2. Watch Out For The Armadillo Bile

It was the second day of school and I walked together with Freya to our first Potions class with Severus Snape. Our Head of Slytherin. "Ugh, potions." I groaned. "Is there any worse subject in this school?"

"Yeah, History of Magic." Freya said. "You'll fall asleep on every lesson."

"I like history, but yes Professor Binns is perhaps not the most interesting to listen to." I giggled. 

"What do you think of the Triwizard Tournament?" Freya said.

"Yeah... might be fun to watch. But I'd never join." I said. "Who knows what dangerous things you might encounter there. Ugh, no thanks!"

"I can't imagine you joining it either." Freya Said. "You don't have it in you."

I looked away, I knew that Freya didn't mean to me rude but I really hated when people had to point out that I was weak or just bad at everything. I heard before that I probably should have been in Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin. I wasn't sure if the Sorting Hat could make mistakes or not. But sometimes I thought they were right, I even wished for it sometimes, because if you were sorted into Slytherin you were automatically a bad person, just because you-know.who and several of his followers were in Slytherin.

Even though I don't really think we are, sure Pansy and her gang like to terrorize students from other houses, even the same house, so would Draco. But besides that I don't think that the Slytherins are that different from other students.

When we arrived at the classroom we noticed that Delilah and Imogen was already at the same table as Tracey Davis and Theodore Nott. And I remembered at the breakfast they had struck up a conversation about some book that they all had read in the summer which me and Freya had not. So yeah, that was that. Me and Freya took an empty table instead. I started to get nervous. I absolutely hated potions. It always reminded me of my brother and his accident.

We had potions together with Gryffindor. I had learned early on that every time we have lessons with them it was so much more competition and everyone was always on the edge. I knew it was because of Draco and Harry Potter rivalry. I wished it wasn't like that, it's not like I like someone from Gryffindor but I don't really dislike them either. Though I never talked to them much.

The last students to enter the room was Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. There was no other tables available so they had to be at our table. I tried to not sight. Like I said before, they had been very mean to us in the first to years. Draco was whispering excitedly to Crabbe and Goyle about some recent Quidditch match. Have I mentioned that I don't like Quidditch?

Severus Snape walked into the room and most of the student fell silent at once. Except ofcourse Draco and then also Harry Potter who was whispering to Ron Weasley.

"Potter." Snape said with an angry tone that would made any student listen. "Be quiet or you'll get detention."

"Sorry, Professor Snape." Harry said. "But Malfoy whispered too, shouldn't..."

"Detention Potter. Tonight at 7pm." Snape said.

Harry sighted but didn't say anything else. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle laughed and poked each other. I know I think it should be unfair. But I had a hard thinking it because it was the opposite in other classes, like Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid or Herbology with Sprout. They have sneered at me a couple of times even though I never had laughed, disturbed their lesson or anything.

"Today we are going to brew Wit-Sharpening Potion. Turn to page 367. You have 30 minutes." Snape said.

I took a deep breath and tried to find the right page. It made me even more nervous that we had so little time to brew it. I found the page and started to read: Ginger Root, Armadillo Bile and Ground Scarab Beetles. "Okay, I can do this." I thought while trying to ignore Draco who loudly talked beside me.

"Be careful and don't have too much Armadillo Bile." Freya whispered and pointed to a small text at the bottom of the book. Warning: Too much Armadillo Bile and it may explode. I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach, of course, and also what is even Armadillo Bile? I stood up to retrieve some of it from a cupboard with ingredients. I stopped in front of the cupboard. There was so much to choose between. How will I even pick the correct one?

"Out of the way, Montgomery." Draco pushed me to the side and reached for an ingredient at the top of the shelves.

I quickly snitched the same ingredient and read the text on the jar. Armadillo Bile. I took another deep breath and when I turned around I saw Ron Weasley standing next to our table. He quickly walked towards us and lightly nudged Draco. "Watch out, Weasley." Draco sneered. "Unless you want detention with Potter."

"We'll see about that." Weasley muttered back.

I tried to ignore them and collected the Ginger Root and then went back to my my cauldron. I placed them on my table, I was shivered, it looked so disgusting. I started to carefully chop the Ginger Root and mixed it into my cauldron. I knew I was being too slow but there was no way I wanted it to explode. The liquid in my cauldron had turned lime green. I breathed out. Step one worked. Now it's just the Armadillo Bile. I measured it and triple checked if it was correct, then poured it carefully into my cauldron while I held my breath.

Maybe I would make this and it wont explode. Next to me I saw Crabbe and Goyle go back for the third time to get ingredients. Then I saw my liquid turn blue and I could finally breath out.

"Looks good." Freya said next to me. "Where did you find the Armadillo Bile?"

"On the top shelves." I said.

"Thanks." Freya walked away.

"Strange." Draco muttered beside me. I turned to him and saw him stare down in his cauldron. I looked down in it as well and saw it was purple.

"Which step are you on?" I asked.

"Get lost." Draco sneered and I took one step back.

"Did you have too much Armadillo Bile?" I asked cautiously. "It said that it can explode if you..."

Draco turned his head towards me. "I know very well that it can. I don't need you to help me with potions. You know I'm the best..."

He didn't have time to finish his sentence. His cauldron exploded. The heatwave hit my face and a got knocked backed by the pressure and fell down on the floor and then the world turned black.
