The New Guest

Everyone in the theatre now was just moving around, chatting idly with each other about what they have seen so far since they have gotten there.

The UA staff were sitting together at a corner, piping in at some time to give their input in their conversation.

"Now, what do you all think of the universe we all saw just now."

"Problem child one and two definitely is finding something from us. They clearly know that 'Shun' person personally and Bakugou wouldn't budge regardless of how many times we ask him."

"Yeah, Sho is right. That fierce little listener wouldn't even budge even if we constantly bug him to tell us and it also seemed that Midoriya wouldn't tell us either. His mouth is sealed that like a tightly shut clam."

"Hmm, I propose we wait. I believe that maybe, we don't have to figure out this problem on our own." Nezu hummed in thought.

"What made you say that? You can't honestly believe everything we saw right, Nezu? It could be a trap or something." Vlad contradicted against him.

"While that is a possibility, I did not suggest dropping all of our guards for the safety of our students. However, the universe before this one is and has been confirmed by the students themselves, regardless of them being the victim or culprit, to be real." Countered Nezu. " At the same time, during our small break, I noticed that one of our new friends seemed a bit antsy. They said something about a new face we would meet."

"But that could possibly be a new face in the next universe, couldn't it?" All might chime in confusion, getting a happy nod from the smaller.

"Just wait and see, everyone.   Wait and see."

(After talking)

Everyone was back in their seats and (some) are waiting patiently for the next universe to play. Sora clapped her hands together, " Alright everyone, before we start, I actually need some of you for something. Could Eraserhead, Nezu, Bakugou, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Mina please enter the unsuspicious-looking door?"

With a wave of her hand, a door miraculously popped up behind her as if it had been there the whole time. The said people looked at her in suspicious but she avoided their gaze as they nontheless followed her directions and entered the room together.

"What do you think is so important that specific people are called into a different room?" Momo asked in question as she got comfy on her seat next to Jirou.

" I don't even want to know, wherever Bakugou and Midoriya go, chaos follows them. Even in an empty room, I bet they can make something happen we have never expected." Sero huffed in memory.

"True" replied the remains of Class 1-A and staff teachers. Class 1-B could only look at their other classmates and teachers in shock and worry. 

"Are they mentally ok!? 

They're crazy motherfuckers!! "

"So in the meantime, I will be showing you some memes, photos and other shits to pass the time while the others inside are dealing with all the drama." Storm said, pulling a tablet out and pressing some buttons as the screen lights up."

"MEMES!!!!" The bakusquad cheered in glee together with other memers.

"First one."


"Young Midoriya, no!!" All might wail at the fact that his successor broke more of his bones.

"Midobro would most definitely do that!! Though I really wish he would stop doing that, he keeps giving heart attacks to all of us with all the bones he had broken.

Kaminari laughed out loud.

Imagine if he broke more."

Oh God!! The other Class 1-A students shivered at the atrocious image of the possibility popping up in their heads.


The whole theatre then shook all of the sudden from the heavy explosion coming from the room that they saw their friends, colleagues enter. 


"Cough,  ignoring that, sorry to say but this will be your first and final meme, for now, considering that our guest and your friends are coming back.

"Guest? like a person?" Kaminari asked. "of course, a person, Jamming way. What else would it be? A merperson?"

"On the contrary, she is someone that you have seen before and a dear friend of mine as well." Storm confessed having a small smile on her face as pride fills her being.

"I hope she is sex- SSSMASHHHH!!!"

Before Mineta ( I don't know how he got into my book.) could even finish his sentence, he was sent flying by a strong blast of wind. A ferocious aura could be felt from three familiar friends that could be seen walking out from the un-suspicious room.


Katsuki, Izuku, and Eijirou were releasing scary vigor as they stomped up to the small disgusting grape ready to pummel him to the ground. 

Even Aizawa, Nezu, Sora and Mina were not pleased with what they heard.

Mineta crouched shivering under the intensity of three fiery gaze piercing through him like butter, stuttering his pleas to save himself, though it all landed on deaf ears.

"That's enough, you three. I think he is already scared enough as he is. You four, dont think I don't see those silent intentions of yours."

A girl came up behind the three boys and gave them a light smack to the head, then moving to hug Kirishima from behind. He turned around and hugged back the girl huffing,

"Fine, but only because that is the manly thing to do."

"Oi, hands off, shitty hair."

"Sorry bro, but no, she's my pebble."

" Why you!!!"

"Hush, Kat. Let him be."


"Waaa!!! My Saviour!!!-!"

"Don't come any closer, you grape. I never said I'd let you get away, they might not do things to you but that just means more for me. Get that?" She glared as Mineta ( I can't believe I wrote his name 😫)

Everyone was watching the interaction with different reactions, whether it be shock, confusion, alertness, fear or anything possible because of the new guest or what had just happened. Except one,

"Shun, lovely to see you again, my friend."

"Storm!! I missed you so much!!"

The girl, now identified as Shun, perked up at the familiar voice and skipped over to greet her while the rest walked back to mingle and answer some questions that has been popping in everybody's mind.

"Dude, I didn't know you guys had a girlfriend or sister. Why didn't you tell us anything!?" Sero swing his arms around Kirishima who awkwardly laugh while Bakugou ( I almost wrote Bakuhoe🤣🤣) grunted going back to his seat.

"I don't need to tell you extras anything."

"Awe, come on, bakubro don't be such a part pooper~"


At the other end with the dekusquad, Uraraka was fussing over Midoriya about the sudden news of him having a sibling and why he didn't tell them earlier on.

Iida, Tsu and Todoroki were also wandering the same and wanted to question their friend but held back so that they would not overwhelm him from the onslaught of questions firing at him already.

"'s because you never asked?" He meekly spoke, trying to shuffle away from his energetic friend.

"HA...o..ohh. Whoops, hehe. Sorry" Uraraka lets go of her friend and sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment and realization as she stepped back.

"Though, I must admit Midoriya, we don't seem to have seen anything belongings in your household that reciprocates any indication of you having a sibling when we visited before?"

"Could be a secret love sibling?"




" just stop with that, please." Midoriya shook his head in defeat as his bi-coloured friend does his usual weird conspiracy theories, especially the one about him being All Might's secret love child, WHICH HE IS NOT!!.

With the Pro-heroes

"Sho, what happened in there buddy?"

" Wel.."

" Who's that cute girl there~, she's looking good!! Love her fashion senses. Classic but amazing~!!"

"Nem, no. She is a colleague of mine during my night patrols. She sometimes helps me bust those illegal drug rings."

"So she was the one you kept complaining yet praising all those times in the Staffroom?"

"Aww, you talk about me, 'Raser? How nice~" Shun popped up beside him, smiling ear to ear cheesily then promptly sitting next to him.

"Shut up, you knew about it anyways. Don't act so surprised." he grumbled.

"OMG, hi cutie!! i hope grumpy-head there talks about me. You know he can't handle himself without me by his side." Yamada greeted as he brightly starts the conversation.

"Hi Present Mic, of course he does. All he does in his free time is talking about you. I also love your covers, they are so meliodous. I even keep one as my ringtone."

As the duo continue to talk, the rest of the teachers gradually felt comfortable enough to chat. Shun and Midnight had talks about their clothing preference and shared moments about Shouta with Present Mic. With Vlad, they shared experience about the younger generation from each others view. Nezu and Shun enjoyed talking trash about how weird the Hero Commission are so much that the others were already dreading the meeting between the two should there be one. With All might, he could feel a familiar aura around the young girl that he talks too, as if he was back when he was younger and training under his Master.

"Alright everyone, it's been some time now, I'm sure you are all comfy now. Now as you can see, we have a new guest so to speed up introduction, I am going to show you her past and what she has been up to. least a small part of it at least." She quickly added when she made contact with wide grey eyes.




Multiverse updating....

Multiverse found.....

Multiverse starting....

The Life of the Guardian Part 1


Hello, Hello everyone!! It's the New year and I am so sorry for not updating. The school has started up and things have been pretty hectic since it is physical. Also, this chapter isn't one that I am proud of, because motivation bombed me at the worst time possible so this is what you are going to get. It's not even passing 2k.😫😫😫😫😫 Sorry again.


I know the story is a bit messy so I am sorry for that if you don't understand. I might have to put my books on hold since I will be super busy this year.

I hope you understand......

Anyways, I wouldn't put the official not there that it will be on hold but I hope you guys know this when you read these back notes. I will still write it's just that it will be more prolonged.

Give me your comments anytime and I will try to get back to you guys if I can!!!

Take care, everybody!!! PLUS ULTRA!!!



AND ESPECIALLY ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CIA_story OUT!!
