Chapter 9 •Acrobatics•

Holy shit, they were right about the Bergens. Big, ugly, they all look like that little turd from fucking 'Wallykazam!'. The area looked like a small town or village, but very very gray and dull compared to the trolls. Including that, the creatures were depressing itself, walking into emptiness with nothing to do. Underestimating their size completely, comparing them to the big ass creatures and plants you saw in the forest, they were fucking huge!!

You also noticed they did Gorillaz really dirty with their dull singing. You were surprised they were even singing because of how miserable they look, but that's just the troll's world for you.

You looked towards Branch as you were about to tell some joke just to get him all riled up.. but you sidetracked that idea because it wouldn't be the best to call him a Bergen especially what happened today.

But good thing Poppy took in your plans!

"Wow.. they're as miserable as you!"

Branch's attention fully went towards Poppy after hearing that statement, as he looked at her of how unnecessary it was. Of course, Poppy didn't see this action and continued on.

"Which means.. they haven't eaten a troll yet!" Poppy Exclaimed as she looked side by side giving her brightest smile towards you and branch. Ohh yeahhh Bergens only become happy when they eat a troll because we're like a drug to happiness. You remembered that, good for you. Poppy instantly got up from crouching down hiding from behind the tree, and walked towards the way of the ugly ass castle you sought in the distance.

"Now, come on. Let's go save our friends!" She skipped towards the edge of the tree, moving her hand to signal you and Branch to follow along.. well..more of Branch because he's the one carrying you still.

"Your friends."

"Don't fight it." Poppy talked back as Branch and you followed right behind her.

Poppy instantly sneakily went down the dead tree that you guys were watching everything above from, as the pink troll used her hair to safely get onto the ground with her acrobatics. Ah shit, here we go. You saw that bitch do some loopy loops while heading down the tree and you already know Branch is gonna do the same exact shit.. so buckle the FUCK UP.

Branch looked down as Poppy completed her stunt bellow, as he felt you literally fucking squeezing the poor dude to death to what he was about to do.

"(y/n) you're literally making me suffocate," Branch sassed you as you were having none of this shit at all.

"Just hurry the fuck up and get down there, and do NOT drop me." You yelled but covered your mouth instantly as you realized you were being a bit too loud. Some of the Bergens looked towards your direction, but thankfully they did not see the two of you at all. Branch glared at you because of this incident, but just rolled his eyes and continued on with it.

You closed your eyes getting ready for the impact as the gray troll was about to make a leap of faith. And there it was, you felt yourself literally flying mid air as the graytroll did his acrobatic shits down. To say the least, you were fucking squeezing your eyes not wanting to see any of it. For goodness sake it only lasted for less than four seconds, as you felt the wind impact from your face suddenly disappear.

"Umm, (y/n) you're all good now you can open your eyes,"

You heard the high voice as you see the pink troll looking right at you in concern, as well as Branch's head turned a bit towards your direction a bit confused as well.

"You good?"

"Yeah, let's carry on to.. wherever we gotta go,"

You tried to shrug it off, considering you're literally going to have to go through this fucking crazy air all the time. Sucks for you.

Both of the trolls nodded in agreement as the three of you started to go to the direction of the ugly castle in the distance


"For God fucking sake," You yelled out miserably as Branch did another upside down fucking loop to some random ledge on the upper walls. It didn't matter anyway since there were no bergens nor guards nearby, and you were so thankful of that fact itself.

It never got old, and you never got used to it. Every single time it fucking scared the absolute crap out of you. It got to where a point where Branch got fucking amused by it and only did it more just to literally fucking knock you into place. Motherfucker. Of course you cussed him out for doing it but he didn't care.

But thank God your pussy pink best friend came to save you and put Branch into his place by telling him that he shouldn't do that, especially since you aren't having the best time with heights so far. Humongous props to Poppy!

The whole trip itself from the town to the Castle wasn't as bad either. Preferably, it was honestly more harder sneaking in from the outside due to how much bergens there are crawling all over and scouting the area. Luckily the three of you didn't get caught near the village town and you were surprised because you all probably would've from your stupidity. Including that, the three of you managed to get inside without the guards noticing.. because the guards were literally retarded but who cares, you still sneaked your way in!

When heading indoors, the insides were much nicer than the outer side as well. Red carpets, fancy statues, fancier and cleaner shit from the town. I mean what'd you expect? The three of you are at a castle after all. You were gazing and looking all around as you were small teeny tiny trolls walking on this huge red carpet and hallways, but that didn't last long as Poppy and Branch got back to business, being sneaky and trying to find Poppy's friends.

And now you're here, with you, Branch, and Poppy hiding under a put out torch, with Poppy using her hair to mimic a set aflamed torch so the guards passing by would suspect nothing.

"You really got to teach me how to do that hair shit dawg," you whispered into Poppy's ear as she looked at you. Branch may have eavesdropped into the conversation and butted in.

"You don't know how to extend your hair this WHOLE TIME?"

"Well what'd you expect little dude," you snapped back.

"If I could do that shit I wouldn't need you to carry me bro, I'd be like fucking Tarzan swinging around this shit with no ease,"

Branch stayed quiet, as he just rolled his eyes in response.

"(Y/n) don't mind him, we'll teach you when we all get back home safely with all of our friends," Poppy exclaimed as she lashed out her hair to grab onto the hanging ceiling light, as Branch did the exact same movement. The two of them, including yourself which was hanging on tightly, swung over to another little ledge on the wall big enough for a small troll like you to walk on.

"Speaking on the topic, where do you guys think our friends are?" Poppy carried on, as Branch was on the lookout for Bergen guards before they could make their next move.

"If I had to guess.. I'd say in a Bergens stomach,"

Poppy frowned from Branches following response. "Could you try to be positive?"

"Just once, you might like it." Branch turned around and gave a grumpy look towards the Pink troll, as all you could really do is to sit and watch within this all.

"Okay, I'm sure they're not only alive but about to delivered to us on a silver platter." branch sarcastically said as he glared back at Poppy. Poppy didn't notice this tone at all and sighed from relief.

"Thank you, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Branch only gave a face as Poppy didn't get the memo of his sarcastic tone, which made you laugh a small bit. Just instantly you heard a small ding coming from watches wrist, as the watch on her arm suddenly bloomed in bright pinkness. Poppy instantly came up with an Idea on her head.

"(Y/n), Branch!"


"Hug time, seriously?"

Instantly Poppy raised her fingers towards Branches mouth, telling him to shut the fuck up as on the ledge they were supposed to hear something or someone at this moment, and in fact, you all did. You heard the small dings as well as bright little colors coming from one end of the hallway, indicating that the other trolls with the hug-time watch will be over there.

"You're fucking smart bruh," you assured as the two trolls were ready to make it the same way here you sought the other Hug-Time watches go out. With some more swinging and more jumping around sneakily, you finally sought Branch and Poppy turning the corner to where the other trolls left off and what you saw between your eyes surprised you.

A whole ass grand dining fucking feast. Well, not really feast yet.. but the place definitely screamed the castle's dining area. With a multitude of Bergens getting ready to prepare the feast with setting up chairs, setting up decorations, and much more, you couldn't help but fixate your eye on something far more in the distance of the room. You couldn't quite tell what it was, so you decided to wait till you were closer to the dining area to get a better view.

Poppy and Branch kept on swinging sneakily, as you were sure you were about to get fucking caught since they were swinging towards the way of a Bergen fixing a light, although they were quick enough to make it on top of the chandelier not make the Bergen notice.

You sighed from fucking relief as you were on top of the Chandelier, as you squirmed your way out of Branch's arms in which was still carrying you. You sat on the ground from relief with Branch and Poppy gazing over the chandelier.

"This is going to be the best trollstice ever! Such a great idea I had."

With an unrecognizable voice being heard, that was the only thing that got you curious which got you to try and make the effort onto standing up and looking over to see the whole shit show. Standing up did hurt like shit still, but you can withstand it. You didn't want to be literally fucking babied all the time just doing nothing and being the piggyback.

"(y/n) are you okay?" Branch's full attention turned back towards you in concern as you winced your eyes from the pain coming from your leg once again.

"Aren't you supposed to be mad at me still or some shit?" you responded back ignoring Branch's concern as his worrisome look soon completely disappeared, as he looked towards the end of the Chandelier with Poppy once again. Whatever.

You slowly walked towards your way in between Branch and Poppy to see exactly what they were fixated on.

".. it feels great ordering everyone around again!"

To what you saw in front of you was some tall ass chef Bergen with a small little green midget one following right behind her.. wearing a crown? You Wouldn't Believe it. You in fact refused to believe it. No way in hell that little dude was the fucking king. What followed behind the kind took your eye even more. It was a small cage, birds' cage to say, as there were a multitude of small bright colorful heads inside in the cage. Locked. This not only caught your attention, but Poppy's as well.

"Guy's, look!" The pink troll pointed towards the cage in which has everyone's attention now.

"They're alive?"

"No shit Sherlock,"

"And on a silver platter, too. We were both right." Eh.. foreshadowing at its best. You looked both at Branch and Poppy who were continuously hiding from the Bergen as well as peeping up to see what was going on.

"And to make the occasion, Your Highness, look," you tried to stay silent as you couldn't take the green fat midget giant or whatever a fucking king, as the tall chef Bergen pulled out something from a box. Which was..

"I found your old troll bib." The giant chef smirked in a smile as she was holding each string within both of her hands. One string on each hand. You were fighting back a fucking war because you could NOT take this seriously whatsoever. Even though it was between the life and death of the trolls or whatever, every fucking day here just makes it more like a joke.

"Wow.. I bet you still fit." The green troll grabbed the bib from the chef's hands elegantly, as the chef herself took a few steps back for the king himself to put on his bib. Strapping it around his neck.. it didn't seem to fit. Jesus Christ, he looked like he was going to pop his eye out from suffocating.

"Like a glove-!"

Instantly the bib completely fucking exploded and broke. The room was absolutely quiet, but of course someone from the little cage of trolls had to make a sound or peep and laugh from this incident.

Although, it was amusing alright.

You watched as the caged up trolls shushed the loud laughing troll, knowing that was a very much wrong move in the current moment. The prince tidied himself up, dusting off some dust from his pants and fixing up his shirt, as he looked back to the cage with his full attention. He gave a death glare.

"Oh you think that's funny?" The green trolled waddled towards the trolls in the cage, as it was indeed funny.

"We'll see who's laughing when I bite your yummy head off! When I bite ALL your yummy heads off." He yelled straight at the cage, as the trolls in the cage backed up a bit in fear. This action itself caught Poppy's attention as she couldn't help but feel a bit of fear as well. You noticed this but continued on seeing the show, feeling a bit sorry for the princess herself.

The king looked a bit conspicuous, as he continued to glare deeply into the cage,
"Chef, this isn't enough yummy heads to feed ALL of Bergen town," He yelled, turning around to the tall chef who was at a sudden loss of words from his yelling actions.


"How are we supposed to have Trollstice if there's not enough trolls?"

You can see the huge chef stutter on her words, trying to come up with an excuse with the sudden outburst towards her.

"Oh- there's plenty more where that came from, sire."
You heard Poppy gasping to you from your right quietly, as now the three of you know about her next move. Damn, that's fucked up. You looked back down from the chandelier to see the awful commotion coming from the sire himself and the chef troll.

"Are you sure? Because I promised everyone a troll."

"No, no, no, sire! Everything will be fine!" She announced throughout the whole room, as she firmly patted his shoulders in reassurance.

"If I were truly worried,"
She slightly softly pushed the king aside, who was still looking at the caged up trolls, as now the chef herself was standing right in front of the cage.

"Would I be willing to do this?" She glared beneath her which was the cage, and with her rageous hands, she slammed it open, grabbing a purple troll in which you noticed beneath her grip. It was a sudden remarkable surprise, as the purple troll was yelling, pleading for help and the other trolls were gaining PTSD for what was happening right in front of them. Ahhh shitts getting real.

Poppy who was right next to you let her emotions take control, as she gasped the loudest and called out the purple troll name from up above.


With the dumbass calling out Creeks name for EVERYONE to hear, you immediately duck down from being caught because FUCK that shit. You don't want to be eaten in a dream. Branch thought of the same thing as he instantly covered Poppy's mouth as the three of you laid low. For a good five seconds, throughout the whole room was in absolute silence.

"Poppy you could've gotten us killed." Branch whispered in uttermost disappointment in which you shushed him almost immediately, hearing the two Bergen talk once again.

"shut the fuck up I can't hear them," you put more tone onto the word 'fuck' as you whispered towards Branch, as he just ignored you and carried on.

You peeked over the chandelier as the two bergens continued through conversation.

"... Enjoy a taste of true happiness.." You sought the chef speaking towards the prince, as the two of them were right in front of the dining table now. The chef twirled the purple troll hair right before the green troll put his mouth gaping wide open, about to do the most fucked up weird shit you've ever seen.

Okay, first the twirling troll hair shit is the most kink shit ever, but you couldn't help but be amused by the purple shit dude was about to get eaten.

"Shouldn't we wait for trollstice?" The Bergen king stopped, finding an excuse not to eat the ugly ass troll.

Fucking bullshit.

You already knew everyone felt fucking relieved, at least, the trolls did. You heard a sigh in relief towards your right.

"Sire, every day is Trollstice when you have trolls," The chef exclaimed, as she pulled out a taco shell with lettuce from right behind her, slightly placing the purple troll inside of the taco. You squeezed and pleaded as you can hear his voice suddenly turning to absolute mutters within the taco. You were yet again even more amused amongst all of this, as you did not like this Creek guy for absolute fucking shit.

With the taco being nicely and well done, the chef placed the entree right in front of the fat bitch, as you can see him drooling, ready to eat the whole troll whole. The green troll picked up the taco, amused of this dish,

"Yeah, I guess,"

As his mouth was gaping wide open yet again for the dish about to be served into his mouth.

"But my dad said the first time should be special."

Instantly the green fat bitch pulled the taco away, as the chef's mood was the same as yours at the moment; fucking disappointed. The sigh of relief spread to the room ONCE again, as you heard both Branch AND Poppy sighing right next to you. Okay, overdramatic?

"Well, you're the king now." The chef mentioned, as she sprayed some sort of red hot sauce onto the taco, in which you can hear Creeks groans from pain.

"Yeah, I am the king," a fat one to say the least.

The green king opened his mouth, gaping wide open yet fucking again, as he slowly raised the taco into his mouth. You were so fed up with this, you just wanted to see the damn fucking purple nurple get eaten.

"I think I should share the moment, with all the kingdom-"

The chef troll was much fed up as you were, as she gave the nastiest snarl frown you've ever seen within your lifetime. Instantly, she shoved the taco up the king's mouth, as he almost swallowed the taco whole right in front of you.


Everyone throughout the room gasped yet again because the trolls are just that fucking overdramatic like that, as you can hear Poppy yell out right next to you pleading out for Creeks fucking death of being eaten. You turned right next to you to see Branch ultimately fucking traumatized as you ALL saw the purple nurple bitch get eaten right there.

As Mexicano music was played throughout the whole room in celebration of the king's first troll or whatever, you couldn't help but comfort both Poppy and Branch right next to you. Poppy's joyful mood that you'd see on the daily absolutely plummeted. You knew you hated the purple bitch but you also knew he meant something to her.. for some reason. You felt a bit sorry as Poppy grieved still taking in the sight that beholden them.

As for Branch, he stood there taking it in as well. He was more speechless and lost of thought than grieving, but it was understandable. They literally saw their own kind get eaten for goodness fucking sake.

"Idget, lock these trolls up and guard them with your life!"

You heard more commotion down towards the room, as you looked down to see the king around heading out, and the chef throwing the spoon to the little maid right next to the cage of trolls. You didn't even notice the maid up until now, as she fully agreed and followed the chef's orders. The maid was a brighter lavender than the chef, with rusty dusty overworked clothing.

She slowly grabbed both hands onto the cart, and slowly pushed it as she hunchbacked and walked out. You looked at this, but pulled your attention to your two little troll friends yet again who were still on the Creek getting eaten shit.

"We have to save him!" Poppy bursted out as she was about to jump and chase the eaten troll, but she stopped as you grabbed her hand preventing her from going. You didn't want her to become taco food like Creek, especially since you grew a small liking to her as well.

"It's not worth it, Poppy," you mumbled as Branch nodded in full agreement. Poppy looked at you in hopelessness in her eyes, wondering why you stopped her.

"Save him from what? His stomach?" Branch tried pointing out the obvious in which Poppy's dense head refused to believe.

"We didn't see him chew- we didn't see him swallow!"

"Poppy-" Branch cut you off.

"Face it Poppy. Sometimes other people go to other people's mouths.. and they don't come out. If we go after Creek now, we're going to get eaten." Branch explained, as Poppy finally came to an understanding of what Branch was trying to say.

"Branch is right Poppy," you agreed as Poppy could only look at the door to which the the king, chef, and Creek walked out of.

"I'm sorry.. but it's too late for him."

Poppy yet continued to look out and peer from above. As she noticed the maid walking towards the opposite direction with the cart of caged up trolls. Unexpectedly without any words she jumped down to both you and Branch's surprise.

"The fuck is she doing?" You mumbled to yourself seeing this all happen.

The pink troll slid down the ladder as she jumped onto a spoon, sliding across the whole diner table to jump on the back strap of the maids' clothing. Guess we're following the maiden now to save her caged up friends.

Of course, some more fucking acrobatics. You obviously got the memo that you had to do this fucking shit again, so you look at Branch's direction as he nodded as well, agreeing fully as well.

"Hop on,"

"Don't FUCKING kill me." You jumped onto the gray troll's back as the pressure from your legs to initiate the jump caused a bit of pain, but you ignored it fully as Branch held onto you. Climbing onto the ledge of the chandelier, as he was about to jump, you clutched on a bit more tighter as the jump itself was fucking huge.

"Ah shit," you instantly closed your eyes once again as the two of you were falling mid air. With your eyes closed you didn't exactly see what was happening, except for Branch doing the fucking upside down shit a couple of times in which you hated, Until you finally felt the wind against you hair stop.

"Well, you're not dead, aren't you?"

You slowly opened your eyes as you, Poppy, and Branch were now all hanging onto the small bow done on the back of the maidens apron. You sighed from relief as you hung on tighter onto the bow, as the three of you went down the hall with the cart of trolls.
