Chapter 3 •Erm Actually•

It was the same place, same thing, and now basically the same dream. You looked at yourself as you remembered the term troll, remembering you were a troll in a troll world "I don't want to be a short midget again" you whined as you started walking towards the area of which you remembered the village was at.

You remembered it all, about the trolls, of the singing, of branch, and couldn't help but seek out for more answers this time.

Again, you walked towards the path to the village, remembering where to go, although this time you didn't hear the vibration of singing again. Huh, I guess they don't sing and dance all the time- instantly you fucking jinxed it as you felt the ground all around you slightly vibrate from the slight singing in the background. It doesn't make it any better as they started to sing a copyrighted song from.. Katy Perry..

And although you were heading right towards the town to spy on them because fuck, you don't want to talk to none of them. You manage to fuck yourself up by not being able to pay attention right in front of you since you were running towards bushes like a crazy bitch, and instantly bumped into something in front of you. Damn, you got to really look and pay attention!

"Ah shit, sorry," you rubbed your eyes and got back up since the impact of you got you falling on the floor ass first. Oof! Not the best landing but it didn't affect you in the long run.

You slowly opened your eyes to see that one familiar troll you've seen the other day, on the floor sitting as if he had been knocked from the impact as well.. he probably was.

"Okay dude.. not cool," Branch groaned as he got up from the impact and walked over to the supplies he was carrying and picked them up. He turned back to see the same strange troll he saw the other day, which was you.

"..(y/n)?" He looked at you befuddled, but then unphased as if he should've known it was you. "Yeahhhh what's good emo bitch," you replied in a playful manner, as you slowly got back up holding onto your ass because you lied. It did hurt from the impact. "Agh my ass hurts like absolute dibshit.."

Again, Branch was still unphased but even more curious of you. "Why are you out here, outside of trolls' village?? It's dangerous out here." He gave you a concerned look, and you just shrugged.

"Dangerous out here my ass, do you see this place? It's literally cupcakes and rainbows here, this is the typa shit you see when you're high as fuck," you replied back, as the pain eased away more.

Branch admitted, you were right about the cupcakes and rainbows part. "'High as fuck'..?" He looked distraught and shook his head as he was getting off topic, "Even so, it's still dangerous out here! There could be.. Bergens lurking.. that's why it's better for you to stay with the village," he looked at you seriously.. but he knew you weren't taking it seriously at all.

"Erm actually, I don't know anything about a Bergen🤓☝️," you replied in a high pitch voice, imitating a nerd which you couldn't help but giggled from.

"Ughhh, forget it." Branch groaned and walked away with supplies in hand. He was leaving you to the dust! With no answers to what a Bergen was, leaving you actually questionable of 'what the fucks that' so you knew damn well you got to get an answer from him. So then you followed him.

He noticed you tailing behind him and it was clear that he was annoyed. "What? What do you want?" He grumped as he stopped walking and looked at you.

"Okay subtle down on the attitude hoe, what's a Bergen?" you stopped and looked at Branch who was yet again just pure annoyed.

"Have you literally been living in a rock or something? How do you not know what a Bergen is?" Branch couldn't help but glance to the side as he admits, he shouldn't throw that first statement around considering he did in fact basically live under a rock.

"Well I-" he cut you off.

"Plus, it was already fishy enough how you differ from everyone else in the village," his voice raised, as if he had been annoyed for way too long and decided to let it all out right then and there. "you spy on them, you don't like anything like them, so who or what even are you?!"

You were silent. Yeah you can obviously swear and cuss this bitch out but he was right. You were from somewhere else and don't even know what this place is, and that's why you're trying to find answers.

Should you tell him or should you lie..?

Branch kinda stopped and realized that was pretty cold.. even for himself. He just snapped out of nowhere. He looked at you as you just stood there trying to think of what to say next as he sighed.

"God, look, I'm sorry I snapped out of nowhere okay?" He gestures his hand to follow him as he starts walking again, and you did just that. "No you're all good, it's just that I live in the outer areas of the village, so I don't really know much, even for me."

You lied.

Branch was still feeling upset from snapping at you but your thoughts were no where near there, if all honesty you probably gave the least fuck about that! What got you silent was making that decision if you should tell him or not, and you ended up keeping that one secret a bit longer.. playing the role of an average troll.

"Ah, yeah that makes more sense now," he said softly as he continued carrying his way to wherever he was heading to.

"So, your question about a Bergen, ahem.." he cleared his throat as you were all ears for this explanation you were about to get, "Are these huge troll eating monsters, who would show no mercy to gobble you whole,"

Not really what you were expecting, but alright.

"So that's why, it's better to stay off and hidden near troll village, but likely it won't be safe there due to how loud they are. Every. Single. Day. Just singing, dancing and hugging, and ugh," Branch grumbled, rambling on more about the Bergens and how he hates bright stuff. "I swear they are all gonna get caught one day and they will be unprepared the moment one does hit them." He sighed and stopped his ranting, and while walking he turned his attention looking at you.

You were taking in all this information. So the Bergens are these big monsters according to Branch, who just eats trolls. Ah alright. "Yeah I can see why you think that little dude, I can still feel their music vibrations all the way here."

"Finally, someone who gets it." He was relieved and continued walking.

It was nice having someone who could relate to Branch a bit. A nice subtle change from all the other trolls who are a bit crazy in the head with glitter, you were different from them as you actually had an understanding to him and you had some sort of other personality than just those things. Yeah even though you're a bit sassy, but odd like the others, and can't really get what you say sometimes with your odd vocabulary like 'shit' and 'fuck' or whatever that is, it's still nice to have someone who can relate to him a small bit.

Yet, he was still confused why you were so different from the others. Not liking to sing nor dance, not knowing what Bergens are, you're weird language, it opens up so many questions. Although, he decided it was best to save them for later.

"Anyways, we are here." Branch finally stopped, in front of a rock. A fucking rock. In the middle of the big forests and stuff.. you couldn't take this seriously did this guy really lived in a rock?

You looked at the doormat in front of you which had said 'go away'. "A bit optimistic eh?" You snickered sarcastically and couldn't help but giggled.

"I just like having my own space," Branch shrugged in response.

You watched Branch as the doormat opened from beneath them, Branch jumped inside and you followed right along right behind him. Jumping in you sought what his place was.. pretty sad. An empty room with darkness, filled with jugs and such and storage in this dark empty room.

"This is honestly sad bruh."

"The only thing sad is you thinking this is all I got," he responded, as he went over to the lever on the floor and pulled it, looking back at you with a face expecting you to get a reaction. "You have seen nothing yet,"

You rolled your eyes as you felt the floor beneath you move, realizing the ground below you was lowering.. and lowering.. and lowering..

"Wow an elevator, I'm baffled," you said sarcastically as while you got lowered, you'd have to admit it's pretty cozy inside here. The lights made it look pretty, and he had a lot of supplies everywhere in his home.

"Home sweet home, nothing better than having a cozy home, but a safe one while you're at it," he replied as the elevator finally came to a stop, leaving the both of you at the bottom floor. There was more storage down here, as well as supplies such as stocks, food, and including bear traps.

"What's with.. so much preparation dawg?" You couldn't help but comment on the whole thing. "Well, better to stay safe and prepared if any Bergens come over and swallow us whole.." He trailed off, putting away some supplies he had on his hand, storing it away in a cubby hole in the wall.

"So much talk about them," you sighed as Branch came over towards you. "Honestly, I don't think I've really shown anyone my bunker yet, but you happened to stroll along with me so whatever's." He mentioned as he went down the room towards a table and poured himself some coffee from the coffee machine that was conveniently placed on the side.

"Yeahhhh, well, I really have nowhere to be anyways so why the fuck not?" You replied, as you sat on the opposite side of the table right in front of him. He sipped on his coffee and looked at you. He didn't really mind your company.

"So what about you..?"

You sat there, thinking for a moment on what to say. "I'm doing good," you bluntly said.

"Nono, I meant like, more about yourself. You practically know a lot about me considering you met me like what.. yesterday." Branch sipped his coffee and continued. "Why are you an outcast like me huh?"

You couldn't help but feel offended by that one sentence. "Erm actually.. I'm not an outcast." You confidently said in that voice, which made Branch a bit annoyed, but now understanding the joke a small bit. Although, you said that even though you both knew damn well you were an outcast from the next silent moments.

"I just.. i don't like going out to the village that much because that's just not my type of shit," you snorted. Yet again, another lie.

"Honestly, I can relate. It's not the best going around the village when you got the name of 'party pooper' and stuff.." he sighed as he put his head down, looking at his desk.

"Damn, that's tough."

"Yeah. It is."

"You shouldn't let that discourage you though, you both have their differences and that's that. They can't change how you think and act, because that's what makes you.. well.. you."

Branch looked at you from your sudden comfort. He was surprised. And yeah, you're the type of person who gives no shit to nobody honestly, but it's nice to have the deep chats now and then.

"Just keep that in mind, buuuuuuut I have to get going now," was another lie, you felt yourself getting a bit more drowsy yet again and you already knew the moment you blink or feel really tired, you were going to wake up again. Quickly with a non suspicious(it was suspicious) smile you quickly headed towards the elevator and pulled the lever in a hurry.


"Hey- (y/n)!" Branch said trying to stall a bit reaching out his hand as if you'd stop and come back, but you did in fact not. The elevator kept lifting until you were out of sight from the whole room. Branch sat there, still sorting through his head on what happened. And let out a sigh setting down his coffee cup.

