New Mission

The chilly December air brushed against your skin as you strolled through the dimly lit streets of Musutafu, Japan. It had been a few hours since your argument with Toga, and although that was the reality, it still felt like it had been seconds ago. Many emotions were clouding your judgement, but the primary one was shame.

You had allowed your own grief to get the best of you, and that was something you'd never forgive yourself for. You had hurt one of the very few people that genuinely cared for your well-being, and for what? That brief, sour taste of control?

It was all your fault, and you had every intention to apologize in any way you could. Of course, you knew it was going to take a lot more than words, chocolate, and teddy-bears to solve your relationship issues, but it was a decent enough start.

But unfortunately, that start was delayed by the chime of your phone. You fished it out of the deep pockets of your coat and pressed it to your ear, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"What the hell do you want?" you asked into the phone, your tone nothing short of harsh.

"Listen," Dabi's familiar voice spoke. "Hand-man, who requires chap-stick if he ever wants a shot at a partner, wants you back here ASAP. Toga's throwing shit around, and she's knocked Twice out. You're the only one to calm her down."

You heaved a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Fine. I'll be there within two minutes. If I'm not, then grab Arrow from my room and show him to her. That'll help some."

Before the burnt chicken nugget could reply, you hung up and took off running towards the LOV base. You needed to fix it as soon as possible. It was the only way you had a small shot at retrieving your relationship with your beloved blonde.

You loved her, after all.

Luckily, the streets were empty, meaning it wasn't an issue to avoid annoying civilians. Yes, it was practically your job to protect them, but that didn't require you to like them. 

You wandered down the stairs of the abandoned bar and kicked the door open, not bothering to close it nor greet the others. You gripped onto Dabi's shoulders, your eyes searching his with intensity.

"Where is she?" you asked.

He pushed you off him and used his thumb to point to you and Toga's shared bedroom. You almost slammed the door open with worry. Your items were all over the room, miraculously, none of them were broken. Her collection of knives were thrown into the wall. But, despite all that, you didn't care.

"Toga," you called out to her, somehow making her golden eyes land on you. "I'm sorry."

Your favorite psycho said nothing as she threw her final knife into the wall with terrifying accuracy, and sitting down on your shared bed. 

"I'm... sorry, too." she said, her tone different from her usual eccentric, joyful one. It was dripping with sadness and regret. 

You said nothing as you looked away, clutching your signature bat in your hand. "No," you replied. "Don't blame yourself."

Before she could retort in disagreement, the door opened to reveal the infamous Mr. In Need of Moisturizer. 

"Done throwing a temper-tantrum, Toga?" he asked, his voice more annoying than ever. 

"Ask her that again and I'll make sure you can't walk." you threatened, not bothered to look at him as Toga leaned her head against your shoulder, a wide grin lining her lips like usual.

There was something about her, that was for sure.

"How cold," he replied, leaning against the doorframe. "We got a new mission in Sapporo."

"Ooh!" Toga exclaimed, her tone excited and joyful, and oddly eccentric as per usual. Her mood swings were the most terrifying thing about her sometimes. "What are we doin'? Taking out assassins?! How exciting!" 

You stood up and grabbed your bat, "I'm down," you said. "I haven't had some blood on me in a long while."


"No, you dumbasses," he replied, stepping forward and handing you a sealed envelope. "You're going to spy on an opposing league."

"How cold," you mocked.

"Shut it." 






"I'll disengrate you." he threatened.

"How caring," you replied, a smirk lining your lips.

He scoffed and exited the room, leaving you and your lovely girlfriend alone in your shared bedroom. The air was definitely less tense, which was expected from your bond to each-other. 

Toga started going on and on about her various knives; their purposes, showing how she held them, how she got them; everything. You listened intently, deciding to listen to her more in order to make her feel more comfortable. She was extremely comfortable around you, often jumping into your lap for you to cuddle her, or never ceasing on the PDA, but sometimes you wondered if you were doing enough.

You pointed to one of her knives. Its handle was engraved with a viper, and where the blade and handle met was a pair of red jewels, making the eyes of it. "How'd you get that one?" you asked, a genuinely curious expression plastered over your features.

Toga's golden eyes lit up with appreciation, and she soon delve into the story, telling every detail as if she were a talented author.

You watched in admiration, admiring the way a small amount of pink dusted her cheeks as her excitement grew.

It didn't take long for you and Toga to lie in bed. Her head rested on your arm as you both discussed the details of it all. How Shiggy and Dabi would give you a few thousand yen and send you off first thing in the morning, and what you needed to bring to protect yourselves. You had extended on your weapons, with knives and guns being included. Sure, the whole thing with knives was still fresh in your memory and all, but the death of your grandmother had brought you to get over and give the killer of your parents a taste of their own medicine. 

"Love you, Y/n." Toga said out of the blue. You gave her a slightly perplexed look before it contorted into a gentle one. You kissed her cheek and leaned your head against hers. 

"Love you, too, Blondie."
