Chapter 3 LoveSick

I don't know what to feel really. Amazed someone could be so beautiful? Maybe. His slender body. His hair. His everything really. And how his bangs are so long they hang over one eye. His eye red as a devil, but it was an angel to me.
No, I think to myself. The driver warned you Adam. But the other side came to me. But he's the one! The one you've been looking for. The love of your life. He was right. He was the one. And if the others wanted him, they're going to have to get through me. And I will protect him from the gangs after him with my life. Still don't know what the third reason is, but I'll work something out.
I am snapped back to reality by the sweetest and loveliest voice I've ever heard.

"Hello? Are you Sky?" It says. My eyes open to revel the boy I was dreaming about. It was Ty. I stumble getting up. He giggles. Its lovely I think.

"Y-yes! Sorry, I must have fallen asleep!" I say kneeling down and kissing the back of his hand. He smiles.

"Thank you so much for helping us in this troubling time. It was very nice of you to come. I understand that the Budder- I mean Gold Kingdom is having some trouble." That's it. I'm in love. Deep.

"You call it Budder too? That's awesome!" I basically squeak with delight. He gives me and exited smile. He laughs.

"I thought I was the only one!" He giggles with delight. He suddenly hugs me tight. Its adorable of how weak he is. I wrap my arms around him. It's like huging a teddy bear. Soft and warm.
I've never fallen this deep in love. Not even for Dawn or Aleasa (THINK I SPELLED THAT RIGHT) and I loved dawn enough to get engaged to her and Aleasa enough to actually marry her. I've had a complicated love life don't ask. I look at his rose red eye. He looks into my sunglasses.

"Adam Dahlberg? Do we have an Adam Dahlberg here?" A man yelled out interrupting our moment. I growl. But I plaster a take smile on my face.

"That's me sir! I'm Adam Dahlberg." I say getting his attention. His eyes spark like circits as an robotic grin came to his face.

"Well you better get that. I'll always be here ok Adam?" Ty says with a smile.
As he walked away, I couldn't help but watch him from behind. His hips like a pocket watch rocking back and forth. Hypnotizing me.

"Adam? Adam Dahlberg?" Was the voice snapping me back. I shack my head and look at the creepy postman. I nod my head.
"Well, I have some mail for you." He says mysteriously shoving the mail into my chest and walking away.
When I got here in DeadStrain (the town) I shrugged it off. But now, I'm not sure. You know what, once I get to the house the Golden Kingdom has given me, and I get work done, I'm going to do some research on the Dead Kingdom. Yeah.
I walk down the street looking around. Its changed since I was a child. When I lived here, it was invaded with squids. They would patrol the streets days and night and wouldn't let anyone out of town come in or get out.
But now, I see kids running around free. They way I did. But I'll that happened was my father was killed for betraying orders, and my mother was killed trying to protect me. They took me to the dungon for having magic. I escaped though. Thanks to an elderly. I will never forget. George Flannin. He killed himself for me.

"Hey mister!" I hear and then feel a tug at my coat. I look down and see a small child with two of his friends.

"What is it?" I say with a smile and kneel down.

"Your dressed like a knight. Can you tell a story? PLEASE?" He begs playing with my ponytail. His friends beg with him. I chuckle and pick the first one up.

"I am a Genaral accually. A knight leader kinda. I'll tell a story but I need permission from your parents kiddo." He stops and looks down.

"I don-n't have any..." He says with tears coming from his eyes. "None of us do. They were taken in the war." He says. I wipe the tears from his eyes with my thumb.

"Don't you have a nursery?" I ask. He nods.

"But we can't find them. We went out to go to the market, and now we can't find them!" He crys. I put him down and he and his friends grab my hands.

"I'll help you find them don't you worry. Now, where was the last place you saw them?" I ask.

"The fruit stand." He says pointing to a stand with a lady looking bored out of her mind. I gasp when I see who it is.

"Kids, stay close to me. This is a very mean lady." I say eyeing Dawn. She looks at me and bats her eyelashes all flirty like.

"What are you doing here Dawn?" I growl.

"What are you doing here hot buns?" She says licking her lips to look more attractive.

"Kids, cover your eyes and ears." I say as politely as I can. They do as they are told.

"I need you to tell me where they nursery went?" I say through a sigh.

"I'll tell you if you date me again~" she says trying to be sexy. I sneer.

"You know what no. Kids, I have an idea." I say grabbing their hand gently and walking away.

"Who was that? Do you know her?" He asks cutely.

"I used to date her. She is an awful women." I say. "Why don't we go to the nursery untill they come back." I say and smile at him.

"Ok... I guess that makes sense." He says.
We reach the nursery before sunset and we sit there for a while. After about 15 minutes a group of children and a woman came through the door.

"Anthony! Nathen! John! There you are! I was worried sick!" She says kissing him all over. She looks up at me.

"Can I help you?" She asks. Holding 'Anthony' close.

"He helped me get here! He's a knight." He says as the kids wow and rush over to me. They play around with my uniform.

"I am so so sorry!" The lady panics.

"It's alright. Here. I'll help. Who wants to hear a story?" I say and all the kids are all saying 'me!' Its quite adorable. "Ok but if anyone wants a story your going to have to sit down and get quiet." They do it faster than I could say it. "Ok what story do you wanna hear?" I ask. Raised hands shoot up. I point to Anthony.

"The full story of the four kingdom!" He says excitedly.

"Long story. Is that what you all want?" I ask and they all nod. Good thing I memorized it.

I walked up to the cabin where Seto lived. I knocked on the door.

"Hello? Come in!~" He sings. I burst through the door.

"Seto! We need to go!" I say out of breath. He comes to my side and picks me up. "We need to get to the k-*cough*-kingdom." I weeze out.
He nods and grabs his staff. He pulls me close to his chest. He starts running with me. We get to the forest and slow down. A hand taps his shoulder. He spins around and my vision goes black.
