6. Back to the Hospital Wing

Draco was just ahead of me, he was heading for the grand staircase and continued towards the Faculty Tower, probably just tried to get away from everyone. I ran after, Draco probably heard my footsteps because he turned around and saw me, then tried to run faster.

"Malfoy! Stop!" I shouted. He didn't listen, my heart was pounding loudly in my chest, what was I doing? But in some way I felt like I should do this. I wanted to comfort him, somehow...

"Draco!" I shouted, using his first name for the first time ever. "Please!"

Draco slowed down and then stopped. I couldn't believe it. I walked towards him and tried to catch my breath. "Hi." I said.

"Get lost stalker." He sneered. He stared at the floor, his face was red and I felt my heart slightly break.

"No I wont." I said with a steady voice. "What happened just now was not okay at all. Are you in pain?"

"What do you think?" He sneered, trying to sound like himself, but I could hear that he was scared or confused. "Just leave me alone."

"Yeah, stupid question. I'll escort you to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey can take a look at you." I had no idea what happened to me. How did I become so brave? Or was I just making a mistake?

"No, I just wanna to be alone." Draco said.

"I get that." I said with a serious voice. "But you still have to go there. I really hope Moody doesn't get away with it. He can't be allowed to be a professor for much longer."

Draco didn't respond. He just stared down at the floor.

"Please. After that we can go to Snape and report this because it was absolutely not okay, I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to use transfiguration on students here. But you have to go and check that you didn't get any major injuries, he slammed you into the floor very bad. I don't have to go with you, but promise me you'll go." I pleaded. I realized how pathetic it sounded but I really didn't want to leave him alone.

Draco stayed silent for a couple of seconds and then said: "No, you can come with me."

"Okay" I said. What is going on? I thought to myself, I've never been like this before. It must have been some new instincts that came to life all of a sudden. You can still get them when you're 14, right?

Draco was still standing still so I did something more that I never thought I would ever dare to do. I put my hand on his back and led him towards the hospital wing. I could feel electricity going through my hand as he started to walk. We took another route towards the Hospital Wing, to avoid as many people as possible. 

My heart was beating loudly. I didn't know what to say more. I didn't even dare to glance at him, afraid he would look disgusted or something. My stomach felt like I roller coaster and I didn't even know why. But I was proud of myself that I could keep my cool for once.

When we arrived at the Hospital Wing I hesitated a bit, I didn't know if I should follow him inside or if he was okay on his own for now. He hadn't said a word since he said I could come with him.

"Should I...?" My voice trailed of. Was it too much to ask for it? What did he really want? He asked me to go away before and even called me a stalker. He most likely want to be alone by now, right?

"Yeah." He said weakly and walked into the Hospital Wing. I had no idea what he answered yes to so I awkwardly walked after. Inside the Hospital Wing Madam Pomfrey were reading a book.

"Hey... oh you guys again?" She said.

"You need to take a look at Malfoy. A teacher used transfiguration on him and slammed him to the floor several times, if I remember correctly they're not allowed to use it on students, right?" I said, probably talking way to fast.

"What?" Pompfrey looked shocked. "Is that true? No, Merlin, no. That's not allowed at all. Which professor was that?"

"Professor Moody." I said and glanced at Draco but he didn't say anything, just looked at the ground.

"Figured. Come on then Malfoy, get onto the bed and I'll have a look at you. Where does it hurt?"

Draco pointed to his head, arm and foot. I settled down on a chair not far away while Pomfrey checked at him and then gave him a potion. My pulse was slowing down but I could still feel my stomach twist and turn. It was like I was going to throw up, but still not the same feeling. Maybe it was because of what I witnessed. 

The other students found it amusing to watch him getting tortured, probably because most of them were Gryffindors. And at the same time I had a feeling that Draco was not innocent, but what could he have done to make a teacher do that to him? Or was Mad Eye just completely insane?

After a  while, Pompfrey left the room and I felt nervous again. She stood up and walked towards Draco. "Hey." I said shyly.

"Hi." He didn't meet my gaze, just stared into the thin air.

I didn't know what to say once again, I felt so sorry for him and just wanted to comfort him. Why were I so nervous? I looked up at the clock. Our Transfiguration class had started ten minutes ago but it didn't matter. I opened my mouth to say something but the door to the Hospital Wing slammed open. Snape, Moody and Pompfrey walked in. Draco froze.

"Montgomery. Don't you have a class to attend to? Get out." Snape hissed.

I didn't dare to object and quickly walked towards the door. I didn't even say goodbye to Draco. I walked towards the classroom. When I got there, even more time had passed. Several classmates looked up as I walked into the room.

"Sorry Professor McGonagall." I said and and settled down beside Delilah.

"You are over 20 minutes late, Miss Montgomery." McGonagall said with a stern tone. "That will be 5 points taken from Slytherin." I heard someone groan in the classroom and tried not to blush. It was worth it, I thought.

"Where were you?" Delilah whispered. "I was worried when you didn't show up after lunch."

"Something happened." I whispered back, at first I was hesitant if I should tell Delilah or not, but Delilah wasn't Imogen, she wouldn't judge me. She never has. "Professor Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret and bounced him around, slammed him to the floor and stuff. So I went with him to the hospital wing."

Delilah looked at me with wide eyes. "Is it true? But... why?"

"I don't know. I suspect he got into trouble with Potter or Weasley again, but I don't see why a teacher would do that. He knocked Malfoy into the ground really hard."

"Poor Malfoy." Delilah whispered and I felt a bit relieved. Then I looked up to see Freya and Imogen at the next table looking at me and they've definitely heard what I said.
