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❛whither thou goest, i will go;

where thou diest, will i die

and there will i be buried.❜

⋆ ✧ ⋆

Julian Blackthorn could still feel Zoya Caldwell's arms circling around his neck. The warm, but concerningly rapid breath still lingered upon his skin, making his hair rise up.

Whatever he tried to do, he couldn't get rid of the vivid image of himself carrying the raven-haired girl; her gear, alongside his own, was stained in blood. The hushed sound of his murmurs spoken into the girl's ears remained; Julian couldn't recall how many times he had begged her not to close her eyes, convincing her that everything would be fine and that she would endure the terrible aching that poisoned her insides, even when he himself wasn't sure of it.

His conversation with Emma was short, but rather effective. Even though the blonde Shadowhunter was more than just distracted by the sight of her injured parabatai, she had ushered Julian into the car and ordered him not to let Zoya lose consciousness for a single second.

So, that was what Julian was doing. He kept on sitting in the backseat, shoulders pressed against the door, holding Zoya Caldwell's frame against his chest. His palm kept on reaching out and tucking the escaped, slightly moistened strands of her hair behind her ear.

Every once in a while she would turn her head away from him - even though he had been persistent in telling her not to do so - and close her teary blue-eyes. She would lick her lips and whisper a quiet 'dad' or 'mom', prolonging the deteriorating clenching of his heart.

Julian couldn't help but feel sorrow for Zoya; whatever poison laced the arrow she was shot with was not hurting her only on a physical level, but mental, as well. The girl seemed to be drifting in between the two words: the real one, where she was bleeding heavily, and the imaginary one, where she was reliving the moments of her parents' deaths. Neither one was desirable, but there wasn't much that could be done.

Whenever he felt her body jerking against his, Julian held her tighter, making sure to tell her that she was not alone. As he spoke those words to her, she would immediately flutter her blue orbs open, offering him a weak smile.

A smile that made him remember that she wasn't the one who was supposed to be enduring the painful battle.

Zoya Caldwell had saved him and Julian Blackthorn had known it. Hadn't it been for the obsidian-haired girl pushing him out of the way, the arrow would have pierced his own flesh. Hadn't she tackled him down, he would have been the one suffering the miserable consequences.

"Jules," Emma called out, taking a sharp turn right. The car screeched off Fairfax and into a parking lot down the street from Canter's Delicatessen. She abruptly stopped the car, glancing at the boy. "How's she holding up?"

"She is holding up just fine," Zoya hissed out, hands pressing over the wound. The blood escaped slowly and - due to her fear - Zoya didn't dare glance at it. "But your braking could use some work."

Emma would have smacked her parabatai on the head, and hard, hadn't she been in so much pain. Instead, the Carstairs girl unbuckled her seat belt and jumped through the front door. She didn't hesitate much in yanking the back door open and allowing her eyes to inspect the mess.

Julian was leaning against the other door, one foot pressed against the floor of the car and the other extended. Zoya was leaning against his chest, both legs firmly positioned across the seats.

Even though Emma's witchlight had been the only source of lighting, she could notice the way Zoya's skin paled. Her hands were the only things that stood out; crimson red against her dark gear.

The Carstairs girl couldn't help but suppress the heavy feeling in her heart. "You look like a dying vampire, Zo," Emma muttered a joke, hoping that it would make Zoya smile.

"A d-dying vampire?" The corner of Zoya's lips turned up as she leaned into Julian. "That's a new low for you, Em." She took a sharp breath. "Almost like a double negative."

"I know. Desperate times, what can I do?" The blonde made eye contact with Julian. "I am going to have to check on her wound."

The brunette boy merely nodded. "Do you want me out of here?"

Emma's eyes widened. "Are you crazy, Blackthorn?" She questioned. "We would risk her bleeding out, so you better stay there until I fix her."

"Too bossy," Zoya chuckled, eyes fluttering open.

"And you know it," Emma mustered up a blank face for Zoya. She had known how much pain the girl was feeling; Emma had felt a part of it too, spreading through her body like a raging wildfire. "I am coming there, Zo. So, prepare yourself."

"It sounds like you're going to murder me," Zoya uttered, biting into her lower lip as she felt Emma climbing over her body. The blonde's hand moved Zoya's jacket slightly, grabbing a hold of the hem of her shirt and gently pulling the stained fabric up.

It was covered in blood, entirely, but that wasn't even the worst problem about it. The iratzes Emma had so carefully drawn across Zoya's stomach were gone. They were not efficient.

"S-Should I take the silence as a good sign?" The raven-haired girl's gaze skipped between Emma and Julian. When she noticed the way their pupils dilated, she sighed deeply. "I guess not."

The pair ignored her. "Jules," Emma shook her head. "I have to call the Silent Brothers. They can help her. I have to."

Julian rubbed his face harshly, allowing his eyes to fall upon Zoya. Although she spilt jokes like it were her forte, Julian had known just how hard she was trying to keep a brave face for him and Emma. Zoya was never the one to bother others with her problems, often allowing troubles to pile up until she exploded.

Julian didn't want to see that happening, especially not now. Heavens only knew how hard his heart had been hammering against his chest with every painful groan that left the girl's mouth.

"Em," Julian felt Zoya shifting against him; he took it as a sign to wrap his arm underneath her chest and slowly help her straighten her back. "You know we can't do that. The Clave-"

"I don't care about the Clave, Zo," Emma nearly spat out. "We'll lie to them. Say it was a routine demon patrol."

"Wait," Julian uttered, earning a sharp glare from Emma. "Silent Brothers know when you're lying. They have the Mortal Sword, Emma."

"Jules is right," Zoya nodded slowly. "They'll find out about the investigation and about Mark-"

Emma glanced at Julian. "Look, Jules," she shook her head, blonde ponytail dancing along. "I am sorry, but I am not letting her bleed for Mark!"

Before Julian even managed to open his mouth, Zoya's aquamarine gaze collided with Emma's. "I am not going to b-bleed out," she said, hand reaching out for her parabatai's. "You can heal me. I know that you can."

Emma felt her insides burning as she squeezed Zoya's hand. A veil of sheer terror lingered upon her shoulders, threatening to push her off a cliff and into her doom.

Emma Carstairs had never been known as the one who feared many things. Surely she despised oceans, but she didn't get scared. She didn't feel fear guiding her by the hand and disturbing her heart and mind; it was something she prided herself on. But at that moment, as she took in the sight of Zoya's weak smile, she felt nothing but dread.

Emma Carstairs was terrified of losing Zoya Caldwell.

"Fine," Emma inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself down. "Hang on."

The blonde girl tried not to drop too much weight upon Zoya's legs, but she had to make herself at least slightly comfortable to work.

It was hard. With Julian and Zoya sprawled across the backseat, Emma had to navigate her way around their tangled limbs. She examined the presented situation, deciding on moving as closely to Zoya's lap as possible.

Emma noticed her parabatai suffocating a wave of aching; Zoya had reached her hand out and grasped Julian's forearm, squeezing tightly.

If the brunette boy felt any pain, he didn't let it show. He had cared for Zoya just as much as Emma did.

"Your jacket has to go. As does your shirt," Emma announced. "I have to cut them off."

Zoya merely nodded, allowing Emma to seize Cortana from the front seat and cut the clothing pieces with ease.

Emma shook her head at the sight of blood. It was smeared everywhere: across the seats and onto Zoya's skin. The once small circle of red had grown larger, the liquid Zoya despised so much staining every inch of her naked skin.

"Why did you pull the arrow out, again?" The blonde took her own sweater, wrapping it around her own hand and cleaning Zoya's skin. She tried to be gentle, patting Zoya's chest up to her sports bra.

"Because Zoya said it was burning," Julian responded, biting his lip. "That's not something that occurs in a normal wound. The arrowhead must have been stained in something. An acid of sorts, most likely."

"J-Julian's right-" Zoya felt her chest tightening as she fell into a coughing fit. Her muscles ached and the wound exploded in pain, making the black-haired girl squeeze her eyes. "O-ouch, that hurt."

Emma pulled away the sweater, worriedly glancing at her parabatai. "Zo, am I hurting you?"

As if she'd regretted the sound that left her lips, Zoya met Emma's eyes worriedly. "N-no, I'll be fine."

Julian, swallowing a lump that rested in his throat, glanced at Emma. "Should you try another iratze?"

"Fine," Emma nodded, eyes set on Zoya. "Grab Julian's hand."

"What?" Zoya echoed.

"Grab Julian's hand, for Angel's sake," Emma yelled out, gaze skipping to the brunette boy. "Julian, please."

The Blackthorn boy felt his heart jumping against his ribcage, hand stretched out for Zoya to take. He felt her slowly glancing up and meeting his gaze; Julian smiled. "It's alright, Zo," he whispered. "We're going to fix you. Hold onto my hand as tightly as you want, okay?"

Zoya intertwined their fingers, relaxing against Julian. "Okay."

Emma swallowed visibly, reaching for her stele. Ever so slightly, her hand trembled. What had she done wrong? Had her runes been sloppy? Was that reason they didn't work?

Pushing the uncomfortable thoughts aside, Emma pressed her rune-drawing instrument against Zoya's skin. She tried to be tender in her touch and quick in her drawing, but it seemed like the attempt was fruitless. The moment Emma's stele made contact with Zoya's abdomen, the girl's hand squeezed Julian's, head tilting back.

The first iratze was done.

Emma supposed Zoya's curiosity had taken the best of her as she gathered enough courage to glance at her bloody wound. The blonde girl wished she hadn't; the iratze faded out a moment later, making both - Emma and Julian - curse out loud.

"It's alright," Zoya said, closing her eyes as more blood slowly sipped from her wound. She felt droplets of sweat gliding down the side of her forehead. "Em, it's alright-"

"Don't lie to me, Zo," Emma shook her head, brushing the blood with her own hand. Zoya's skin was burning to the touch. "Just don't. This is not a joke to me-"

"I'm not-"

"Emma," Julian interrupted, blue-green gaze filled with firmness, as his arm supported Zoya. He, too, was scared, but he wasn't ready to give up. Not when he had fought for the very girl he had held in his arms. "You need to focus."

"Julian is right, Em," Zoya breathed out, chest struggling. "L-look at me."

Emma licked her lips before meeting the aquamarine gaze she had grown to adore over the years. A weak smile was plastered on Zoya's lips. Crimson lines were decorating her cheeks, baby hair moistened across her forehead. "Do you remember when you asked me to be your parabatai?"

Emma stared at the girl, dumbfoundedly. "Of course I remember," she whispered.

"You beat the hell out of me that day," Zoya chuckled, her laugh coming out low and somehow strangled. "You pinned me to the mat and I remember that my limbs ached for days after that. I don't know what you saw in me that made you think that I was worthy of becoming your other half, but I know what I saw in you. Fearlessness coursed through your blood, Em. Determination was woven thickly into your eyes and that was what I needed. A passion to be the best of the best, someone who will test me each and every day. I needed someone who would show me how to become the best version of myself and that was you." She cracked a smile. "Do you remember what you told me? After I accepted your proposal?"

"'I bet our names will be remembered for an eternity. Caldwell and Carstairs, the greatest parabatai to ever exist'," Emma's heart pounded, threatening to escape her chest.

"Exactly," Zoya nodded. "So, let's show everyone why we are the greatest?" She tilted her head to the side, noticing that Julian was already gazing at her with admiration in his eyes. "Well, to Julian, mostly. He's the only one here."

The brunette boy shook his head, offering Zoya a tight squeeze. Her orbs were nearly black, a tiny circle of aquamarine surrounding them.

"J?" Zoya's smile suddenly dropped, making Julian's heart clench in his chest. She had used his nickname, but the lack of a smile sent a shiver down his spine; it wasn't a good one, either. "I don't want you to go."

Julian's pupils dilated as he briefly glanced at Emma. She, too, was confused. "What are you talking about, Zo?" He said slowly, bringing her hand over his chest. "I am not going anywhere."

"But your family," she shook her head. "You have to go to England over the summer-"

Julian's breath was caught up in his throat, a wave of coldness hitting him. She began hallucinating. "Zo," he said. "I've already been to England. I am here now."

"But," her chest rose and fell unevenly, "I'll miss you-"

"I'm not going anywhere," Julian smiled at the girl, forehead tilted against Zoya's. "I promise you."

Her lips curled up. "I wished you smiled like that because of me."

The Blackthorn boy felt his heart stopping in his chest. For just a moment. "But I do, Zo," he whispered. "You are the reason why I smile like that."

Zoya slowly closed her eyes, making Julian search for Emma's gaze, almost desperately. "Emma," he said, noting the way she watched him. She felt heartbroken. "Please. We can't wait any longer."

"One more time," she whispered, gripping her stele. "If it doesn't work, I am calling the Silent Brothers. I don't care what happens-"

"Trust me," Julian said. "I'll call them myself if I have to."

That was the only confirmation Emma had needed. She spared one last look at Zoya, noticing her closed eyes. She appeared almost childlike, as if she were taking a peaceful nap against Julian's chest.

Except that picture was far from the truth. Her parabatai had been suffering.

The very girl who stole Emma's heart and taught her that there was more to life than pain had been aching. The very girl who managed to endure all of Emma's episodes of rage and sadness, the very girl who was a pillar for Emma to lean upon when she felt like giving up. The very girl who saved her from getting demon wounds and dying on the spot because of her recklessness.

Zoya Caldwell was many things and Emma Carstairs wasn't ready to let her go any time soon.

"Zo," Emma called her parabatai's name, lightly tapping her cheek. The black-haired girl's lids lifted up, but only slightly.

"Emma," her hand reached out, fingers curling around her wrist. "You're hurt." Zoya glanced at Emma's crimson hand. She didn't realize that it was her own blood. "I feel it, Em. Whenever you're hurt, I hurt too."

The blonde felt a hot tear gliding down her cheek as she pressed her stele against Zoya's abdomen. Inch by inch, her stele formed the lines of the healing rune. Emma wove her everything into the iratze; childhood memories, sincere laughter, pure love and unbreakable friendship. She recalled all the times Zoya held Emma's hand, all the times she allowed her to climb into her bed and pry her demons away.

It was then that Emma Carstairs had realized that home wasn't necessarily a place. It was a person. And to Emma Carstairs, Zoya Caldwell was home.

"Zo?" Emma lifted her stele off of Zoya's skin. The iratze burned brightly, standing out against Zoya's muscles. It didn't vanish this time. "Do you feel the pain?"

Slowly, the obsidian-haired girl opened her eyes. She allowed her lungs to expand, feeling the weight being lifted off her chest. "Em, what happened?" Her eyes went to her abdomen, noticing the vivid lines of an iratze. "You did it. Em, you did it."

A wide smile decorated Zoya's lips, prying away the cloud of darkness that lingered above their heads. Instantly, her chin was tilted up, gaze colliding with Julian's. "She did it, Julian," Zoya said. "Emma did it."

Julian mirrored the bright smile, allowing his arms to sneak around Zoya's chest and pull her into him. At the same time, Emma leaned into the pair, careful not to apply additional pressure to her parabatai.

The sudden rush of happiness took Zoya by surprise, making her chuckle into Emma's shoulder. She couldn't wrap her arms around them, even if she tried.

"I feel the love, you two," she laughed, feeling Emma and Julian's chests shaking lightly. "You might just suffocate me to death."

Emma and Julian froze instantly.

"You didn't just-"


"Too soon?" Zoya chuckled innocently.

"Way too soon," Julian replied, just as the front door of the car flew open.

Livvy gazed at the mess of limbs that were the three Shadowhunters. A witchlight glimmered brightly in her hand, eyes wide as she took in the presented sight. Zoya was half naked and bloody; Julian positioned behind her and Emma leaning over them, hands and clothes covered in crimson.

"Is everything okay?" Livvy's voice was frightened as she displayed her phone. "You texted nine-one-one-"

"Everything's fine," Emma pulled away from Zoya, motioning for Julian to give his jacket to the girl.

The brunette boy gently straightened Zoya's back, taking off his own jacket and sliding it over her upper body. His hands lingered upon them a while longer, helping Zoya dress. "Someone shot Zoya with a crossbow bolt," Julian turned to Livvy. "The iratzes weren't working."

Livvy's eyes widened as she glanced at the black-haired girl who zipped Julian's jacket up. "Are you all right?" She asked. "You are awfully pale and incredibly bloody." As if she'd realized something, she quickly added. "Your fear of blood-"

"I guess I managed not to pass out," Zoya chuckled, hand hovering above the place she was wounded. "Emma worked her parabatai magic."

"The runes weren't working," Emma stated, "up until they were."

"Sorry to scare you," Jules allowed Zoya to move around and sit normally before he did the same.

Livvy sounded pleased. "It looks like a mad science lab back here," she stated. "Who shot you, anyway?"

"It's a long story," Julian said, gaze narrowing at his sister. "How did you get here? You didn't drive, did you?"

A mop of blonde peered inside. "I drove," Mark said. "Upon a faerie steed."

"What? But - but your faerie steed was shredded by demons!"

"There are as many faerie steeds as there are riders," Mark's lips curved up, ever so slightly. His bicolored gaze skipped in between the three Shadowhunters. Emma was on the far right, then Zoya and Julian. "I did not say it was my faerie steed. Just a faerie steed."

Suddenly, Mark's head disappeared, opening Julian's door. "Get out," he said, urgently.

Julian's eyebrows furrowed, but he obeyed his brother nonetheless. Mark peered down at Zoya, motioning for her to follow.

The obsidian-haired girl slowly slid into the seat next to her, suddenly feeling Mark's arms circling beneath her knees and around her back. He picked her up in his arms, causing Zoya to let out a yelp. It was a mixture of surprise and mild pain.

"What are you doing?" Julian was by their side in an instant, eyes widening. "She was hurt-"

"I am being careful, little brother," Mark responded, glancing at the girl who managed to wrap her arms around Mark's neck. "Are you all right, Zoya?"

The Caldwell girl nodded, not really sure what to make of the situation.

"Jules?" Ty's voice travelled through the air, making everyone turn to the side. Cristina and Ty had arrived, a dark motorcycle parked on the asphalt.

The brunette Blackthorn boy spun on his foot, noticing the way Cristina hurried toward Emma, Zoya and Mark. Ty did the same, heading for Julian. "Ty, everything's all right," Julian said, noticing the way Ty's gaze lingered on the blood that stained his shirt. "I'm fine."

"But you're covered in blood," Ty responded shortly.

"It's Zoya's blood," Julian tilted his head toward the rest of the group.

"But people have only so much blood they can lose before-" Ty's words died down, fear lacing his eyes.

"She'll get some blood-replacement runes," Julian explained, although he wasn't sure where the words were coming from. "Remember, Ty, we're Shadowhunters. We can handle a lot."

The two Blackthorns turned toward the rest of the group.

"You're covered in blood too," Julian noticed the way Cristina's gaze skipped from Zoya and onto Emma. "You sure you're not hurt?"

"Zoya's blood," Emma whispered, eyes meeting Zoya's.

The black-haired girl smiled weakly, head leaning against Mark's shoulder as others proceeded chattering.

For some reason, Julian didn't feel jealousy running through his veins as he watched his brother holding the very girl he had clutched onto so tightly, only minutes ago. Mostly because the same girl looked in Julian's way and smiled.

⋆ ✧ ⋆

A dazzling smile climbed up Zoya's lips as she glanced across the table and at her family. The group of Shadowhunters had sought refuge inside Canter's, one of Emma's favorite restaurants and also the closest one.

It was a small family place, one which the blonde visited at the time her parents were still around. Zoya would have known it; she and Emma had stopped by the small, yellow-painted restaurant, devouring the chocolate-chip pancakes and French toasts endless times.

The group was piled up into a far corner booth, out of the view of curious gazers. The waitress came by, dropping several menus and allowing them to decide on their choices. Livvy and Ty were sharing one, quietly debating onto what they were going to order. Beside them were Mark and Cristina, then Emma, Zoya and Julian.

The black-haired girl felt content, although her wound kept on sending stinging sensations across her skin, causing her to flinch every now and then. Julian kept on glancing at her worriedly, his body pressed tightly to her own.

For some reason, she couldn't keep the image of her own body pressed against his out of her mind. Her brain kept on replaying the scene where their hands were joined together, all while the boy kept on offering her words of comfort.

Zoya was so lost in her own mind that she didn't notice the waitress returning until the woman's loud voice nearly made her jump out of her own skin. Emma's eyes narrowed at her parabatai instantly, hand seizing her under the table.

The blue-eyed girl felt a gentle squeeze; Emma was asking her whether or not she was all right. It was a wordless way of communication between them. One squeeze for everything's fine, two for a disturbance of mind.

Zoya squeezed Emma's palm once, sending the blonde a gentle smile.

"I'd love a plate of strawberries," Mark stated calmly, looking up at the gray-haired woman named Jean.

The woman's gaze remained blank as she kept a small notepad in one of her hands and a pen in another. "We don't have that on the menu."

"But you do have strawberries on the menu," Mark continued. "And I have seen plates being carried to and from. So it stands to reason that the strawberries could be placed upon a plate and brought to me."

Jean's eyebrows raised up.

"He has a point," Ty joined. "Strawberries are offered as a topping on several dishes. Surely you could separate them out."

"A plate of strawberries," Jean repeated flatly.

"I would take them in a bowl," Mark's lips curved into a smile. "It has been many years since I have eaten freely at my choice, fair one, and a plate of strawberries is all that I desire."

"Right," Jean gathered all the menus and rushed back to the counter.

"Mark," Julian glanced at his brother. "Was that necessary?"

"Was what necessary?"

"You don't have to sound like a medieval faerie poem," Julian added. "You sound perfectly normal half the time. Maybe we should discuss keeping a low profile."

"I cannot help it," Mark's lips curved into a weak smile. "It's something about mundanes..."

"You need to act more like a normal human being," Julian leaned across the table. "When we're out in public."

"He doesn't need to act normal," noted Ty.

"He bumped into a pay phone and said, 'Excuse me, miss', on our way in," Julian pointed out.

"It's polite to apologize," said Mark.

"Not to inanimate objects."

Zoya sighed, looking in between the two boys. "Can you stop bickering for two minutes?" Her dark eyebrows arched up. "You're giving me a headache."

Both boys glanced in her way, apologetically. Then, the group allowed Emma to fill them in on the events that took place at Wells' house. The blonde made sure to mention the body of Ava Leigh, as well as the mysterious figure she chased across the roof.

"So she was dead, but it was nothing like the other murders?" Livvy asked, forehead slightly creased. "It seems unrelated - no markings, body dumped in a pool outside her own house, not at a ley line..."

"Maybe she was a collateral damage?" Zoya shrugged her shoulders.

"What about the guy on the roof?" Cristina questioned. "Do you think he's the killer?"

"Doubt it," Emma shook her head. "He had a crossbow, and none of them have been killed with crossbows. But he hurt Zoya, so when we track him down, I'm going to chop him up and feed him to my fish."

"You don't have fish," the corners of Julian's eyes squinched.

"No," Zoya joined, glancing in between Julian and Emma. "But she can find the nearest duck and it'll do the job for her. The devils are bloodthirsty."

Mark looked confused, making Emma roll her eyes. "It's better if you don't know," Emma assured him. "She's got a weird obsession with them and the only one who shares her thinking seems to be Jace Herondale." She paused briefly. "Anyway, I'm going to buy goldfish and feed them blood until they acquire a taste for human flesh."

"That's disgusting," Livvy shuddered. "Does this mean we still need to return to Wells' house and search it?"

"As long as we check the roof first," Emma replied.

"We can't," Ty stated, holding out his phone. "I was looking at the news. Someone called in the body. The mundane police are crawling all over the place. We won't be able to get anywhere near it for a few days at least."

Emma's shoulders sank. "Well," she said, "at least we have this." The blonde turned in her seat, pulling Ava's bag and spilling the contents on the table: a wallet, a collection of expensive makeup products, hair necessities and a golden piece of paper.

"No phone," Ty observed, almost disappointed. Emma explained that it flew across the ground and into the pool when they were attacked.

"What's this?" Livvy picked the golden square. It had no writing upon it.

"Not sure," Emma responded, scanning through the wallet.

"No photos or anything?" Julian glanced over Emma's shoulder.

"I don't think people keep photos in their wallets except in movies," Emma said. "Not since iPhones."

"Speaking of movies." Livvy furrowed her brows. "This thing looks like the Golden Ticket. You know, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." She waved the golden piece of paper.

"Let me see it." Cristina extended her hand to the girl. Livvy wasted no time in passing it out. Just then, the waitress returned, bringing their food.

It smelled delicious: Ty and Zoya ordered a grilled cheese, Cristina a turkey sandwich, Julian a BLT, Emma and Livvy a portion of waffles and Mark a plate of fresh strawberries.

Everyone busied themselves with eating, except Cristina and Zoya. While Cristina scribbled the piece of paper with her stele, Zoya just wasn't feeling hungry.

The girl knew she was supposed to eat to restore her energy, but somehow, she couldn't bring herself to do so. She stared at her plate, taking a forceful bite of her grilled cheese.

"What?" Mark's voice suddenly rang in her ears. The blonde boy was staring at Julian, again. "This is a perfectly normal thing to eat."

"Sure it is," Julian shook his head. "If you're a hummingbird."

Mark was ready to challenge his brother and he would have done so, hadn't Cristina spoken.

"Look," Cristina said, pushing the golden paper toward the middle of the table. Where once had stood nothing but emptiness, now was a picture of a building, along with the following message.





This ticket admits one group. Semiformal attire.

"The Lottery?" Julian voiced out. "That's the name of a famous horror story. Did they make it into a play or something?"

"It doesn't sound like a play," said Livvy. "It sounds creepy."

"It could be a creepy play," said Ty.

"It was a creepy story." Julian picked up the ticket. "And the creepiest thing about this is that this theater is shut down. I know the place; it's up past Highland Park. It's been shut down for years."

"Sixteen years," corrected Ty. He briefly glanced at his phone. "Shut down after a fire and never rebuilt."

"We've driven past it," Emma glanced at Julian and Zoya. "It's all boarded up, isn't it?"

Julian nodded. "I painted it once. I was painting abandoned buildings, places like the Murphy Ranch, closed businesses. I remember that one. It had a ghostly feel."

"It's interesting," Mark noted. "But does it have anything to do with the investigation? The murders?"

Everyone looked slightly surprised after hearing Mark's question.

"It might," Zoya supported her chin with her hand.

"I agree," Emma said. "I was at the Shadow Market last week-"

"I wish you'd quit going to the Shadow Market," Julian muttered. "It's dangerous there-"

"I couldn't agree more," Zoya added. "At least you could've taken me with you-"

"Oh, no," Emma laughed bitterly. "Not danger, Miss I-Just-Almost-Bled-Out-in-The-Car and Mr. I-Am-Your-Protector."

Julian shook his head, reaching for his soda. He glanced at Zoya. "I can't believe I ever complained about 'Jules' as a nickname."

"And I can't believe I'd actually be wanting Emma to yell my full name at the top of her lungs," Zoya gently brushed her shoulder against Julian's, chuckling.

"Maybe we should talk about the Shadow Market," Cristina stated hesitantly. "It is where Emma first heard information about the murders."

"Well, you can imagine how happy the Marketers were to see me and Cameron-"

"You went with Cameron?" Julian echoed.

Livvy was the first one to talk. "In Emma's defense, Cameron's annoying, but he's hot." Zoya rolled her eyes. "I mean, if you like guys who look like a redheaded Captain America, which I... don't?"

"Captain America is definitely the most handsome Avenger," Cristina joined. "But I like the Hulk. I would like to heal his broken heart."

"We're Nephilim," reminded Julian. "We're not even supposed to know about the Avengers. Besides," he added, "Iron Man is obviously the best-looking."

"Besides," Zoya mocked. "Who could resist a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?"

"Literally, you," Emma smiled wickedly at her parabatai, resisting the urge to glance at Julian. "Can I finish my story?" When the blonde got a deadly glare from Zoya, she turned toward the rest of the group. "I was at the Market with Cameron, and I remember now, I saw a booth that had a placard up that said something like 'Sign Up for the Lottery'. So I think it's something supernatural, not experimental theater or whatever."

"I have no idea who the Avengers are," noted Mark, who ate all of his strawberries and was opening a packet of sugar. "But I agree with you. This is a lead. Someone murdered Stanley Wells, and now his girlfriend is dead too. Even if it is in a completely different way."

"I think we can all agree it can't be a coincidence," said Emma. "Them both dying."

"I don't think it is," added Mark. "But she could have been killed because she knew something, not because she was a sacrifice like he was or part of the same ritual. Death breeds death, after all." Thoughts were rushing to him. "She was invited to this Lottery performance. She thought it was important enough to carry the ticket around with her. I think it could be a thread to follow."

"Or it could be nothing," said Julian.

"We don't have much else to investigate," Emma remarked.

"We do, actually," Julian reminded. "We've still got your photos from the inside of the cave at the convergence. And now we have whoever was at Wells's house and shot at Zoya - we've still got Zoya's gear jacket with whatever poison he used on it. Maybe Malcolm could look into that, find out if it's associated with a particular demon or warlock who might sell it."

"Great," Emma finished. "We can do both. August eleventh is tomorrow night." She stole a glance at the bottom of the ticket. "Oh God, semiformal. Fancy. I don't think Zoya and I have any dresses that fancy, and Mark will need a suit..."

"Mark doesn't have to go and neither does Zoya. She's been injured," Julian stated. "They can stay at the Institute."

"Yeah," Zoya shook her head. "No way."

"I agree with Zoya," Mark's eyes flickered. "I will not. I was brought here to help you investigate these murders, and that is what I will do."

Julian sighed. "Not if we can't rune you. It's not safe."

"I have protected myself without runes for many years. If I do not go with you, then those in Faerie who sent me here will learn of it, and they will not be pleased. The punishment will be severe."

"Oh, let him go," Livvy glanced in between her brothers. "Jules-"

"How will they know to punish you," Julian leaned across the table, "if you don't tell them?"

"You think it is easy to lie when you have grown up around people who do not lie?" Mark's tone rose. "And do you think they do not have their own ways to ferret out lies when humans tell them?"

"You're human," Julian argued. "You're not one of them, you don't act like one of them-"

Mark got up abruptly, crossing the distance and towering across the neighboring table. A mundane girl, tattooed and pierced, laughed at whatever he was saying, looking genuinely attracted to him.

"Way to go, Jules," Zoya chuckled. "You just awoke Mark's seduction skills."

"By the Angel," Julian's jaw clenched as he threw money across the table. Abruptly, he stood up from his seat and headed toward Mark.

"Well, that could've gone better," Zoya mumbled into her chin, following after the boy instantly.

"Might I make free with your lettuce, my lady?" Mark gazed at a pink-haired girl as she pushed her plate toward him.

"You're gorgeous," she giggled. "Even with the fake elf ears. Forget the lettuce, you can make free with my-"

"All right, you've made your point, enough." Julian grabbed Mark by the wrist, almost making him drop a baby carrot he was holding. "Sorry, ladies."

A cacophony of protests echoed from their tables as Zoya approached it. The girl with pink hair had her lips twisted in a firm line, eyebrows arched up as she glanced at Julian. "If he wants to stay, he can stay," she said, taking a moment longer to examine Julian. "Who are you, anyway?"

Zoya rolled her eyes, pushing her palms into the pockets of Julian's jacket. She wasn't sure what pushed her off the edge, but she couldn't stand the way the girl's eyes roamed across Julian's body. "He is his brother," she uttered, mumbling the last part into her chin. "And clearly not interested in you."

The girl checked Zoya out, a victorious smirk plastered on her face. "Perhaps you'd like to stay, too," she chuckled. "Besides, do the two of them not look alike."

Zoya's mouth flew agape; the girl was right. Mark and Julian didn't look alike, at least not upon the first glance. They were two parts of the same coin; one caught attention immediately, while the other preferred remaining hidden. That, however, didn't mean one was more beautiful than the other.

"She's with me," Emma looped her arm through Zoya's, pulling her closer. "Sorry, ladies."

"Besides," Livvy seized Mark by the back of his shirt. "You don't want him. He has syphilis."

"Syphilis?" The girl's orbs widened.

"Five percent of people in America have it," Ty joined.

"I do not have syphilis," Mark's cheeks tinted red. "There are no sexually transmitted diseases in Faerieland!"

The mundane girls that sat at the table fell quiet.

"Sorry," Julian turned around again, swaying his palm through the air. "You know how syphilis is. Attacks the brain."

Livvy barely looked at the girls, hauling Mark by his shirt and into the parking lot. The rest followed, barely managing to contain their laughter.

The Carstairs girl nearly murdered Cristina and Zoya's ears as they passed through the restaurant's door, tightening her hold on the two girls. Cristina was joining Emma in giggling while Zoya merely shook her head at her parabatai. "Sorry," she said. "It's just - syphilis?"

"Ty was reading about it today," Livvy shrugged her shoulders.

Julian glanced at his brother, giving his best not to smile. "Why have you been reading about syphilis?"


"Was that really necessary?" Mark's voice contained a thread of anger. "I was merely making conversation. I thought I would practice my gentry speech on them."

"You were being ridiculous on purpose," Emma rolled her eyes, letting go of Zoya and Cristina. "I'm beginning to get the feeling you think faeries sound silly."

"I did at first," confessed Mark, voice sounding distant. "Then you get used to it. Now... Now I don't know what to think."

"We're not supposed to talk to mundanes," Julian glanced at his brother. "It's - it's basic, Mark. One of the first things we learn. Especially not about things like Faerieland."

"I spoke to those mundanes, and no one exploded or caught on fire," Mark proceeded. "No doom came down upon us. They thought I was wearing a costume." He paused briefly. "You are right that I will stand out, but people see what they want to see."

"Maybe the rules about not going out in battle without runes are stupid rules," said Ty.

"Maybe a lot of the rules are stupid rules," Julian joined. "Maybe we just have to follow them anyway. Maybe that's what makes us Shadowhunters."

The corners of Livvy's eyes scrunched. "Having to follow stupid rules makes us Shadowhunters?"

"I don't think it's the rules, Livs," Zoya shook her head. "But rather the penalty that's given for breaking them."

"The penalty for breaking the rules of Faerie are just as severe, if not more so," Mark said, turning to Julian again. "You must trust me on this, Julian. If they think I am not part of the investigation, they will punish not just me, but also all of you. They do not require me to tell them. They will know." His bicolored orbs flickered. "You understand me?"

"I understand, Mark. And I trust you." Julian smiled at Mark, allowing himself to gaze a moment longer at his brother. Then, he turned back to the group. "Anyway. Everyone into the car, okay? We're heading back."

"I must return with the steed," Mark uttered. "I cannot leave him - it - here. If it were lost, the Wild Hunt would take it amiss."

"Fine," Julian sighed. "Take it back alone. Ty and Livvy aren't getting onto it again, understood? Too dangerous."

Livvy almost sighed in despair, a complete opposite of Ty. The boy seemed satisfied with Julian's order.

"I'll go with Mark," Cristina stated bluntly, making Zoya divert her attention to the girl. Her cheeks were slightly pink, but she didn't seem to care. The way Mark's face lighted up at the announcement was all she needed to feel at ease.

"I shall fetch the steed," Mark nodded. "I find I desire to fly."

"And go the speed limit!" Julian shouted as Mark disappeared behind the building.

"Jules," Zoya chuckled, nearing the boy as Emma ushered Livvy and Ty toward the car, racing in front of them. "You do realize that they'll be flying? The sky has no speed limit. Not really."

"I know," the corner of Julian's lips curved up as he met Zoya's gaze. The top of her head reached his shoulders, arms brushing gently.

He felt the urge to pull her closer to him, make sure that she was alright after everything that happened - but somehow, as if she read his mind, Zoya's hand reached for his. Their fingers intertwined, offering peace the pair had sought.

They were going to be okay.

Or maybe it was just Julian's mind playing tricks on him.

⋆ ✧ ⋆


Hello, lovely souls!

Here's another chapter for you. Please, please, please leave your thoughts. My heart literally died while writing this. Emma and Zoya will be the death of me, but then - so will Julian and Zoya. Just in a different way. Let me know what you think.

Sorry for any mistakes, I wanted to get this chapter out before my exams start (tomorrow). See you soon!
