When He Tries To Impress You

Byakuya Togami

"So... What's this surprise that you have in store for me?" You questioned.

Byakuya, your boyfriend, had said that he had a surprise that he wanted to show you. But you had no idea what it could possibly be.

"You'll see." Byakuya said.

You frowned.

'I want to know what it is now...'

You then arrived at a building that you had never seen before.

"What is this?" You questioned.

"Your personal ice-skating rink. I had it made especially for you." Byakuya explained.

Your eyes began to sparkle, and you couldn't keep still due to your excitement.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love it! Let's go!" You said, before dragging Byakuya inside.

You two then put on ice-skates, and you were soon on the ice-floor.

"Now, I know that is can seem hard at first, but-"

You were shocked when Byakuya was able to skate on his own with no problem.

"How?" You questioned.

"I'm the head of the Togami family. There's nothing I can't do." Byakuya boasted.

You smiled.

"How am I not surprised?"

Little did you know that Byakuya was just glad you didn't ask him to prove it with any tricks, for he had only recently learned how to ice-skate, just to impress you.

'Glad that plan worked...'

Chihiro Fujisaki

Programming came easy to Chihiro, but musical ability... Not so much.

But ever since your mother had stated how she wanted you to date a musician, Chihiro had been working long and hard to learn how to play the piano.

And today was the day that he was going to show you his progress.

"You have a piano? I didn't know anyone in your family played the piano." You said, as you looked over at the grand piano in front of you.

"Yeah. I do."

"Really?! I didn't know that you played the piano. Mind playing for me?"

"Sure." Chihiro said, before pulling out the bench, and pulling out 'Twinkle twinkle little star'.

Chihiro then began playing the piano... Where he messed up a few notes, and kept changing the pitch and tempo of the song... Multiple times.

Chihiro was nearly in tears when he finished.

'I missed up big time. There's no way she'll be impressed by-'

Chihiro's thoughts were cut off by you clapping.

"Great job Chihiro!" You praised.

Chihiro was shocked.

"But how can you say that? You're the ultimate instrument player, so you're really talented at this. How is my performance praiseworthy?" Chihiro questioned.

"I saw the purchase date on that piece. You've only had this piece for about two weeks now, and based on the condition on the piano, I can tell that you just got it recently. So, for two weeks, your performance is absolutely praiseworthy." You explained.

"So... You liked it?"

You smiled.


After hearing that, Chihiro couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks (y/n). Now all that hard work was worth it..."

"I'm glad. If you want, I could give you some tips to improve on."

"Really? I'd love that!"

And so you spent the next while helping Chihiro to get better at the piano.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru

Even though Kiyotaka was on the school council and what not, Kiyotaka felt like you were the one solving all the problems and conflicts that he should be solving.

'That's it! I need to show (y/n) that I can solve problems too!'

And so, Kiyotaka became determined to solve every little problem that he saw.

Luckily for him, the opportunity came sooner than he expected.

A male student was trying to sexually abuse a female student in a vacant classroom.

Being a student council member, Kiyotaka had a set of keys for most of the rooms in the school.

Unlocking the door, Kiyotaka ran up to the male, and began to beat him up, allowing for the female to escape.

Once the male student was restrained, Kiyotaka looked around for you, for surely you'd be here if you heard a struggle.

You weren't anywhere in sight.

'I saved the day... But my plan to impress (y/n) failed...'

Despite being disappointed, Kiyotaka wouldn't give up.

He was determined to impress you no matter how many times he had to do right thing (although he would always do the right thing regardless of whether or not he had a motive).

Leon Kuwata

You had really fallen in love with (favorite band/singer)'s music. You loved everything about their music. And once Leon learned this, he knew that he had to do something about it, or else you may not like being in the Super Singing Sensation group anymore.

And so, he planned with his members in the band to play the (band/singer)'s best song, to impress you with their own amazing talent.

... Only problem is that (band/singer)'s voice could go really high, like... Is that even a real person's voice?

But Leon was determined to impress, and so he practiced and practiced with his group.

... Though one practice didn't go as planned, because you happened to walk in on their practice...

"Uh... What're you doing?" You questioned.

The music instantly stopped, and all the members of the band looked nervous.

"Uh..." Leon's voice trailed off.

"Were you playing (song) by (Favorite band/singer)? I love that song!"

"Yeah... Listen... I know that we aren't popular yet... But please don't leave us!" Leon begged.

You gave him a look of confusion.

"Who said that I was leaving the group? Sure, we may not be popular yet, but having fun is the best part of a band. Nothing can change that." You explained.

Leon instantly sighed in relief.

'Thanks god...'

Makoto Naegi

Your class was having an arm-wrestling competition, with there being a competition for girls, and a competition for guys.

When the girls competition ended, Sakura won, with you being second, and Aoi third.

After seeing you do so well, Makoto was determined to win... Or at least not get dead last...

... He was determined to impress you... Even if it was a little bit...


'How could I do so badly?! I even lost to Chihiro! I mean, when did he get so strong?!" Makoto questioned in shock.


He had gotten dead last.

And he felt so embarrassed, and decided to hide in his hoodie.

"Hey, it's okay Makoto. You may do better next time... Maybe..." You tried to encourage.

But failed.

Makoto sighed, before hiding deeper in his hoodie.

'... I hate life...'

Hajime Hinata

You, Hajime, and Chiaki were playing a multiplayer game together on your gaming consoles.

Now, Hajime knew that he could never beat the ultimate gamer, but he was hoping that his mediocre skills could possibly impress you.

Sadly for him, you secretly liked to play video games in your spare time, and while you were far away from beating Chiaki, you were crushing Hajime.

At one point, Hajime felt like he should give up, since he was in dead last in the racing game, but kept going.

... And ended up in dead last...

"Great job Hajime!" You praised.

"Wait, what? Why're you praising me? I got dead last!" Hajime questioned.

He was utterly lost.

"Well, despite being in dead last, you kept going with a fiery passion. I couldn't help but praise that." You explained.

Hajime smiled.

'Guess I impressed you after all...'

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu

You, Fuyuhiko, and Peko were out on a field trip to an amusement park.

As you were walking around, you saw a ride that looked like it'd be the best thing ever to go on.

... But you were nervous to go on it alone...

Peko, seeing this, whispered an idea to Fuyuhiko.

"Hey (y/n), would you like to go on that ride?" Fuyuhiko questioned, while pointing to the ride you were looking at.

"Yes! I mean... Sure. But let's make sure we stay together, okay?"

"Of course."

You three then got in line... And the time came to get on the ride...

While you were excited, you were nervous as well.

Fuyuhiko grabbed your hand, and gave it a small squeeze.

"Don't worry; I'll keep you safe."


But then...

"What?! I'm too short to go on the ride!?" Fuyuhiko questioned in anger.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you're going to have to take your child-"


You couldn't help but laugh at the scene.

Peko sighed.

'So much for impressing (y/n)...'

Gundham Tanaka

'This is harder than I anticipated...' Gundham thought, as he tried to make the finishing touches for a (Favorite cake).

You had explained that you thought that a man who could cook was really attractive, and had also said you loved (favorite cake), and so Gundham decided to give it a shot.

But it was harder than Gundham had thought.

"What does it mean to 'beat until it's 'light and fluffy''?!" Gundham questioned.

Gundham did his best, with his determination to succeed by his side.

... And when it came time to give it you...

"Oh wow... Yep... This is definitely... (Favorite cake)... Great job, Gundham..." You said, after swallowing the food.

You just couldn't bring yourself to tell him that you absolutely hated it, for he worked so hard on it.

"Would you like me to make it for you in the future?" Gundham questioned.

"No! I mean... I don't want to bother you..."

"Oh, okay. You're too considerate."

You smiled.

"Thanks. I think I'm going to go to the restroom now..."

It wasn't until he heard you throwing up that he learned that he had messed up.

'I know I should've listened to my Four Dark Devas Of Destruction when they said to cook it for the amount listed on the recipe...'

Nagito Komaeda

Nagito noticed that you were looking a bit depressed lately, so he decided to try to get you to cheer up.

Problem is that he didn't know what to get you.

And so... He went on a shopping spree, buying random things, hoping that you'd like them.

When he came to your front door, he knocked.

Your dad answered.

"If you're here for (y/n), she's in her room. Hopefully you can get her to cheer up." Your dad explained.

"Thank you." Nagito said, before walking up to your room, and entering.

"(y/n)?" Nagito questioned, while putting the gifts on an empty table.

You buried yourself deeper into your blanket fort.

Nagito sighed.

"I brought (Favorite Food)..."

Your head instantly perked up, and you slowly exited your blanket fort.

"Thank you Nagito. How'd you know that I loved this so much?" You questioned.

"... Lucky guess...?"

You smiled.

"Your luck never ceases to amaze me..."

Nagito smiled.

"Glad to hear I can help you feel better." Nagito said, before helping you with whatever was making you feel depressed.

Shuichi Saihara

You and Shuichi were bored, and so you decided to look up random things to do on your computer.

"Oh, look at this. It's a 'How well do you know your girlfriend?' text. You should take it Shuichi, even though I don't expect you to get them all right. After all, we are a new couple, so don't feel bad if you get some wrong." You said before leaving the room.

'Well... It looks like I have no choice...' Shuichi thought, before starting the text.

When you returned, you were shocked to see that Shuichi had gotten a score of 86% with 236 questioned.

"How...?" You questioned.

"I"m a detective. I notice things others don't."

You smiled.

"Wow Shuichi, you're amazing!" You praised.

Shuichi blushed, and looked away, flustered.

"T-Thanks. Though I don't think I've done something so praiseworthy..."

"Not in my eyes. I'm still shocked at your score. I mean... A score of 86%... That's impressive!"

Shuichi smiled.

"You really think so?"

You nodded.


Shuichi's smile then grew in size.

'I'm glad my detective work helped with something for once...'


"(y/n), I have something to show you!" Keebo said, sounding very excited.

"You're finally going to admit that you have a dick!?" Kokichi questioned very loudly.

After giving him a death glare, Kokichi left you two alone.

"So... What'd you want to show me?" You questioned, after sending Kokichi one more death glare.

"Well... I've been practicing some one-man stand-up comedy, and would like to show you some of it." Keebo explained.

You smiled, despite your worries.

'Comedy by a robot? Will he be able to understand what makes a human laugh?' You thought to yourself.

"Sure. I'd love to hear your one-man stand-up comedy." You said with a smile.

Keebo smiled back.

"Thank you! But please, don't laugh unless you honestly find the humor funny." Keebo requested.


Though to your surprise, Keebo was funnier than anything you had ever seen before, and you weren't faking it either

... You actually began crying at one point because it was so funny...

"(y/n), are you okay?" Keebo questioned, sounding very worried.

"... Yeah..." You choked out.

"You sure?"

You nodded, before passing out from laughing.

'... Did I impress her?'

Seems like he'll never know...

Rantaro Amami

Rantaro had wanted you to come over for dinner, for he wanted you to meet his family, which you accepted.

... But when you arrived, you saw an unbelievable sight...

Lots of girls and boys were everywhere.

"These are all your siblings!? How do your parents keep track of all of them?" You questioned.

"Oh, I take care of them whenever I can, and helping out with preparing the diner and getting the groceries, as well as helping the kids to bed on time..." Rantaro explained.

'Wow... Rantaro's amazing...'

"Is that why you knew what to do on the date we had a while ago? Because you were used to what girls like to do and such?"

"Yep... That's exactly it."

"That's incredible! You're the perfect boyfriend!"

You blushed after realizing what you had just said.

Rantaro chuckled slightly.

"No need to be embarrassed, Beautiful. I still love you, so don't worry about it." Rantaro reassured you.

You smiled.

'What did I do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend...?!'

Kokichi Oma

Kokichi knew that you loved pranks, and so he decided to play one on you.

It went something like this; Kokichi would hide, and wait for you to meet with him (he'd text you beforehand). He'd then call out to you, and you'd walk closer to him. But that's spring the trap. When you'd step on a switch, it'd cause a chain reaction which would end up you in tripping into Kokichi's waiting arms.

What's the catch?

In the process of the trip, you'd be covered in flour.

Kokichi was hoping he'd look like the hero in this scenario.

'Alright, let's get this underway!' Kokichi thought, before texting you.

When you arrived he he was about call our name.

The plan was going to go perfectly... Except for the fact that you caught onto his plan...

... A few punches later...

'Ouch... Well... I guess my plan to impress (y/n) failed... Ow...'

'Just who does he think he is? Pranking is my specialty. He didn't try to make it seem like a believable scenario.... But for him... It was a good prank...'

Korekiyo Shinguji

One day, Korekiyo was feeling artistically creative, and decided that he needed to use this inspiration to create something.

... And since he was most inspired by you, he decided to use you as his inspiration for his painting.

When he finished, he decided to use it as a one-month anniversary gift.

"You got me a gift for our one-month anniversary!? I-I don't know what to say...All that I can say is that I was not expecting this..."

"Of course, here." Korekiyo said, before handing you the painting.

Once your eyes looked at the panting, you were absolutely speechless.

"Korekiyo... It's absolutely beautiful! I love it! Am I really able to keep this?"

Korekiyo nodded.

You smiled.

"Thank you so much! I'll be sure to put it up on my wall as soon as I can get home." You said.

Korekiyo seemed happy to hear this.

'I seems like my artwork impressed her... I'm overjoyed...'

Hello! Sorry for taking so long to update. School started, and it's been a HUGE pain! Anyway, I hope to be able to set up an updating schedule soon. Later! =^-^=
