Monster Heroes

In metropolis, at a warehouse. (This is the same warehouse vulture used in Spider-Man homecoming. Also I'm adding that it goes further underground). Inside the were five lights shining on 5 cloak wearers. The leader we're a crown on his head. He pulls out a tablet that shows a holographic screen above them. It showed multiple beacons.

???: These are the locations of the parts we need for the project. There are many so you'll need to split up. So whose ready.

The hooded cloaks looked at each other. Until one of them whose cloak was covered in ice step up.

Ice ???: I will do it.

???: very well, bring the closet three parts to your location. Go Arctic Trench.

The hooded man rip his cloak off and revealed to be Arctic Trench. He walks out the warehouse smiling.

Arctic Trench: let's get this over with.

Once he left the lights turned off. At the metropolis harbor. Some thugs were they for a secret auction. The auction held a laser cannon, a power drill, and a weird metal cube. The bidding started but before they could show the object, the door blasted opened. The thugs saw the doors were covered in ice as they look up to see a large creature that looks like it's from the ocean. They charge at the creature as it smiles and attacks. Outside the warehouse there was a bright flash. Inside the creature walks past the now frozen thugs. It jumps on stage revealing to be Arctic Trench. He goes for the items but walks past the two to the cube. He grabs it and walks off.

Arctic Trench: one down, two to go. This is gonna be more fun than I thought.

He walks out and dives into the water. Now morning at metropolis high, Kade was getting his stuff from his locker. When he closed it he turned around and saw his girlfriend with an angry expression.

Kade: hey DZ

Doris: don't hey me. Where you been, why haven't you returned my calls.

Kade: sorry I was busy. But don't worry I'm completely fine. And does this have to do with what Harley said.

Doris: oh you heard.

Kade: yeah, and there's only one person for me.

He pulls her into a hug.

Kade: you.

She smiles and hugs back.

Doris: alright your forgiven. But one question, how you get taller

Kade: it was the wolf dna.

Doris: oh 

They laugh and walk off. Later, Barry and Garth were talking to each other.

Barry: can you believe Kade is back.

Garth: yeah and he looks completely different.

Barry: just imagine how strong he's gotten.

Garth: yeah but I bet he's nowhere stronger than the great aqualad master of the deep.

Garth acts all triumphant and walks backwards making Barry laugh. But when the past the corner Garth bumps into someone and falls down. He gets up and sees it's one of the new kids, Zack. He crawls back till he hits Barry's legs as Zack glares at him.

Garth: oh hey Zack. Didn't see you there

Zack: then next time watch where your going. Runt

He walks off leaving Garth scared. As if he was somethung far more terrifying. Later Leslie was one her phone. She laughs as Karen walks over.

Karen: oh hey Leslie, what's funny.

Leslie: I'm just laughing at my latest post on supastar.

Leslie shows Karen a picture of her as Livewire stopping robbers and having them hanging from there underwear. She scrolls down showing her other pranks on criminals. She couldn't help but laugh more.

Karen: wow that's impressive Leslie 

Leslie: thanks, you know, your not so bad Karen.

She rubs her head as they both smile. Then they heard someone else laughing, they look around the corner and see Zack laughing at something on his phone. Zack than noticed them as Karen hides behind Leslie. Zack walks over to them and got the first time ever he smiles at Leslie.

Zack: hey your Leslie right 

Leslie: yah that's me.

Zack: sweet you gave Livewire you channel. And may I say it's hilarious.

Leslie: really thanks. I quite proud of it myself.

They both laugh as Zack gets a notification on his phone. He smirks and walks off

Zack: nice seeing Leslie.

Zack leaves leaving Leslie smiling.

Leslie: he's wasn't so bad to be around. Oh you ok Karen.

She looks down to see Karen holding her legs

Karen: y-yeah I'm good.

Leslie sighs and walks off. After school was over Livewire was on a rooftop looking for her next victim. She heard a can kick and fire a lighting bolt at the direction. It hit a telescope as it hits the ground revealing bumblebee in her small form.

Livewire: oh hey bumblebee 

Bumblebee: ah hey Livewire what you doing

Livewire: finding my next target for supastar.

Then they alarms happening far away.

Livewire: looks I'm gonna get that new pic. Come on.

Bumblebee: hey wait.

She flies after her. At the place was jewelry store. A bunch of criminals were robbing it until they all got cover in ice, then Arctic trench walks past them to a crate of diamond. He search through the pile until he finds a star shaped diamond.

Arctic Trench: what kind of person find a star shaped diamond. No matter, how one piece left.

Arctic Trench walks out with only to be stopped by The Flash.

Flash: hold it fish face

Arctic Trench: oh fish face, like I haven't heard that one before.

Flash then tackles Arctic Trench inside as they begin fighting. Livewire and bumblebee arrive to the scene. They rush in but aqualad stops them.

Aqaulad: that won't be necessary girls. As members of the invincibros, yo bros, me and flash will take care of this creep.

Crashes were heard in the store and then they see a frozen flash slid out of the store to there feet.

Livewire: you sure about that squirt.

Aqualad: no matter, I aqualad, king of the seas will defeat this foe.

He was about to walk in but and screech comes out of the store. A hand grabs the side of the door as a face jump scares them except Livewire. The creature walks up to them glaring straight at aqualad. He gaze was piecing aqualad's soul as he was terrified.

???: well well well, look who it is, the one only aqualad. Here to grace us with you presence. To bad it's if the wrong audience.

Aqualad: y-your a-

???: yeah a trench. The atlantians that turn into savage monsters. But here we are, and it looks like I get to kill to fish with one spear.

The trench slashes at Aqualad but Livewire pulls him back.

Livewire: sorry fishy, but the squirts not on the menu. So should we call you trenchy or shark teeth.

Arctic Trench: [laughing] the names Arctic Trench. And you must be Livewire, love the videos.

Livewire: thank you.

Livewire looks down to see the star.

Livewire: yeah Im gonna need that back

Arctic Trench:  yeah I don't think so.

Arctic Trench and Livewire exchanged looks. Livewire jumps back and fires lighting at trench. Trench blocks it as he rush her. He launches fast blows at her. She hits the wall and gets up. She drains the power in a traffic light. Power up she fires a massive blast of electricity, but Arctic Trench counters it with a man hole cover. Then he forms and ice blade and hits the ground causing a spikes of ice to erupt from the ground. It hits all the Heroes knocking them out. Arctic Trench smiles and walks off. But Livewire gets up and tackles him making him drop the star. The stumble around until Livewire pins him down. She prepares to knock him out until but he smiles and changes into a human form with some trench qualities. Livewire fell into a trench as Arctic Trench got up and look at her. Then in an instant she chuckles and gets frozen solid. Just as Flash freed himself and sees the Trench flee into the ocean. Later back at sweet justice, livewire growls as he scrolls on the through the computer for any lead to the Arctic Trench villian. But the more she look the more she couldn't help but blush when she remembers that face. She then notice Zatanna and Star behind her.

Livewire: what?

Zatanna: oh it's nothing 

Star: it's just that you have a crush.

Livewire:[blush] what no I don't.

Zatanna: yes you do, Doris made the same face.

Livewire: oh please if I was in love all the electronics here would go haywire.

Livewire gets up and leaves. But not after all the electronics shorting out. All the girls laugh at this. Tomorrow at school Leslie was getting her stuff from her locker when Doris walks over.

Doris: hey Leslie, I hear that you have a crush.

Leslie: no I don't.

Doris: hey it's cool that you don't. I thought the same thing.

Leslie: ah look all I need is get payback

Leslie close her locker. Then she gets a text on her phone and smiles. 

Leslie: and it looks like I got that chance. I see you later.

Leslie leaves as Doris walks off. She turns a corner and sees Kade. She calls him over. He looks back as he was talking to Zack. He walks over wrap his arm around Doris and walks off. Not before nodding to Zack as he walk off. At the metropolis historic museum, Arctic Trench was searching through a crate and found a torus disk.

Arctic Trench: I can't believe that this is in a museum. It's way to high tech. Hey what's this.

He finds a steel dagger. He puts the disk up and runs out with the dagger. He enters the main hall but he gets stop as a bunch of  batarangs hit the floor. He looks up and saw batgirl, green lantern, bumblebee and Livewire.

Arctic Trench: ah great, alright let's make this quick, I got other stuff to return

Livewire: yeah I don't think so. Hand over that dagger.

Arctic Trench: come and get me sparky

Livewire growls as the girls attack. Bumblebee and Batgirl fire at the trench. He creates ice shields blocking the attacks. He morph the shields into spikes and fires them. The two take cover as green lantern creates a green shield stopping the ice. Trench jumps in the air and grabs the shield and freezes both it and green lantern. As she falls to the ground trench jumps and attacks the two heroes. They dodge his attack as bumblebee shrinks and flies behind him, firing at him. But He was unfazed as he swats her away. He charges at batgirl but Livewire fires lighting at his back. He looks back and sees her gesturing her hand to come out her. He smiles and rushes her. She jumps out the way and tackles him to ground. Trench gets up as Livewire charges up. Trench smiles as as the atmosphere around him starts to get couldn't. He breathes in as white light started glowing. They both then fired massive blasts of lighting and ice. It creates a shockwave sending the two back. Arctic Trench  gets up and sees Livewire gets up as well. He sees the other heroes stand behind her. Batgirl then shows that she has the dagger.

Batgirl: look what I found.

Green lantern: give up villain.

Arctic Trench: well, when your done your done. We meet again, count on it.

Arctic Trench then does an ice smokescreen. Once it settles the trench was gone. Tomorrow Leslie was admiring her work on supastar. Then Zack comes over.

Zack: you seem happy.

Leslie: yeah, livewire just stop a break in at the museum, but the criminal got away.

Zack: well if they do comeback, livewire will give them a shock of they're life

Leslie: [chuckles] I guess your right.

Zack: hey maybe a sometime we could hang out. What you say.

Leslie looks at him and smiles.

Leslie: yeah sure.

Zack: alright see yah.

Zack walks off as Leslie smiles. 

Doris: looks like someone has a crush.

Leslie looks back and sees Doris.

Leslie: ah shut it Doris.

Doris laughs as they head off. At night, Arctic Trench walks into the warehouse reuniting with the hooded figures.

Leader ???: Trench, have you found the piece.

Arctic Trench: yep.

He shows him the disc and hands it to the leader. The leader brings out the cube and Star diamond. The items react with one another. They start levitating. The cube gets thinner becoming a square. It expands wider as the disc connects into it. Then the Star connects into it and starts spinning. It floats down and lands in the leaders down.

Leader ???: just a few more to go.  great work Trench

Arctic Trench: it was all to easy.

He leaves as he goes behind a wall and takes out his phone following Livewires accounts.

Arctic Trench: well most of them,

He smiles and walks into the warehouse as the doors close

Frost and lighting Boom that's it for the chapter. Arctic Trench gots his debut. So more to come. Next chapter, a cool breeze to a typhoon.. of pranks in, Monster Heroes Part 2.
