When You Have A Nightmare (Females)

Sayaka Maizono

Nightmares are never fun. Especially when you had to have one while at a hotel with Sayaka. She had to travel a day's trip to her next performance, and you were able to go with her. That didn't mean waking up in the middle of the night in fear wasn't any more enjoyable.

The hotel room had two beds, so each of you had been able to have your own bed. You didn't feel ready to go any further in your relationship at the moment.

Even with the distance, Sayaka heard your sobs and woke up. She turned to you to find you crying on your own bed. She was quick to slip out of her own bed and sit on your bed.

"(Name), did something happen? Did you have a bad dream?"

Part of you felt bad for waking Sayaka up, but all you could do at the moment was nod. Sayaka slowly slipped under your covers, bringing you in for a hug.

"It's alright. Everything's going to be alright; you're safe."

While holding you in her arms, Sayaka hummed lullabies and soothing songs to help you fall asleep. She wasn't going to let you suffer through this alone...

Celestia Ludenburg

Nightmares weren't a thing that happened to you. Most of your nights were dreamless, or any dream you had was immediately forgotten the moment you woke up. So to wake up from a nightmare wasn't something you expected, much less enjoyed.

It was less of a scary nightmare, and more one that just made you really depressed. A negative dream that played out horrible situations to make you feel sad. The 'scary' part was hoping they wouldn't happen.

Still, you didn't want to bother Celeste with this at two in the morning. Maybe you could let her know about it in the morning...

In the morning you had decided to bring it up, and Celeste's response was one you hadn't expected.

"(Name), is it not obvious that you should contact me if these things should occur? Proper sleep is very important for your health, but feeling safe and secure is even more important."

Celeste... She really did care for you...

"I understand. Next time I'll be sure to let you know."

Sakura Oogami

It wasn't too uncommon for you to have nightmares. With all the bullying you had encountered in the past, nightmares were semi-common in your life. Still, some were worse than others. And sometimes you just needed comfort afterwards.

You hadn't thought about contacting Sakura about these nightmares, but figured that she would be willing to hear you out, right? Pulling out your phone, you called Sakura, hoping that she would answer.

"(Name)? Is something wrong?" Sakura's tired voice answered.

You hesitated before responding. Maybe this was a stupid idea after all.

"I... I had a nightmare."

It didn't take Sakura long to answer.

"I'll be there soon. Wait for me."

With that, she ended the call. It wasn't long before Sakura was with you, comforting you about your dream. She wanted you to know how loved and special you were, and she wasn't going to stop until you were sleeping peacefully in your arms.

Junko Enoshima

While having a nightmare isn't a frequent thing for you, it tends to be the same one every time; you make a fool of yourself onstage, in front of thousands of people. Even though you're the ultimate actor, offstage you're a shy, bumbling mess. As such, your worst fear is being that mess onstage instead of the proud actor you turned into while up there on the stage.

It was a fear that haunted you, and left you struggling to go back to sleep afterwards every time. Although this time you had a girlfriend you could contact for support. Question is if Junko would even answer...

"Mm, what's up (Name)? It's pretty daring of you to be up so late."

You had trouble responding, trying to not let your sobs be heard.

"Junko, I... I had a nightmare."

Now you felt embarrassed for calling Junko, feeling like maybe you shouldn't have done this.

"(Name), are you serious? Hold on tight, I'll be right there. I want to hear all the details that put you in despair!"

It was an odd way to put it, but soon enough Junko was there, letting you explain everything. Even though Junko made it seem like she was enjoying your discomfort, being able to explain everything really did help you feel better. It was nice to get everything off your chest to someone who was willing to listen.

Thanks to her, you were able to sleep peacefully for the rest of the night. And it didn't seem like you would be having that nightmare anytime soon. Junko may have this odd fascination with despair, but what she did gave you hope that night.

Mukuro Ikusaba

It's not uncommon for soldiers to have some PTSD after participating in war. One of the symptoms usually comes in the form of nightmares. Now you didn't have too many events that traumatized you, but there was one that tended to haunt you in your dreams. It was when you failed to save one of the soldiers you had working under you, not able to return to his family.

You didn't want that to ever happen again, and strived to ensure the safety of all your soldiers. Unfortunately, that didn't stop the nightmares from showing up every now and then.

On one such night, you debated about contacting Mukuro to talk to her. She also worked on the battlefield, so she must surely understand what you're going through, right?

Contacting her, you told her about the situation you were having. While Mukuro didn't seem to have any material she'd have nightmares about -that she mentioned-, she was willing to come over and comfort you until you were able to fall asleep.

"It only makes sense for a soldier to care for their leaders. I'll keep you safe while you sleep, (Name)."

Kyoko Kirigiri

Waking up from a nightmare wasn't' what you expected to happen when you went to bed last night. And as pathetic as it seemed, you weren't able to fall back asleep. It was one of those dreams that left you terrified, which made you afraid to do anything really.

Although it took you a moment to think of it, you finally decided to contact Kyoko. You felt like her logical way of thinking was just what you needed to cut through the unrealistic-nature of your dream.

Sadly, she never answered your texts. She must've had her phone on silent or something, because she didn't even see the texts until the morning.

While you couldn't blame Kyoko for not responding, it left you a tired mess when heading to school. Well, you were planning to head to school when Kyoko arrived at your dorm room, in what seemed to be comfortable clothes.

Certainly not the type she would wear to school.

"(Name), I think it's okay to take a day off today. I brought some snacks with me, so why don't we take the day to relax? I want to be able to make up for not being able to comfort you last night when you needed it."

This certainly wasn't what you expected to hear Kyoko hear, but it turned out to be just what you needed. You never expected Kyoko to be the one to recommend taking a day off school, but you couldn't really complain either.

Toko Fukawa

When you woke up from your nightmare, you were unsure if you should contact Toko. She's probably sleeping, so you don't want to bother her.

For some reason or another, you found yourself calling her, hoping that she would answer.

"(Name), is that you? It's so good to talk to you again! Kyeehahaha!"

That isn't Toko... That's her alternate personality. But why is she in control?

"Syo? Where are you right now?"

"Oh, you know... Just leaving the scene of a murder. He was so cute as he struggled to cling to life!"

Committed a murder...?! Not necessarily what you want to hear after a nightmare.

"So what's up (Name)? Surely you don't call Toko this late at night, right? Or is this some frisky call you and Toko do-"

You were quick to cut her off.

"No, that's not it. I just had a nightmare, and was hoping for some comfort..."

Syo was quiet for a moment, before bursting out laughing.

"I see, I see. Don't worry (Name)-chan, I'll be there soon."

Syo then ended the call, leaving you wondering if Syo was actually going to come to comfort you in the middle of the night.

Sure enough, Syo arrived. She seemed to have changed clothes to remove any blood on her, or had simply not had any blood on her in the first place. It was a bit unnerving to have a killer being the one to comfort you, but Syo really did seem to care about you.

It's as though despite being two personalities, each cares about you. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all...

Peko Pekoyama

It's not often that you have nightmares. You just don't have a lot of material to have nightmares about. Still, that doesn't mean you're immune to nightmares.

And so, when you're waking up from a nightmare one night you're in desperate need of comfort. You didn't know if Peko would even answer, but figured it was better than nothing. Luckily for you, she answered.

"(Name)? Why are you calling so late?"

You managed to tell her about your nightmare while staying calm, although your voice trembled here and there.

"I'll be there soon. Just wait for me."

It wasn't long before Peko was there to comfort you, although at the time of being comforted you didn't realize how strange the situation was. Peko was wide awake, and didn't seem like she had gone to bed. Was she up doing something?

Mikan Tsumiki

While nightmares aren't necessarily a common occurrence for you, there is something that tends to happen after each nightmare you have; you wake up and punch the nearby wall with all your might. It's just a natural reaction for you; sort of like a defense mechanism.

Regardless of the reason, that's how you're in your room at 2am, your hand bleeding with a high likelihood of a broken bone or two. Just great.

'If I just put some bandages on it, it should be good until later that day when I can see Mikan, right?'

That's not how it works!

Safe to say when Mikan saw how busted up your hand was, she was quick to panic and take you to the nurse's office. She'll make sure your hand's all taken care of...

Maybe later if you're willing to admit it was because of a nightmare this happened Mikan can comfort you.

Ibuki Mioda

With how late you stay up with Ibuki on a regular basis, it's hard to imagine you even have time to have nightmares when you sleep. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

When you woke up from the nightmare, you were unsure if you should contact Ibuki. There's a high chance she won't answer because she's sleeping, but if she does answer there's an even higher chance she'll prevent you from sleeping.

In the end though you call Ibuki, really hoping she would answer. She did, and for once her voice wasn't as energetic as it usually was. It must mean you woke her up...

"(Name)? What is it?"

You told Ibuki about your nightmare, noticing that it seemed like Ibuki was moving from the sounds you heard on the other end. However, Ibuki stayed engaged in the conversation, so you didn't think much of it. Maybe she was just getting a glass of water?

As you continued to explain your nightmare, you didn't realize that Ibuki had been traveling to your place during the conversation, and was soon at your place, hugging you and whispering reassuring words as you two snuggled.

Ibuki knew there were moments to tone down her energy, and this was one of those times. She didn't like being 'calm', but if it was for you... then it was worth it.

Chiaki Nanami

There are some nights when you're willing and able to stay up late with Chiaki for some gaming. Sometimes you two just grind levels for your characters so you can tackle harder levels and just stuff like that.

However, there are some nights you just have to call it a night because you're simply too tired to keep going. Chiaki understands this, and is simply grateful that you're willing to spend time with her gaming, especially when it has nothing to do with your talent.

One night you woke up from a nightmare, and wanted comfort. No, you needed comfort. Still, you had no idea if Chiaki was sleeping or not. Instead of texting her though, you got online to the main game you and Chiaki had been playing. Sure enough, she was still online. And it wasn't long before she was messaging you, shocked you were up so early.

You told her about the nightmare through the game, and Chiaki messaged you some comforting words before going offline.

Some time passed, and Chiaki was at your house, hoping to comfort you through some cuddles.

"Let's turn off this alarm." Chiaki states, turning off your alarm for school.

"Isn't it a bit irresponsible for the class representative to be saying something like that?"

Chiaki chuckles softly, bringing you in closer.

"Perhaps. But you're worth it..."

Kaede Akamatsu

When you woke up from your nightmare, you were unsure what to do. You didn't think you could fall asleep, yet you didn't want to bother anyone to help you. It's not like this happens often, so it shouldn't matter if you stay up, right? It's only... 3am....

When you were dragging your feet at school, Kaede instantly became worried, wondering what happened to you. Did you not sleep well? Are you feeling sick? She was quick to hurry over and interrogate you on what happened.

"I just had a... nightmare and couldn't... fall asleep..."

You had multiple yawns in the timespan of that sentence alone, and your words were spaced out, like it was hard to think of what you'd say next.

Kaede was instantly worried, and brought you in for a hug.

"(Name), you should've told me you had a nightmare. Come on, we're going back to the dorms. You clearly need some rest. Don't worry, I'll stay with you the entire time."

Sure enough... Kaede is a person who keeps her word.

Kirumi Tojo

Kirumi is amazing at whatever job she takes on. That's an irrefutable fact. Every task she takes on is completed with absolute precision. And somehow she was able to tell you had a nightmare. Call it natural intuition, or taking hints of how you were extra nervous and anxious that day.

You had been debating on calling Kirumi for help, as you didn't want to disrupt her sleep. You know she works hard and didn't want to cause her to not get enough rest. Still, you never expected to see Kirumi entering your place with comforting snacks, a soundtrack created for you to listen to so you can calm down, and about everything else Kirumi could bring to comfort you.

"Kirumi, how did...?"

Kirumi cuts you off by giving your forehead a soft kiss, sitting down next to you on the bed.

"I could just tell something was wrong with how you were acting yesterday. I figured you'd have a nightmare tonight. Do you want to talk about it?"

Kirumi... She's literally perfect. A goddess. And somehow you were lucky enough to be able to date her...

Tenko Chabashira

Waking up due to a nightmare is never a fun occasion. Why would it be? And even though you could contact Tenko for help, you didn't want to bother her. She needs her sleep after all.

Soon enough though you decided to call her, as you simply couldn't fall back asleep. You needed comfort, and you couldn't wait until school.

Tenko didn't answer.

You tried to go back to sleep after that, but still couldn't. Ten minutes later Tenko called back.

"I'm so sorry for missing your call! Are you alright?"

You mentioned the nightmare, and that helped Tenko wake up.

"That's horrible! Don't worry, I'm coming over right away! No degenerate-infested dream will haunt my (Name) if I have anything to say about it!"

It's kind of funny... considering the villain in the nightmare was female...

Still, you were so grateful for Tenko willing to help you so late at night. You really did love her.

Maki Harukawa

Nightmares are never fun. Luckily they aren't a common occurrence for you. Although when they do happen, they're horrible.

That's how you ended up crying in your bed, scared and unable to go back to sleep. You wanted comfort, but didn't really think most of your contacts would even be up.

Maybe Maki...?

Deciding to just go for it, you called Maki. And sure enough, she answered.

"(Name)? What are you doing up at this hour? You should be asleep."

"I... I had a nightmare..."

Just as you were about to start regretting telling Maki this, or even calling her in the first place, she responded.

"Got it. I'll be over soon."

With that, she ended the phone call. She didn't give you time to respond or anything. Guess she's coming over then...

Although you had a feeling she had just completed one of her jobs, it was sweet of her to come to comfort you instead of getting home to get some sleep of her own.

She may not always say it out loud, but Maki truly does care about you.
