Monster Heroes part 5

At sweet justice, we'll underneath it the girls figure out how to find the villains layer.

Wonder Woman: alright we know that they are four members, and that they gathered many artifacts. 

Green lantern: but what we don't know is for what.

Supergirl: so I say we find them and punch them straight into the sun.

All the girls groan at supergirl same plan.

Catwoman: did you forget how each one manage to beat us separately, including you.

Wonder Woman: catwoman is right, we need to use our brains, not our brawn.

Batgirl then walks over shows a holographic map of metropolis. Four beacons pop up. Then   Lines appeared stating where they went.

Batgirl: okay here's the the locations where the villains went and gone. Now we just need to send someone to follow them to their lair. 

Livewire: but they all know us, even you and cat can't sneak past them.

Wonder Woman: which is why I call in a friend.

???: and that would be me.

They get spooked when they turn an see Katana leaning on the wall. She looks at them and smiles.  At the lair, the four heroes entered the warehouse not knowing the katana was flowing them above. She entered a window and hang from a chain as she watched. They continued to waited which made katana wonder.

Katana: what could they be waiting for, they have the pieces. So wha-

The doors suddenly open wide as the leader entered. Katana gasp as she watched. The leader walked in and held three pieces. When stopped he addressed the heroes.

Leader: I'm glad to see you all made it. It's time to begin the ritual.

He walks past the three as katana watch the three follow him. Then Arctic Trench stops and looks above to the chains. He sees nothing but continues to stare. But then cyclonus decided to but in.

Cyclonus: yo trenchy, why would he call it a ritual.

Arctic Trench: because it sounds appropriate air head.

Trench swats him away as they continue further inside. Katana had his behind a beam to avoid detection. She then follows them deeper. Katana sneaks her way through the door and hides as each villain went through different tunnels, but she kept her eye on the leader. She follows them to a room filled with other pieces. He sets them down as he pulls out a blueprint. 

Leader: now to follow this and everything will go smoothly.

Then the leader turns and gets pin to the table by katana. She points her some off at him,

Katana: I believe I'll be taking what doesn't belong to you. Now what are you up to.

Katana looks deeper in the hooded leaders face, until she sees his eyes and gasp.

Katana: y-you

The leader used this punch katana. She hits the wall and falls. She looks up and see the leader walk towards her res king his monster fur claws. Before he could react katana goes under grabs the blueprint and rushes out. Through the tunnel she pass shadow Raptor. He was surprised at first then he sees his leader.

Leader: she stole the plans after her.

Shadow Raptor nods and teleports off. Outside katana was running  a fast as she can to tell the girls of what she leaned. Then shadow Raptor appears and kicks her in the chest. She slid back and sees her opponent. She readied soul taker as shadow Raptor smirks and readied his weapons. The wind carrying leaves blew past them as rushed each other. Then they exchange blows.  Katana knew he's evenly match, when he's not using his powers. The shadow Raptor  parried her attack knocking soul taker into the air. Then he unleashed multiple hits and sending her sliding to the edge of the roof. As she got up see she's the leader above her.

Leader: you don't know what your doing. Hand the blueprint back.

She smiles and gets up. She shows herself and the blueprint was gone. The leader was shock as him and Raptor looked around. Then Shadow Raptor points to the left and they see bumblebee flying away with the blueprints. She continues to fly until one of Shadow Raptors blades it's the wall stopping her. She turns around an see the two. She is scared but then acts brave.

Bumblebee: come and  get it meat heads.

She starts bragging until the leader snaps his finger and shadow Raptor creates a portal. Then Arctic Trench, Eruptus, and cyclonus fall and face the bee. Bumblebee stops mocking and gets terrified. She starts flying away.

Leader: Pack, sic em 

They charge at the bee. Bumblebee flys away whilst a avoiding the attack, the grabs, and close calls from the villains. She flys into a construction site whilst blowing up the gurders. When the villains enter the building comes crashing down. Bumblebee flys over to see the rubble. She blows a raspberry but yelps and flys when Arctic Trench hand comes coming out. The villains explode from the rubble just as the leader arrives holding an unconscious katana.

Eruptus: they got away

Leader: know matter. They may think they upper hand, but they don't even what's coming.

Back at sweet justice, batgirl was lecturing them on what to do when they face the villains when all of a sudden a stumbling bumblebee comes down the slide.

Harley: hey bee how you and Katana do.

Bumblebee looks at them terrified. Minutes later the girls are shock from what they just heard. Bumblebee shows them the blueprint, which contains a giant warship.

Catwoman: show they work for some leader. Who taken katana prisoner.

Zatanna: who building a ship with the artifacts

Green lantern: a warship.

Wonder Woman: show it's decided, we must stop this weapon.

Batgirl: and lucky us we got they blueprints, they can't insert the artifacts without them.

Livewire: so we can hit him on our terms. 

Supergirl: that would mean we need all of our teammates. Where is giganta and ivy.

Star sapphire: well you forget Doris has a ddd as te with lycaon tonight. It should end right when we need her.

Catwoman: and Pam is doing her own stuff she'll turn around eventually. 

Green lantern: so who'll take care of the blueprints while we plan this.

Bumblebee got nervous but Wonder Woman comforted her.

Wonder Woman: not to worry Karen, you don't need to do this. I'll take the blueprints.

They all nod as They all left. Tomorrow Doris walk through the hall until she gets hug behind. She looks and smile as it was Kade.

Kade. Hey Doris. You ready for our date tonight.

Doris: definitely.

Kade departs as they kiss. They walk off as they past Karen. School was out as She walks heading to the doors when she bumps into Tyler.

Karen: oh hey Tyle, how you doing. 

Tyler: oh I'm good, I wonder how you been.since last night.

Karen gets confused a little but walks off. Once outside she walks down the stair. She goes a few feet before Zack calls her out.

Zack: hey Beecher.

Karen: hey Zack. You seem tired.

Zack: heh it happens when a building gets dropped on you.

Karen gets scared as she says goodbye and walks off. She walks faster as she noticed Zack and Tyler following her. She goes to the parking lot but she Blaze siting on a car looking at her. She yelps and runs to the football field. She ends up running into the boys locker room. A few feet in Ethan closed the doors behind. She backs up as Zack, Tyler, and Blaze walk in and shut the door behind them.

Karen: hey guys what are doing

Zack: just getting back at you, bumblebee.

karen: How you know I'm, [gasp] your the villains.

Ethan: yeah, and we like it if you return our blueprint.

Karen: well to bad I don't have it. Either way not until you return all the pieces you stole.

Blaze: why do you think we're doing this.

They all started to surrounded the young hero. Later at sweet justice, they girls wave hi to Barry before going to their booth and entering their hideout. Once down the slide the girls begin talking about what to do.

Batgirl: alright now that we got the blueprints we need to decide how to get the villains attention.

Cyclonus: to slow girls.

They look to see they villains sitting on their couch. Whilst eruptus and Shadow Raptor are their snacks. The girls readied themselves but trench hold up and ice flag.

Arctic Trench: hold your horses we want no trouble.

Eruptus: yet.

Shadow Raptor: just give us the blueprint and we'll be on our way.

Supergirl: oh yeah,  and why should we.

Shadow Raptor creates a portal and out rolls bumblebees helmet to their feet. They gasp while they get enraged.

Wonder Woman: if you hurt her

Shadow Raptor: we didn't, yet.

Supergirl: like heck we give you the blueprints.

Arctic Trench: you don't have a choice.

They teams started growing as they were itching to attack. But shadow Raptor put his hand up.

Shadow Raptor: but we have hearts, metropolis pier, meet us there at 7:00, we'll give you the heroes, you give us the map. 

Wonder Woman: and if we don't.

Shadow Raptor: then we'll pick you off, one by one. 

Shadow Raptor and the others get up as he creates a portal.

Shadow Raptor: have a good day Diane.

They walk through the portal but then batgirl throws a tracker at trench but he catches it. He looks at them whilst freezing the chip, destroying it. He wag his finger and walks through. The girls glare as they continued they chat. At the date, Doris and Kade were drinking their smoothies. They laughed as they kiss. Once it was over they went to the movies, whilst Kade checked his phones to see the time is 6:59. At the pier the girls walked into the close pier as the time hit 7:00. The villains waited at the bumper cars. They girls arrived as the villains show bumblebee and katana, tied up.

Arctic Trench: you got the blueprints.

Wonder Woman: yes.

Shadow Raptor: you first.

Batgirl walks to them as she throws them the blueprints. Then cyclonus hands them the two heroes. But before they could get them Arctic trench stops them.

Arctic Trench: wait check the blueprint.

Shadow Raptor: I almost forgot.

Shadow Raptor opens the it and confetti pops out. It read fool you. They villains grow as they tear the it and look at the girls.

Wonder Woman: now!

Green lantern creates a green hand and grabs bumblebee and katana. She reels them back as Zatanna casted a spell. It hit everything while creating a bright light. Once it shine all that stood there was Wonder Woman catwoman, katana, and shadow raptor. Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Zatanna and cyclonus at the zoo. Supergirl, livewire, bumblebee, and Arctic Trench at metropolis dam. Green lantern, Star sapphire, and eruptus we in the park.

Shadow Raptor: show your plan was to separate us. You know how this'll end

Wonder Woman: we shall see.

They charge and attack. Back at the theater, Doris and Kade exit the movie holding hands.

Doris: that was great Kade

Kade: I'm glad you like it.

Doris: well I should get going.

Kade placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her.

Kade: I'll see you soon DZ.

Doris chuckles as she walks off. Kade smile soon fades as he glares into the sky. They villains and girls were evenly matched. Exchanging blows and all. Shadow Raptor knocks the girls down. They slid across the floor as shadow smirked.

Shadow Raptor: like I said you knew how this will end.

Wonder Woman: did I?

Shadow groans as he teleports in front of her face and reeled back his face. But then a bunch of vines erupted form the ground and entangled him. They heroines smile as they look back to an approaching figure. Each step she took pants lit up.

Catwoman: took you king enough ivy

The female was revealed to be poison ivy. 

Poison ivy: what can I say, we plants take our time.

She commanded the plants as they send shadow Raptor into a shop. He groans as he falls unconscious. 

Wonder Woman: mind doing it for the others. 

Ivy smirks as she commanded the plants. With cyclonus, he caught the girls in his personal tornados as he waited till he got dizzy.

Cyclonus: who knew watching people get dizzy can be, boring.

He yawns just as the ground erupted below him and a giant vine smacks him into the ground. He falls unconscious after multiple whips. With trench, he and livewire were colliding attacks. He out pushed her as she hit the wall and landed to the ground right by frozen supergirl.

Trench: looks like your all washed up, sparky.

Trench walks towards them but then multiple Venus fly trap erupt from the ground and attacks trench. With eruptus he was punching away at green lantern's shield.

Star sapphire: come on eruptus, can't we talk this out.

Eruptus: sorry Star but this is bigger than the two of us.

Eruptus breaks through the shield and grabs lantern, swinging her into the water. Before he could do more vines surrounded him. They tried to touch him but his temperature was to much.

Eruptus: hah, I'm as hot as a volcano, no way you can touch-

He got splashed by a green water cannon made by lantern. He groans as he held his hand up as the vines trap him. Later the girls happily drag the four tied up villains. They made fun of them but they kept they cool whilst smiling.

Supergirl: what's with the smug faces.

Arctic Trench: because you don't know what's in store.

Before they could say more they hear a howl. 

Shadow Raptor: the boss is coming.

The howls get closer as they girls looked around. Then bumblebee spots the leader on a tall building.

Livewire: really, one against all of us. What can he do.

They can see the leader smirk as he removes the cloak. It was none other than lycaon, fitting his new suit. They are shocked as Lycaon looks at them.

Lycaon hand over my crew.

Wonder Woman: Kade, but how, why.

Lycaon: I won't ask again. Give me my Pack.

Batgirl: no way, and your not getting the blueprint either.

Lycaon: oh you mean this.

Lycaon shows the blueprints shocking the girls.

Lycaon: swiped it off Diane when sent volleyball training, knew she wouldn't leave off her.

Wonder Woman: it seems your time away has turn you to the life of crime. We have no choice to stop you.

Lycaon: very well.

In a instant lycaon jumped off the roof, straight into the girls. He grabs Zatanna and green lanterns head and bash them into each other. He then kicks Harley and batgirl in the face. He grabs livewire and throws her into poison ivy. The rest of the girls surround him.

Supergirl: so what if you took out most of our squad. Your no match for us.

Lycaon: you got it all wrong. 

Lycaon starts growing larger. Soon they girls face his new form, the werewolf. He roars stunning the girls. Supergirl was the first to fall by his brutal swing. Catwoman tried but was knock down. Katana and Wonder Woman face him.

Lycaon: that was merely my heavily stance. Now for my agile stance.

Lycaon gets down and runs off leaving a trail of smoke, then Wonder Woman and katana block multiple slashes. But then they got over power as waves of slashes hit them. Katana was the first to fall to the ground and then Wonder Woman as she saw the werewolf appear informs his pack and crew them, shadow creates a portal as they walk through.

Lycaon: don't try and stop us girls, we won't go easy on you.

He walks through leaving the girls, defeated.

Boom that's it for the chapter. Lycaon joins the battle rocking his new suit. Next chapter, all the pieces are set, come forth disaster, or a friend in, Monster Heroes part 6.
