
Himiko immediately threw herself on the grand bed of the hotel, smiling as the soft material. You, however, set your bags down on a nearby chair and took a quick stroll through the medium-sized hotel room. Everything looked normal for a hotel room, with everything stocked and clean. However, that associate you were supposed to meet up with was nowhere to be found, with only a small note on the fridge explaining why that was the case. It read: 

L/n and Toga,

I will not be present for the rest of the evening. Please don't contact me, as I am working with the opposing league, The Anti-Hero League (lame name), and they won't take kindly to phone calls addressed to anyone if they're an outsider. 

There are outfits prepared for you in the closet in the bedroom. Both of you are to get dressed and head to the masquerade that's held two blocks from the hotel. Don't worry about entrance. 

Once you arrive at the masquerade, gradually make your way to a man with spiky, purple hair and sharp teeth. He is the leader of the opposing league, and his quirk is knife distribution. Do not agitate him. His quirk allows him to kill stab anyone by releasing knives from any limb on his body. Act normal and ask about his league. He doesn't care about being caught, so it should be fairly easy.

I'll meet you shortly after.  

Your associate, A.

"Are you kidding me?" you asked yourself, throwing the note onto the kitchen counter and heading back towards the bedroom portion of the room. How inconvenient. You were expecting to meet one of Shiggy's associates and discuss workable plans, but you got a note explaining instructions you should've gotten from your boss instead. 

You stepped into the bedroom and immediately opened up the closet, and sure enough, there were two outfits. One was a suit with a tie and dress shoes, and the other was royal blue and gold dress with heels. Both had magnificently detailed masks paired with them, which would help.

"What'cha doin'?" You felt someone wrap their arms tightly around your waist and a chin resting on your shoulder. 

"Picking out outfits for the masquerade we're supposed to go to." you answered your blonde girlfriend, who took a brief glance over the two outfits and chuckled. She didn't bother to ask about the masquerade, which was fine by you, as you weren't so sure yourself about the situation. "Which outfit do you want to wear?" 

She hummed and pressed a small kiss to your cheek. "The dress. I want to see you in a suit."

You chuckled and grabbed the suit while she grabbed the dress off the hanger. Himiko rushed to the nearby bathroom to get changed, leaving you in the bedroom to do so yourself. Soon, you were wearing the suit perfectly, except for the damn tie. No matter how many times you attempted to tie it correctly, you failed and made it look off. 

"Y/n!" Himiko called from the bathroom. "Can you please come and zip my dress?" 

"Yeah!" you replied, taking a quick last look at the odd-looking tie before heading to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Can I open the door?" 

"Go ahead!" she answered. 

You turned the doorknob and gently closed the door to the enormous bathroom. Toga stood in front of the grand mirror, reaching for the back zipper of the dress, but to no avail. Her blonde hair was in her usual buns, and while it was cute, you were afraid it was going to make her stand out from the crowd.

"Here," you reassured, stepping behind her and pulling up the zipper.

"Thanks!" she said, leaning against you. She didn't need to turn around to know that you looked good in the suit because of the mirror. Plus, she just wanted to lean against you for a few moments. 

You wrapped your arms around her waist and rested your chin on her shoulder. "You look great." you complimented.

"I know!" she replied, her tone eccentric and joyful. "So do you." 

"I know." you playfully remarked.

You both remained in that position for a few moments, silently staring at your reflections before you snapped out of it. 

"Do you want me to do your hair before we go?" you asked. 

Before you knew it, Himiko had rushed out of the bathroom and was sitting in the lounge area, waiting for you to do her hair however she pleased. 

You chuckled. "You remind me of a little kid sometimes." 

You sat beside her and gently did your thing, brushing through her blonde locks with care and asking what hairstyle she wanted. 

"A flower braid." she answered. "Dabi did the look on Shiggy when he was asleep, and it was super pretty! He told me he used to do it for his little sister all the time."

You nodded and put her hair into an elegant flower braid, with no loose hair anywhere in sight. She looked stunning, as usual.

"Do you want me to fix your tie?" Himiko asked, already pulling at it to get it just right. You didn't bother to answer, but admired her. "All done!" 

You grasped her hand silently, leading the both of you towards the door. With everything you needed, such as cellphones and some spare cash, you were both set. She got the message and followed every step of the way, continuing to hold your hand while smiling at the sight of you. 

The lobby looked as bland as ever, with the receptionist, whose nametag revealed her name Katie, scrolling through her phone, uninterested in her duties as a receptionist. You couldn't blame her, really.

"There's our limo!" Himiko said, pointing to the vehicle parked outside of the hotel. You gave her a confused glance. 

"I doubt that's for us, Himiko." 

She shook her head, walking ahead of you and dragging you out the door. "I ordered it with Kurogiri's card!" 

You chuckled and followed her silently, happy to spend a little time with her.
