Sora's Crest of Love

Tai and Joe pedaled the swan boat back across the waters Koromon, Palmon, and Mimi sat on top while Gonamaon perched up front. Eventually the boat reached shore and they all hopped off. "We're here!" "Ugh...I'm tired!" Tai and Joe exclaimed. "Okay, Mimi, get off your throne!" Tai said, holding his arms out. "I wouldn't exactly call this a throne!" Mimi laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, well I wouldn't call you a princess!" Tai shot back. "That's because Arashi's your princess." "My princess what are you-?" "Guys, over here!" A voice yelled cutting off Tai. The group turned to see Matt, Izzy, and T.K. "Hey, it's Matt!" Joe said as they all regrouped. "It's been a long time since I've seen you! My you've shrunk!" Palmon told the other Digimon. "Don't rub it in!" Motimon, Tsunomon, and Koromon said "Where's Sora and Arashi?" Tai asked. "We thought you might know." Matt replied.

"That's weird. It's not like them to disappear like that." Tai said. "Actually, I think I saw Sora." Mimi said. "Huh?" "Where did you see her?" Tai asked. "At the Gekomon's castle! But I might have been dreaming." Mimi replied. "I think you're right, it must have been a dream. Arashi was carried off by Renamon X and I haven't seen Sora." Joe said. "Actually, I forgot that when I was just about to eat one of those mushrooms of forgetfulness, when I was Agumon, I heard voices that sounded a lot like Arashi and Sora's," Koromon said. "That's weird," Tai said. "I had a similar experience," Izzy said. "Yeah?" Mimi asked. "Back in Vademon's universe, I heard Arashi's voice telling me to unleash the power of my crest. Along with a Digimon I had never seen before called Crescemon." Izzy said. "Arashi's the one who got me your crest and led me to your curiosity Izzy or at least I think she was. I'm not really sure anymore." Motimon said. 

"She helped confirm my suspicions about DemiDevimon back when I was Tokomon too." Patamon added. "That's right I saw her back at the amusement park right before Tai and Agumon found me. I was really upset and yelled at her but I thought I was just imagining it." T.K. sighed looking guilty. "I've run into her a few times too along with some weird Digimon. First there was the time with TobuCatmon, then right before T.K. and Tai came to the diner Arashi told me that...." Matt trailed off remembering the argument. "...that T.K. was safe and on his way with Tai. Then at the diner, we met Renamon X when she helped defeat Digitamamon. Then Arashi and Morphomon warned me about what was happening to Izzy" Matt stated. "We ran into Renamon X at the palace too, except after helping us she grabbed Arashi and ran off." Gomamon said. 

"We ran into a Sangloupmon back when we first arrived back in the digiworld it stole Tai's digivice and led us to Tokomon." Koromon said. "Hey, isn't that the same Digimon who stopped us from eating the first batch of poisoned mushrooms?" T.K. asked Tai who nodded. "Even more interesting I saw Arashi in the real world." Tai said. "What?" The other gasped. "Yeah, except  Koromon couldn't see her." Tai continued. "It's true I thought he had gone crazy but then Tai's sister started talking to Arashi so I knew he had to be telling the truth," Koromon said. "I bet this all has something to do with Arashi being the Princess. It makes perfect sense that she'd have more abilities than the rest of us do, not to mention all of these unknown Digimon coming to her aid." Izzy said. "But then, if Arashi and Sora are actually close to where we are, why don't they come out and tell us? Is it because I yelled at Arashi?" T.K. asked. 

"No way there's nothing you could say that would drive her away." Patamon protested. "I told her I hated her because I thought she was lying to me," T.K. admitted. "T.K.-" "I'm sorry Matt I didn't mean to. I was just so sad because she had left and I still thought DemiDevimon was telling the truth so when she said that he was lying I yelled at her. That has to be why they aren't coming out, they're mad at me." T.K. began to cry as Matt comforted him. "It's not that T.K., maybe they just don't want to. Or even worse, maybe she just can't!" "That's right Arashi said that she had reasons for leaving and couldn't tell you," Patamon said as Matt looked at him suspiciously. "I may have eavesdropped on you back at the oasis," Patamon admitted as Matt began blushing a bit. "Oh, uh right." He said before shaking his head. 

Just then all their digivices began beeping with signals from two digivices far away. "All I know is, we've got to find them, and quick!" Matt said. "It's almost like we're playing tag with them!" Tai said. "Come on, the signal points this way!" Izzy said as the three lead the group towards the girls.

Back off in the dark castle atop the mountain trouble awaited. "Because of your stupidity, all of my evil plans have failed!" Myotismon said as he stepped from the shadows. Myotismon was dressed elegantly like a gentleman, and his looks were styled after a vampire. He had a red bat-shaped symbol on his shoulders, black ones on his hands, and a silver one on his right foot. 'Oh, boy. Myotismon. How'd I ever get stuck working for this guy? Talk about a bad temper! And he's got all those bats. I hate bats!' DemiDevimon said in his head. "Please forgive my mistakes, Master Myotismon. I beg you!" DemiDevimon bowed. "Courage. Hope. Friendship. The children's Crests are beginning to glow, one by one all because of the Princess who you fail to bring me!" "Everyone makes mistakes! Remember disco? Besides, sir, not all of the children's Crests have begun to glow yet!" DemiDevimon pointed to a portal picture of Sora, Arashi, Morphomon, and Biyomon. 

"Those girls have the Crests of Love and Stars, and they're still not glowing, thanks to me!" DemiDevimon laughed. "Anyway, according to my schedule, they'll be meeting up with the other children very soon. And when they do, Master Myotismon, when they are all together, that's when I'll get them!" DemiDevimon said. "You think you can? If you fail me, my bats will have a new chew toy!" Myotismon replied walking away. "I hate bats." DemiDevimon laughed under his breath as he bowed.

"Sora! Arashi!" "Arashi! Sora! Where are you?" Tai and Izzy called. The sun was beginning to set and appeared a red color while the digidestined looked for their two friends. "Ugh. Why don't we find a spot to rest for the night? Or better yet, for the next couple of weeks! My feet are killing me, not to mention every other part of my body." "Oh... I can't go another inch!" Joe and Mimi cried exasperated. "Hold on, I'm getting a reading on my digivice!" Matt said as he looked at his to see two red dots close by to the collection of their own. "Really?" T.K. asked as Patamon gasped. "What is it?" "What's that buzzing?" Patamon asked. "I wonder if it's Sora and Arashi!" T.K. replied cheerfully. "What's that sound?" Tai asked as a large bee-like Digimon flew out of the forest at them. 

Tai, Matt, and Joe all yelped in fright as they ducked out of their way. "Ah! Flymon's here!" Koromon shouted. "Brown Stingers!" Fly on called as he shot multiple red stingers at the kids who scattered. "Maybe this Digimon Analyser that Gennai gave me can help us out. Here he is! Flymon." Izzy exclaimed, opening his computer. "He's classified as an insect Digimon. A Virus type. I think we already know what his attack is, and it's not pleasant! And here he comes now!" Izzy said as the group ran from the tree they had been hiding at. Tai yelled as a stinger shot past him. "Careful, Tai!" Koromon called. Matt yelled as well when one shot past his shoulder. "Look out, Matt!" Tsunomon said as the two leaped into action. "Koromon Digivolve to Agumon!" "Tsunomon Digivolve to...Gabumon!" The two Digimon called. 

"Agumon!" "Gabumon!" Tai and Matt cheered. "Pepper Breath!" "Blue Blaster!" Agumon and Gabumon called firing at Flymon who dodged the attacks effortlessly. "It's just not working! They need more help!" Motimon said. "Marching Fishes!" "Poison Ivy!" Gomamaon and Palmon called but Flymon dodged the attacks. "Brown Stingers!" Flymon called firing at Mimi and Palmon who jumped out of the way. Tai groaned when a familiar cawing and wing flapping was heard. Just then Birdramon and Hudiemon came flying in from above the trees. "It's Birdramon and Hudiemon!" Motimon stated. "Meteor Wing!" "Infinity Dream!" The two Digimon called as the attacks hit Flymon, and he fell to the ground, defeated. Almost immediately the two Digimon flew back the way they came. "If Birdramon and Hudiemon are here, then so are Sora and Arashi! Arashi! Sora!" Tai yelled following the Digimon with close behind. 

"Wait up, Tai!" "We're coming!" Agumon and Gabumon said. "I'm going with you!" T.K. shouted after them. "T.K. Wait up!" Patamon called. At the same time Arashi and Sora approached a slope that led into a river. The two girls nodded before sliding down and quickly hopping from rock to rock across. They climbed up the other side of the wall and kept running. "Think we lost him?" Sora asked between pants. "I dont know." Arashi replied just as out of breath. Suddenly Tai slid out from the bushes in front of them. "Arashi, Sora, It'!" Tai said out of breath. Sora frowned as Arashi turned to go in the other direction, but was stopped by Matt. "So why were you running away?" He asked. Arashi swiftly grabbed Sora's hand and darted off to the left. "Thanks." Sora said as the two grills ran. "Don't mention it." Arashi replied. 

They weren't running very long when Matt tackled Arashi to the ground causing Sora to stop. Tai came out of the forest as well as Arashi strained to get out from underneath Matt. "Enough running! Tell us what's going on!" Tai said as Sora frowned and looked away. Arashi stopped struggling and looked at her female friend concerned. "Arashi?" Matt asked, startled by her sudden lack of struggling. Just then T.K. and the Digimon approached out of breath. "Arashi, Sora, does this mean you guys don't like us anymore?" T.K. asked. "No." "Of course not." Sora and Arashi replied, shaking their heads. "Then what's wrong?" T.K. asked as Morphomon and Biyomon hopped onto the scene from above. "Sora, why don't you tell them?" Biyomon asked.

 "Stop being so stubborn Arashi." Morphomon said. "I am not stubborn." Arashi protested. "You just got tackled." Morphomon stated as Arashi looked over at Sora who nodded and Arashi sighed. "Alright you win we'll talk now would you get off of me?" "Oh right sorry." Matt said, releasing the brown-haired girl who stood up and walked over to her friend. "You sure?" She asked, placing a hand on Sora's shoulder. "Yes." Sora replied before turning to the others. "Okay. It happened the night Arashi and I left camp to try and find Tai." Sora said.

"Shh! Someone's here!" Biyomon said as the two girls and their partners walked through a twisty forest. "Huh? Oh!" Sora gasped taping Arashi's shoulder. "Creepy." "You can say that again." Morphomon said as Arashi nodded. They looked over to see a blue Digimon with bay wings talking to something in a weird portal.

"We saw a strange Digimon. He looked like a bowling ball with wings, and he was talking to something in a giant bubble." Sora said. "So, could you hear what he was saying?" T.K. asked. "Yeah. He was saying something about our Crests." Sora replied. "What about them?" Tai asked. "He was saying that each of our Crests has its own special meaning. For example, Tai, yours is the crest of Courage." Arashi explained. "The crest of Courage? Oh!" Tai said thinking back to the electric wall at the pyramid.

"Gather your Courage!" Agumon yelled.

"That's right and then the crest started to glow!" Tai explained to the others . "And the crest you have, Matt, is the crest of Friendship." Sora told him. "Friendship." Matt said looking at it. "And mine?" "Yours is special, T.K. It's the crest of Hope" Arashi smiled at the little boy. "Alright! I hope we can get back home!" T.K. told Patamon. "Izzy's crest is the crest of Knowledge. Joe's is the crest of Reliability." Arashi explained. In the meantime Izzy and Motimon carefully hopped from rock to rock over the river. Gomamon jumped into the river as Joe accidentally slipped and fell in with him. "Thanks for being there, Joe." Gomamon told him. "And Mimi's in the crest of Sincerity. Arashi's is special too it's the crest of Stars it means that she's a combination of all the Crests." Sora started as Arashi made a face. "And finally, mine...mine is the crest of Love." Sora finished. 

"Wow, the crest of Love! That's just perfect for you, Sora! And the crest of Stars sound amazing Arashi." Tai cheered for the two as Sora snapped. "No, it's not! Don't say that, Tai! It's not like me at all!" Sora yelled at him. "But Sora, it is like you! You're always thinking of everyone else!" Tai replied nervously. "No way! I don't care what happens to everyone else! The truth is, you don't know the first thing about me! So back off!" Sora yelled again. Arashi placed a hand on Sora's shoulder and smiled at the girl who sighed. "Oh! I'm sorry, Tai." Sora said. "Sora, what's the matter?" Tai said. "It's just that, my crest, it won't glow and it's making Arashi's not glow either." Sora said. "Huh?" Tai gasped as Sora sadly looked at her crest. "It's because I don't have any love." She said tears in her eyes as Arashi wrapped an arm around her and had her sit next to a tree. 

"For the last time that is not why mine doesn't glow. I just don't have any good personality traits." Arashi joked as the other girl sighed. "Oh come on that one was moderately accurate." Arashi protested sitting beside Sora who laughed a bit. "You love us, don't you, Sora?" T.K. asked as the boy walked over to the girls. "I don't get it. Why is it that girls have to get so emotional when it comes to love?" Tai asked. "You trying to get hit?" Arashi sent him a steely glare. "Aw what's your problem now?" Tai asked. "Leave them alone, Tai." Matt cautioned him. "I was just joking around!" Tai protested. "That Digimon thought we were pretty funny, too." Sora said as Arashi snorted. "Isn't that the truth."

"Is your name by any chance, DemiDevimon?" Sora asked as DemiDevimon flew over. "It sure is! And you're two of those kids, the DigiDestined! Tell me something, did you hear about the Crests?" He asked them. "Yes, in fact, We did!"Sora replied." "Oh, you're that kid Sora! Crest of Love." DemiDevimon laughed. "And what's so funny about that?" Sora asked. "You just think you're so hot. But guess what? You'll never be able to make the crest glow! Never" He replied. "Oh...oh!" Sora gasped. "Hey why don't you back off you feathered bowling ball before I roll you down a flight of stairs." Arashi snapped pushing Sora behind her. "Even better, the Princess of Harmony and her crest of Stars. I heard that's the most special crest, since it's a combination of the other Crests. That just means it's even harder to get it to glow because you have to have all the traits of the other Crests combined. Then and only then will it work, as long as it doesn't start randomly glowing and causing little... accidents" DemiDevimon snickered. "What do you mean by accidents?" Arashi asked as her body began tensing up.

"Oh you know weird things like water starting to float when you touch it. Objects becoming covered in ice or fire or vines. Sparks of electricity frying marks into things, you know weird stuff like that. Once it starts causing that to happen it's useless because it means the wearer is a sham. So the power just escapes back into the air. If it does that then all the Crests around it will lose their power as well along with their partner's ability to digivolve properly. Makes sense that the Crest of Stars belongs to the one who guides and empowers others with their strength so in order to have it they must be really strong. I heard it was supposed to be for the leader of the digidestined but I guess I was wrong." DemiDevimon shrugged. "Arashi?" Morphomon questioned as the stiff girl loosened up and scoffed. "As if I'd believe that, first of all, I have no idea what accidents you're talking about, and even if I did why would I believe anything you say? Your name is DemiDevimon which means you're just a tiny version of Devimon who was evil and tried to use me as a sacrificial lamb." Arashi stated.

"I'm hurt, not every Digimon with a bad name is actually bad you know are you saying that if my name was something sweet like Sweetiemon you would trust me?" "No! I would probably trust you even less." Arashi scoffed. "Wow that's awful and here I thought the Princess of Harmony was supposed to be nice. Makes sense since you don't know the first thing about what any of the crests means. From what I can tell you're not very friendly, brave, smart, honest, hopeful, dependable, or loving. I mean look at you all the way out here by yourse-Wah!" DemiDevimon screeched as he was punted away. "Arashi!" The others protested as she gave them an indifferent shrug. "Oh, we all wanted to do it." "Hmmm." Sora frowned at the ground as Arashi placed a hand on her shoulder. "Look he's a dirty liar. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick him. Which coincidentally is extremely far." Arashi said as Morphomon and Biyomon nodded laughing.

"So that's it? I thought it was something serious like they were going to stop making those stuffed bean bag animals. Besides, DemiDevimon is a liar!" Tai said. "It's true. It started back when I was on a girls' soccer team. My family owned a flower shop. It was my mom's whole life." Sora started.

"Mom, I have to go to the soccer match! The girls are counting on me!" Sora protested. "Don't yell so loud, dear. The flowers are very sensitive!" "But this match is to win the title!" Sora said. "Sora, you can't go with your knee injured like that!" "But mom! My leg's fine." Sora whined. "I'm sorry. You can't go! Sit down, we need to talk." Sora's mom said as Sora sat down with some difficulty. "I want you to stop playing soccer and come and work at the flower shop with me." "What? I won't stop playing to work with smelly old flowers!" "I can't believe a daughter of mine would act this way! My decision is final." "Why can't you understand me?" Sora cried as she ran out of the flower shop.

"I walked around for hours. I found myself at the soccer field. The game had just finished." Sora said. "What happened?" Tai asked. "We lost the game, six to three. My teammates were so depressed, that most of them didn't even notice me when they walked by me." she sighed. "Only one girl did and from what I remember she was the one who had scored all the goals too." Sora explained.

"—— what happened?" Sora asked the brown-haired girl who stopped upon noticing her. "Well we lost six to three, the others weren't too happy about it and are all mopey and depressed." "Can it ——! You're just in a good mood because you actually scored." "You're just jealous!" The brown-haired girl shot back. "I'm sorry, I let you guys down." Sora apologized. Just then the brown-haired girl began laughing. "I'm sorry, it's just that I should be telling you that." The girl said before shaking her head. "Anyways I'm glad you didn't come today. Your knee was really bad." "But if I was here-" "You only would've gotten yourself hurt worse don't worry about it. It's not your fault." The girl said, placing a hand on Sora's shoulder. "Now go get some rest while I try to cheer the others up." "If you're sure." Sora sighed. "Bye ——." Sora waved. "See ya Sora." The girl called as she ran to catch up with the others.

"Even though my friend said I didn't, I felt that I had let them down. Like it was all my fault! My mom said I had to be a part of the family business, no questions. That's how she is. It's like that's the only thing that's important to her. She doesn't understand me. That's why I knew he wasn't wrong when he said I grew up not knowing what love is." Sora stood up, and tried to throw her crest away. "Sora, stop it!" Arashi said, grabbing her arm. "Let go!" Sora said. "Even if what you said was true, you shouldn't believe a word from that loser, DemiDevimon! He's just a creep that's trying to hurt you!" Tai said walking over to the two girls. Just then Sora pulled her arm back and began to cry as Arashi hugged her. "Wait, wait! Don't cry! Sora! Matt, help me out! I don't know what to do with her when she starts blubbering!" Tai said. The blond in question was nonchalantly leaning up against a tree. 

"Just let her go, Tai. She'll be okay." Matt sighed. "Wow, Matt's just like a real grown-up!" "Now, if only he would cut his hair!" Agumon and Gabumon awed at the boy. "Arashi? Sora? I forgot to thank you." T.K. said. Sora stopped crying as the two girls looked at T.K. "Huh?" "You told us not to eat the mushrooms, didn't you? I want to thank you for saving us." T.K. said. "Right, T.K.! Arashi thought DemiDevimon was up to no good, so we kept out of sight, and made sure you guys stayed out of trouble! We were even there when you guys were working in the restaurant, Matt!" Biyomon said. "Huh? I had no idea." Matt said. "You didn't have to hide from us. We were all worried!" Tai said. "Sora and Arashi just needed to be alone for a little while. But they really didn't want to be separated from you guys." Morphomon said. 

"Hm. Sora? I like you. So, please, don't go away again. I don't like being away from you. When you're around, I don't miss my mom as much!" T.K. giggled. "T.K., I'm so, so, sorry!" Sora apologized. "Hey!" Joe called. The group glanced to see the others running over. "Hey, what took you guys so long?" Tai asked, waving. "Well, we would have been here sooner, but Joe fell in the river." "Hey, Mimi, you're the one who was hungry and tired and had to sit down every five minutes!" Joe and Mimi picked at each other. "Hey Sora why don't you go wash up at the stream." Arashi offered. "Alone but what if sh-" Tai was cut off as Arashi elbowed him in the stomach. "Thanks, Arashi." Sora laughed before heading for the stream. "Arashi I wanted to talk to you about the new Digimon you seem to have allied yourself with." Izzy said as he approached the girl. 

"Hmm? I uh don't know what you're talking about." Arashi asked. "What do you mean? How can you not know we've all seen you with them." Izzy said. "If you're referring to the incident with Renamon X, I can't help you, that dingo shows up whenever she pleases," Arashi sighed. "It's true, Renamon X and other Digimon will just randomly show up, protect us, and then disappear." "They're not all bad though, Arashi's always getting herself into some sort of trouble, so it's nice that she has someone to help when I'm not around." Biyomon and Morphomon added. "So I'm sorry to say, but I can't help you much on that front as of right now." Arashi replied. "Hmm, then what about the vision of you Tai saw back in our world?" Izzy asked as Arashi tilted her head. "Back in our world? I'm sorry you've lost me." She stated. 

"Do you really not know?" Tai asked as Arashi tilted her head in thought. "It seems familiar, but I don't have any clear recollection of it, almost like it was a dream..." Arashi replied as Sora came back and the group began to make camp. Little did they know that up in the trees DemiDevimon stood watching. "Finally, they're all together! I must tell Myotismon!" He said flapping off. After hearing DemiDevimon's report a carriage flew into the sky carried by a black dragon-like creature.

"Arashi where are you going?" Sora asked, startling me. "I was just gonna wash up at the stream." I replied. "You were thinking about leaving again weren't you," she asked. "Maybe..." "Because you don't think we can protect ourselves?" "Yes! Wait, no.... Agh, I don't know." I said leaning against the tree. "I feel like I don't belong with you guys you know?" "Are you kidding? You're the one who came up with the idea of helping the others." Sora said. "You're practically the leader, we all know that Tai kinda only listens to you." "When he does listen," I added as she laughed. "But you helped them the most they believed in you," I told her. "No, you were the one who was honest with Mimi, you're the one who came up with plans as smart as Izzy, you're the one who gave T.K. hope, you're the one who made Joe feel reliable, you're the one who helped give Tai the courage to rescue us, you're the one who helped Matt see the meaning of true friendship." 

"You helped with that though... And you did it without using DemiDevimon like a soccer ball." Sora giggled at my words. "Yeah, Arashi sent him flying with no consideration at all. She's so mean." Biyomon added. "Uh excuse me?" I asked. "yeah what kind of Princess are you if you don't care about your subjects." Morphomon asked. "You know I'm getting real tired of this. I'm gonna side with everyone but my partner stuff real quick Morpho." I turned to my partner. "That's because you don't need it. You're too selfless." Morphomon said. "She's right you know," Sora added. "About you being selfless. You put yourself in danger and helped us without us even knowing. You even let the others believe that it was my idea because you knew I needed cheering up." Sora said as I turned embarrassed a bit. 

"You care so much about us and you don't think about yourself at all. I mean just look at the cut on your arm." She said as I shook my head and smiled. "It was worth it since Izzy got out safe." "That's what I call being selfless." Biyomon nodded. "Yep, Arashi's as selfless as they come, that's why she has me." I glanced at my partner as she spoke. "She looks out for you guys and I look out for her." Morphomon said hugging me and smiling at me. Later that night almost everyone was asleep by the fire while I sat on guard duty when T.K. came up to me. "T.K.? Why aren't you asleep is something wrong?" I asked as he nodded. "What is it?" "I... I...." He stammered as tears began falling down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" He cried hugging me. "I didn't mean what I said, Arashi! I don't hate you! I'm sorry!" "Oh, T.K. you don't have to apologize... I know you didn't mean it. I'm the one who should apologize to you." I replied wrapping my arms around trying to soothe his worries.

What the kids didn't know was that a certain small Digimon was watching from the trees. "Sound asleep and distracted. All right! Ha! Myotismon will be so proud of my work, maybe I'll get a promotion!" He snickered to himself as Biyomon began to stir. "Demi Dart!" DemiDevimon shouted as Arashi glanced to see two weird needles flying through the air at T.K. and Sora. "Sora, watch out!" "Arashi don't!" Biyomon and Morphomon called as Biyomon and Arashi blocked the needles as the substance inside was injected into them. "Huh? Biyomon! No! Biyomon! Please wake up! Biyomon!" "Sora, I will protect you." Biyomon murmured in Sora's arms as Arashi fell to her knees. "Arashi! Oh, no!" T.K. gasped at the girl. "I'm okay, just stay beside me." Arashi told him struggling to stay up. 

"Sora, what's wrong?" Tai asked sitting up. "DemiDevimon's here!" T.K. pointed out. Upon hearing his name, DemiDevimon dashed away as the sky became black and Matt, T.K., Mimi, Joe, and Izzy yelped. "Hey...what is that?" Tai asked. Above them a carriage was flying through the air. It flew over the kids, and dropped a coffin that Myotismon floated out of. "DigiDestined! Your journey ends here. The Princess is mine!" "That's it!" Sora exclaimed. "That's the thing... DemiDevimon was talking to." Arashi finished. "He's not a thing, he's Lord Myotismon!" "Myotismon?" "That's 'Lord' Myotismon!" DemiDevimon told Tai. "These DigiDestined are making me feel a little...batty. Grisly Wing!" Myotismon called as he sent out a massive horde of tiny bats. 

"Come on, guys, let's go! Pepper Breath!" "Blue Blaster" "Motimon digivolve to Tentomon! Super Shocker!" Agumon, Gabumon, and Tentomon called. All the attacks hit the bats, and many of them went down. "Boom Bubble!" "Shimmering Scales!" Patamon and Morphomon called adding to the fire creating a large wall of it. "They're still coming after us!" Mimi cried. Just then a few bats got past the wall of fire and began pecking at Joe and Mimi. "Mimi! Palmon, Digivolve to...Togemon!" Mimi's partner called. "Let me try to get my point across! Needle Spray!" she said leaping in the middle of the bat horde destroying more of them. "Way to go!" Gomamon cheered. "Gomamon, Digivolve to Ikkakumon! Harpoon Torpedo!" Ikkakumon fired off multiple torpedoes at Myotismon. Myotsimon chuckled before they all hit him and exploded leaving a cloud of smoke or debris. "Wow, way to go!" Joe cheered when something began to move the smoke. 

"Huh?" Tai and Joe gasped as Myotismon flew out of the explosion. "You cannot defeat me that easily. Crimson Lightning!" Myotismon called opening his cape as a whip of red electricity flew from his hand. Myotismon laughed as he knocked all the Digimon down when suddenly his whip got caught. "Back off you undead unholy creature of the night." Arashi said, stopping the whip with her right arm. "Even with all that poison inside you, you dare think to contest with me? Crimson Lightning!" Myotismon called as the whip started sparking and the electricity trailed up Arashi's arm, electrocuting her. "I... can't..." Arashi groaned as the pain became too much and she let go of the whip and fell to her stomach. "Now what?" Tai asked. "I've gotta do something to help them." Biyomon started drowsily. 

"I need to help Arashi." Morphomon groaned getting up. "Huh?" Sora gasped. "We're the only ones left to fight Myotismon," Biyomon explained. "And Arashi's going to hurt herself if she keeps that up. Morphomon digivolve to Hudiemon!" Hudiemon flew into the air. Myotismon laughed as he walked closer to the digidestined when a ring of fire suddenly appeared around him. "You really think your pitiful magic will work on me?" He asked as Arashi laughed from her spot on the ground. "No, but it's a good distraction don't you think?" "Flying Kick!" Without warning Hudiemon crashed into Myotismon from above as Biyomon tried to break free from Sora. "It's no use! You can't do anything in your condition!" Sora protested. "Please understand, Sora. I have to go!" Biyomon cried. "No, Biyomon, you can't! You'll get hurt, I won't let you! My decision is final!" "Sora, why can't you understand?" Biyomon yelled as Sora gasped.

"Why can't you understand me?"

'I used to think my mom was thinking about the flower shop. But Arashi was right, she was really worried about me getting hurt!' Sora realized. "Biyomon, Digivolve to...Birdramon! Meteor Wing!" Birdramon called flying into the air and attacking Myotismon. "Infinity Dream!" Hudiemon called backing her up. Myotismon smirked as he blocked the attacks with his cape, "Crimson Lightning!" he called smacking his whip into the two Digimon as they fell to the ground in pain. "Hudiemon!" Arashi cried going to move. "Time to collect my reward. Crimson Lightning!" Myotismon called wrapping his whip around Arashi, stopping her from moving. Arashi struggled as the electricity in the whip surged and she cried out in pain unable to move anymore. "Birdramon!" Sora cried running to her partner. 

"Sora do it now!" Arashi yelped. "Birdramon, no, I love you!" Sora shouted as her crest glowed. "Ha.. what a lovely... day to be you huh Myotismon?" Arashi smirked. "Birdramon, Digivolve to Garudamon!" Garudamon was a massive humanoid-like bird Digimon. She had gigantic talons and wings that let her fly freely through the sky. "What? Where is that light coming from?" Myotismon asked, shielding himself with his cape as Garudamon shone brightly. "Sora, I can feel your love. It's making me strong!" Garudamon said, picking up her partner. "My crest... it glows!" Sora stated on the verge of tears. "I knew you could do it, Sora. Garudamon is the ultimate form of Birdramon. She commands the sky and protects the earth. Her attack is a flaming bird, called 'Wing Blade.'" Arashi stated. 

"Why is it now that the crest of Love glows, just as I was about to claim victory?" Myotismon questioned. "I'll protect you, Sora! Wing Blade!" Garudamon called firing her attack. "Grisly Wing!" Myotsimon countered with his black bat swarm. The attacks collided but Garudamon's quickly overpowered Myotismon blinding him with a flash of power. " I did not anticipate such strength." he cried, releasing his whip in order to child himself. "Come on everyone, climb on!" Garudamon said, ushering everyone to come to her. "Huh?" Myotsimon questioned regaining his sight. "Next time, you won't escape!" Myotismon called after Garudamon who flew off into the sunrise. The kids all gasped at the light as they flew over a mountain.

"All you had to do was stop worrying about it, Sora, and you got your crest to glow!" Tai cheered as we all rested by a lake. "When Biyomon was in danger of getting hurt, I realized that I was acting just like my mom." Sora smiled. "Know what I realized? My mom loved me all along." She stated. "And it was your love that helped me Digivolve, Sora!" Yokomon told her. "I'm glad." "So you see, you are capable of love after all!" Yokomon smiled. "Wait Arashi how did you know I was going to make my crest glow?" Sora asked. "Oh well, I felt your love for Yokomon shining through and knew that everything would be fine." I told her. "I felt something, too. It made me feel uncomfortable." Joe stated. "Love shouldn't make you feel like that." T.K. told him. 

"That's right, T.K. And I know why you felt uncomfortable, Joe." Mimi said walking over. "These were in your pocket!" Mimi giggled handing him some stones. "Oh. I guess it wasn't love." Joe sighed as we all laughed. We all rested by the water and began chatting away and laughing as Matt played his harmonica. So, Sora and I joined up with the others again, and we were closer than ever! We really thought things were going out of the way. But then...

Matt stopped playing and gasped as he looked up and we all heard a familiar laugh. "I know that laugh!" Sora gasped as the sky above us was covered in dark clouds. "You foolish DigiDestined! The eight of you are no match for my power! Now relinquish the Princess and prepare for your ultimate destruction!" Myotismon laughed.
