The Theatre

As the machine glitches dangerously while sending sparks, the audience remained unaware of the growing portal under their feet. When they had realized it, it was already too late as they began falling under.


Students began to panic as they did an unexpected free-fall, while the other Pro-Heroes try to calm them down. With Class 1-A, Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Tokoyami tried to use their quirks to keep them airborne but when they tried to use their quirks, nothing came out, which resulted in shock.

"Oi Sensei, shut your quirk!!"

Aizawa who was busy bringing the students into smaller groups glanced at his Problem Child #2 in confusion. He had not even used his quirk throughout the whole ordeal so he was confused when he was called out by his student.

Before he could respond, he suddenly felt lighter as he had begun to descend slower than he did as if something was holding him up. He looked around him to his colleague, boss, and students to see them in the same predicament. Soon after, they reach ground level and looked around.

^^^ This is what they see.

"Come out, whoever is out there. I know you are there somewhere." Aizawa voiced out stepping up in front with the rest of the Pro-Heroes ready to protect them from any possible danger. However, when they were about to prepare their quirks, they realized it was not working like usual putting most of them in a haze. Seeing their teachers having trouble with their quirks, the students tried to use theirs also resulting in the same diploma.

"Where's my quirk!?"

     "Why is it not working!!"


     "If the pros don't have their quirks, what are we going to do!?!?

Shouts erupted seconds after until later a loud shout overwhelmed them causing some of them to cover their ears. A figure soon appears in front of them through a door that just popped out of nowhere.

"cough cough, I have got to deal with that transportation door soon, my head is spinning!!" The mysterious figure then was suddenly wrapped in soft, sturdy cloth and being dragged close to a certain hob-teacher.

"Who are you and where did you bring us? What did you do to us!?" His glare even without his quirk is still nonetheless terrifying. The person in captivation only stared wide-eyed, soon after only looking down softly cursing. Taking a deep breath, the person looked up and gave a friendly smile.

"Why hello to you to sir. My name is Eshi ( A-shi), but please call me Storm, my friends call me that. Would you be so kind to let me go? I understand that I have much to explain to you about your current situation and do not worry, I am not an enemy." Aizawa could only stare in silence before relenting. The girl now introduced as Storm, brushed her attire straight and stepped back so that she will be able to see everyone. 

^^^ Note that Storm is not wearing a mask just as the picture above shows. That is just the overall look of Storm.

"Thank you, sir-

"Eraserhead. I don't need you to keep calling me sir" He deadpanned

"cough Right, Eraserhead. Unfortunately, I was not the one who brought you all here nor do I know the objective of you BEING here. Nonetheless, I DO know someone who would most probably do this. So please wait here while I get her. You may wander around and settle yourselves on the seats. I believe that you will be seating there soon enough."

Briskly walking off before Aizawa could get some words in, he could only sigh and do as she said for neither of their group knew where they were and could be lost or in danger. Sometimes, he wonders what did he do to gain this much headache.

Oh, wait...

He became a teacher, 

Had a crazy smart and sadistic chimera as his boss,

Became a homeroom teacher to the most accident-prone students in the whole UA history,

Being attacked by villains on a daily basis,

And having to deal with his Loud ASF Husband.

It's a miracle how he has not dropped dead yet with everything he had gone through, even with the amount of caffeine he took.       No, actually, that will kill him too.

It's even more terrifying how Aizawa had not dropped dead early on with all the caffeine intake. I'm pretty sure most of his bloodstream is made of that caffeine. ( Same man, I think most of my water intake is made of caffeine too, All Hail caffeine!!)

Ahem, back to the story...

With nothing else to possibly do at the moment, the students and the Pro-heroes made themselves comfy on the seats and started to chat among themselves, whether about other things or the current situation.






"Ow, What the hell, Storm!? Dragging me is not necessary!! I'll just walk along!!" A loud cry resonated in the room where the others are. Conversations momentarily stopped as they eyed the new guest. It was another girl, being dragged by the ear which was pulsing red from the force.

^^^ the rough description of the girl.

"I don't honestly care now, YOU have some explaining to do. You can't just do something without telling the rest of us what you are doing. Who knows what will happen to them if it was not me who met them first? I swear the next time you end up in another catastrophe, I will not be there to help you."

"O...oh, um, I forgot about bringing all of them here... but can you please let go of my poor ear now, it's crying!!" The black-haired cried before being harshly released, tumbling forward. Upon getting up, she realized how she had been the center of attention.

"cough cough, hello everyone, I am so sorry for bringing all of you here all of the sudden. I completely forgot that I had planned this!!" She bowed low to express her sincerity.

"It's fine, young lady, but could you please explain to us who you are and why are we here?" All Might asked from where he sat, his eyes shining curiously and with awareness. 

"Ah, yeah, of course. U-um, My name is Sora, I am here to show you the worlds of your centerpiece. And for fun, because I saw your support-course student creating a world viewer machine so I decided to help out a little." Sora exclaimed with a large smile in the end on her face. Storm could only sigh from where she was.

"You mean you are just bored and wanted to do something, right Sora?"

    "You're so mean to me, Storm!! Why can't I just have some fun~?"

"I don't know, because you get carried away too much and that I am too lazy to deal with the casualties at the end since I somehow always end up as the one who had to clean everything up."

 "Aww, I'm sorry, forgive me~? I promise this time, it will be worth it." 

"...fine -"

"Yay!! Thank you, I love you so much!!" Storm was cut off with an unexpected hug from the other and she awkwardly patted her bag, that is until a shrill came up from the crowd.

"EeK, are you too together!? You look so cute together, how long have you been together? Wait, are you siblings? Are you part of the LGBT community!?" The two were shocked by the bullets of question but nonetheless remained calm.

"Well, we are not a couple but siblings, sadly cue head smack by Storm, but she is lesbian and I am bi. I have a boyfriend and she has a girlfriend.-

"Fiance now actually, but we are getting off-topic"

"Right, right!! Well, we can continue the introduction later along the way of the viewing. The toilet is to your right, food and drinks section to your back. So right now, sit back and enjoy the show!!"
























Alright, they have all finally seen the Theater!! Now, what universe will they see first? Please comment on which one of those below you want to read first. You can also comment on ideas for the universes. I love all of you peeps out there. Take care and don't stress yourselves out!!

-Lullaby for a princess ( prince)
Princess ( Princes)  don't cry
The moon Rises ( Midoriya version as Princess Luna)

-Midoriya impersonates Mr.Aizawa for a day

-Murder squad shenanigans

-Small skits

-He is my Other self


-When do you want the Bakudeku ship to appear? Earlier in the story or later?

-Assassination Classroom World

-etc. ( Give your ideas!!)

^ These are all the ideas I have now. I really hope you all could help me choose which one they should react to.

Sorry for the crappy chapter. But I hope you all enjoy this nonetheless!!





