Chapter 11 Hell Crashes

They all march out in all directions. I watch Jerome yell orders to his troops, Mitch get his Archers ready and on top of the castle, and everyone get there jobs done and ready for the signal.

I wait until the enemies get into their formation. The humaniod creatures line up in troops as did we. But something got me off guard. The squids had about twice as many soldiers as we did. I tried to find a way we could attack without losing all our soldiers, when I felt a tap on the shoulder making me jump.

"Sky, I'm sorry for interrupting, but I want to help." I turn around and see Seto. Not in armor, not armed, just the way he was. "How?" I ask confused.

"I am one of the most powerful mages in the kingdom. I can help." He said sounding like he was pleading. "Please Sky. I know more about the squids then anyone else even themselves." I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to lose Seto or anyone for this, Should I?

"They want Ty. Please. Let me help." He was begging now. But the first sentence got me. They want Ty? Why? "Why do they want Ty?" I ask gripping his shoulders and panicking. "Blackmail, rape, and... Someother reason I can figure out with archive or past magic. Nor mindreading!" He said throwing his hands up.

I sigh. "Fine. You can help. But first, I need you to go get some people to guard Ty." He nods and runs into the castle. I turn around and face the troops.

"ATTACK!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Seto POV
I run inside to get Ty in his room, only to walk in on the King changing into his diamond armor. "Y-your Majesty..." He has the face of guilt, spead all across. He sighs and looks at me. "Sorry young man... I have to." He tights the chest plate and added his helmet.

I was shocked, but had no time. I ran upstairs to Ty's room, tripping over things in my rush. Gasping for air, I knocked on the door with the strength I still had.

No reply.

"Come on Ty! We need to go!" Nothing. Not a shuffle, not a peep. Just silence. I was panicking, thinking about my options. I had no time to do that, so I just mustered up all the energy I had to break the door down. I wiped my brow of sweat. I was on the berg of passing out by now, all the energy was gone from my body.

I look up at the room. Empty. No sign of Ty, the room was clean, so I assumed he wasn't kidnapped. He must of wondered off. I begin to panic again. What if he got hurt? What if he was taken hostage? What if-


Sky's voice rings in my ears, but all I could feel was numb. I start to see black.

"what are your orders sir?" He only looks at me and smiles. "Me order you? I may be King, but your the ruler of all the soliders, General." No. It can't be. "But s-sir-" "I can't lose my son Adam. I can't lose him too." He wasn't joking. He was actually doing this. He did something I didn't think would happen. He put both hands on my shoulders and looked deep in my eyes.

"Adam, look. Tyler is the last of the Ellis's. If I die, make sure he stays alive and starts a family. Don't let him get hurt, look after him for me." I was shocked, but I stood strong and saluted to him respectfully. "I will make sure of it sir." I say bowing on one knee. He smiles and nods, running off to the front of all the soldiers, climbing aboard his white horse.

"WAIT!" A voice thunders like a Loin's roar. It was the Squid King. The soldiers make way for there king, parting thought the middle. He troted down the split with something I couldn't make out. The king had a look of terror spread on his face, I assumed it was bad. My eyes widen when I realize what or really, WHO it was.
