it! Yay!" Koromon cheers. "Wasn't that cool, Matt?" Tsunomon asks "Great job, Tsunomon." Matt congratulates. "Viximon? I thought once you'd become Rasielmon again you'd..." Arashi trailed off as Viximon shook its head.

"I told you before, you're stuck with me forever now." Viximon smiles as Matt glances at the small Digimon. "Wait. You're Meicoomon?!" Matt asks, placing a hand on his forehead. "It suddenly all makes so much sense now." He groans. "Huh? Am I missing something?" Tai asks. "Nothing you want to be a part of." Matt groans as Arashi and Viximon laugh. At the same time a small Digimon resembling a plott hound rides on Morphomon's head over to Kari. "Lookie what I found!" Morphomon cheers. "A stray Digimon?" Mimi questions. "Don't you recognize me? I was Gatomon, what do I have to do, cough up a furball?" The pup replies sassily. "That's Gatomon's rookie form, Salamon. Isn't she cute? She must've reverted back after all her energy fighting." Arashi explained as Kari began petting Salamon.

"Drag..." Joe commented. "Hey, look! The sky's clearing up! What?" Sora gasped as the fog cleared, revealing a much more horrifying sight. "Aah!" "Hey! No way!" Mimi and T.K. shouted. "That's...not possible," Joe muttered. "There's a giant island... floating in the sky... upside down!" Joe exclaimed. The sky above was broken apart into strips half a normal night sky and half a weird floating island. "Things just keep getting weirder!" Tai commented. "One thing's for sure, Myotismon has nothing to do with that," Viximon commented as Arashi nodded. "Hey, what's going on?" Susumu asked, glancing at the sky. "Whatever it is, it doesn't look too good for our side," Jim replied. "Oh Jim, have you seen my children? Do you know where Tai and Kari are?" Yuuko questions.

"No, but I have an educated guess. I'm going to search where the monsters were fighting! I'll come back when I find them, ok?" Jim replies heading off on his motorcycle. Many people from the outside are now reaching Odaiba by boat, T.K.'s mother among them. "This isn't making any sense! It looks like an entire upside-down continent in the sky. But it doesn't show up on any radar, or on any satellite pictures. In fact, no instruments of any kind can confirm that whatever it is is really even there!" Izzy trails off typing away on his computer for answers as a panicked voice cuts through the area. "T.K.! T.K.! Where are you?" Nancy exclaims as T.K. glances over his shoulder to see his mother running towards him "Mama!" T.K. smiles as his mother runs up and hugs him.

Matt and Hiroaki watch the two reunite from afar, Hiroaki lighting a cigarette and Matt watching silently. "Oh, T.K.I was so afraid I'd never see you again. You must have been terrified, T.K." Nancy began as T.K. shook his head. "Nuh-uh! Matt was with me the whole time!" T.K. replied as Nancy glanced over to see her eldest son. "Matt...:" She began as Matt nodded at her. "Hey, Mom." He greeted. "Come on! Come and see Matt, and Daddy too!" T.K. cheered, leading Nancy by her hand to where Matt was. "Oh Matt, I'm so proud of you. Thank you, son." Nancy smiles. "Yeah, whatever," Matt replies. "Don't be like that. Please, Matt." Nancy smiles as Hiroaki cuts in. "Nancy... It's been a long time, hasn't it?" Hiroaki greeted, however, he made no effort to get closer.

"Yes, it has," Nancy replied as T.K. began cheering. "It's been a really long time since all four of us were together, huh Matt?" T.K. asked. "Yeah, I guess so," Matt replied as T.K. began running around and cheering again. "Alrighty, that's enough running," Arashi commented, picking up T.K. by his sides. "KitKat! Look, Mom! Arashi's here too!" T.K. cheered as Arashi sighed with a tired smile. "Did you eat a pound of sugar when I wasn't looking?" Arashi asked, tickling T.K.'s sides as the boy began laughing. "Is that where all this energy came from? Huh? Is it? You have candy in your bag don't you?" She asked jokingly. As T.K. kept laughing the solemn mood around the rest of his family lightened as they watched T.K. laugh.

"Check this out, guys. I've been monitoring the news reports. The air force is sending in everything they've got to figure out what this continent in the sky really is. They don't know anything so far, but they're assuming it's dangerous." Izzy explained to the others. Up in the sky, a fighter jet, Hawkeye 1, begins its ascent towards the continent; however, upon crossing a certain altitude the plane freezes completely. 'This is Hawkeye 1, mayday, mayday, mayday!' The pilot called as the plane began to fall. Back with the Digidestined who were almost all sitting worried for both their families and the current situation. "I have to admit that I'm a little jealous that Matt and TK found their parents, and Izzy too! I just hope my mom and dad are all right." Mimi admits.

"I know how you feel, me too," Sora replied before noticing headlights in the distance. "Huh? Someone's coming!" She points out. "All right, my brother!" Joe cheers as his brother pulls to a stop in front of the kids. "All the other families that were at the convention center are fine! They're all back to normal!" Jim tells them as the kids all begin cheering. "Sora, they're safe!" Mimi cheers along with the rest of the kids before Jim quiets them all. "Let's check the news!" Jim tells them as he pulls out his phone. 'The latest reports we have from the air force chief of staff confirms that the mysterious landmass in the sky is not an illusion of any kind. It is very real, and after several confrontations, apparently very dangerous.' The newscaster reported showing image after image of the anomaly.

"It's covering the whole sky!" "It has to be Myotismon's work again." Joe and Matt concluded. "But that's impossible, isn't it? We defeated Myotismon for good this time." Tsunomon replied. "Yeah, we kicked booty!" Koromon continued. "Well, you heard the news reports. It's definitely dangerous. Who else could be doing it?" Joe asked. "What does it matter who's doing it? We just have to stop it!" Tai told him. 'There's something familiar about that mountain...' Izzy thought, glancing at one of the landforms in the sky. ' looks like Infinity Mountain!' He realized. "Hey Tai, grab your telescope and get us a clear peek at that peak right there!" Izzy calls as Tai takes out his telescope. "Huh? Which one?" He asks as Izzy points to the mountain. "There! The big one I'm pointing to!" Izzy clarifies.

"Oh, like that helps me. All right, I'm looking. Man, there are dozens of mountains up there! Which one?" Tai asks again. "The big one!" Izzy repeats. "The big- waah!" Tai gasps. "Did you find it?" Izzy asks. "What I found is a jetliner!" Tai states. Above them, an airplane is flying dangerously close to the continent in the sky. "Ground control, this is flight 224. We have lost our vector, over." The Pilot calls over the radio. "Strange, why don't they answer? This is 224 to ground control, do you copy? Repeat, we have lost our landing vector. Come in, ground control!" The pilot calls with no response worrying the co-pilot. "We can't land here now and we can't turn back with the fuel we have left on board." The co-pilot states as the plane's alarms begin to blare.

"What? The alarm! All systems failure! We've got about two seconds to figure out what's wrong here!" The pilot shouts. "No use, nothing's responding! We're going down!" The co-pilot admits as the two struggle to regain control of the plane. "Oh no! The plane reached the edge of that thing in the sky and just headed straight down!" Tai pointed out as the kids watched the plane descend rapidly. "Biyomon!" Sora calls as her partner begins to digivolve. "Got to pull out! We'll break up at this speed! Help me pull!" The pilot groans as Birdramon flies up toward the plane. "If I can just get there in time..." Birdramon's statement is cut off as she notices a familiar insectoid leaving the continent. "It's Kuwagamon! Where did he come from?" Birdramon asks, watching as Kuwagamon grazes the plane and its wing turns to ice.

Birdramon collides with the plane to slow it down, resting it on her back. However, the plane proves too heavy for her, and she cries out in pain. "Do it, Birdramon!" Joe cheered. "Birdramon! Digivolve!" Sora shouted as her partner did just that. "Birdramon, digivolve to Garudamon!" Garudamon is quick to stabilize the nose of the plane as Kabuterimon flies up to her. "I'll help too!" He calls when Kuwagamon darts past him. "Huh? Kuwagamon? Electro Shocker!" Kabuterimon's attack phases through Kuwagamon as Kuwagagmon turns back around and charges at Kabuterimon. "It went right through!" Kabuterimon gasped. "Kabuterimon, getaway! Don't touch him!" Garudamon ordered as Kabuterimon moved out of the way.

"Nice going, Birdramon! You brought the plane down safely!" Tai cheered upon Garudamon and Kabuterimon's successful landing of the plane into the water. As the plane's passengers are ferried to shore in life rafts, Yokomon and Motimon rejoin the group. "Guys, how'd Kuwagamon get there?" Tai asks. "He came out of that land in the sky!" Yokomon replies. "I was right all along! That giant continent is actually the Digital World!" Izzy exclaims. "That's why you recognized that mountain." Matt realized. "Yeah, y'know, it does look sorta familiar!" Mimi agreed. "What's it doing here?" Sora asked. "A better question is what's going to happen now." Arashi comments as Jim waves his phone at the group.

"Guys, you'd better have a look at this!" Jim calls. 'We bring you now new footage of some truly bizarre scenes.' The newscaster exclaims as an image of a gorilla-like Digimon on the rampage in a place filled with skyscrapers. 'No official explanation has been given for what we are seeing here.' The newscaster continues as footage of Tyrannomon, Kuwagamon and another Digimon from around the world appear on the screen. "Kuwagamon again! And if we touch those Digimon, we'll freeze just like the airplane's wings!" Yokomon stated. "And when I fired my Electro Shocker, it passed right through!" Motimon commented. "Man, what is going on here?" Matt asked. "Salamon, is that your world up there?" Kair asked. "I think so, but the last time I was there it was definitely right side up," Salamon replied.

"Hold on... your world..." Arashi muttered before hitting her hand on her palm. "That's it! Different world! Different laws!" She exclaimed. "Huh?" The others questioned as Izzy caught on. "She's right. We've been back in the real world for only a few days, but up there time is much faster, years and years have passed!" Izzy explained. "And since we left the digiworld when it was such a mess, it had years and years to just get worse! I can only imagine what the place looks like now!" Koromon commented. "And all the problems in the Digital World have become our problem here in the real world!" Sora concluded. "That's that. We all have to go back." Tai stated. "But how? How are we supposed to get there?" Mimi asked.

"The first time we went to the Digital World, our digivices led us. You guys try it again." Joe told them attempting to back away. "You're coming too, Joe. We're all in this together." Izzy ordered. "All right everybody, hold out your digivices. We're going back! Next stop, the Digital World! Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times! Here we go, everybody!" Tai called as the Digidestined stood in a circle and held out the digivices. As they do, a rainbow light shines out from the devices and up to the Digital World enveloping the kids and their Digimon. "I think it's working, Tai. This light must be here to guide us." Izzy exclaims. "Now all we have to do is follow it..." "Back to the Digital World!" Joe and T.K. commented. "T.K.!" Nancy exclaimed upon seeing her son next to the unknown light.

"Mom! Oh, I'm sorry we have to leave now that we're finally back together again." T.K. apologizes. "You can't!" Nancy begins as Hiroaki stamps out his cigarette. "Let him go. We've made some selfish decisions of our own, remember?" He comments referring to their divorce and the separation of their sons "We have to let them do this. This could be more important than you realize." Hiroaki states as Nancy begins to tear up. "The whole world is doomed if we don't do something, Mom! You know we have to go back! We're doing this to protect you!" Matt shouted as his mother began to cry. "Matt..." She mumbled as Jim shouted. "You guys better get cranking. Although it's hard to believe the fate of the world is in the hands of a bunch of kids like you. I guess if the sun doesn't come up tomorrow, we know you messed up!" Jim joked as Kae turned to him in anger.

"Stop it. You've got to have faith in your brother and his friends. What they're doing is incredibly brave." Kae scolded. "Woah, sorry lady, it didn't mean anything!" Jim fumbled embarrassed. "It's ok, he was only kidding. And besides, I'm going to make darn sure the sun does come up!" Joe states seriously. "Joe, I didn't know you had it in you!" Sora gasps. "What a man!" Mimi adds as Joe's seriousness dissipates. Joe resignedly takes a step back into the light and begins to float up into the air. "What's happening?" Sora and Mimi gasp. "All right, here we go!" Tai cheers as everyone steps into the light and begins to ascend. "Arashi wait!" A familiar voice calls as Arashi turns to see Maki approaching. "Take this," She states, handing Arashi her cell phone. "But these don't work-" "It will," Maki states as Arashi nods and steps into the light.

"Matt! T.K.! Take care of each other!" Nancy calls. "Sora! I love you Sora! Please come home soon! I'll be waiting here for you!" Toshiko calls as Sora sees her mother. "Bye, mama..." Sora mutters before taking in a shaky breath. "Bye, mama!" She screams. "Mama! Papa!" Mimi cries. "Bye, Dad!" "Bye, Mama!" Tai and Kari shout. "Oh Tai, be careful!" Yuuko exclaims. "And take care of your sister, son!" Susumu adds. "I'll be alright! Don't worry, we'll all be back!" Kari shouts. "Arashi!" Kyoko shouts as Arashi glances down to see Kyoko and Luke waving at her from afar. "We'll be waiting for you!" Kyoko calls. "Come back soon, you still owe me for making me worry so much!" Luke shouts as Arashi nods, unable to find words.
