7- don't tell

Zak woke up around 12:00. There was beautiful smell all around the house and he thought that's what made him get out of his bed. He went downstairs, because it seemed that the smell came from there.
The thing he saw there was quite... unexpected.
"Hi, you're finally awake! I'm baking some muffins, they should be ready soon so you can taste one of them after the breakfast" Darryl said to him. He was indeed making muffins, they were already in the oven, but Darryl still got an red apron on. "Uhm, thaanks" Zak answered yawning.

"Soooo... how do you like it?" Darryl asked as Zak tasted the muffin.
"Hmmm... is it pine cone flavor?"Zak asked with his most innocent voice.
"Oh my goodness Zak!!!" Darryl shouted as Zak started to laugh.
„But for real, they are delicious Bad" and after putting the rest of the muffin he said "I will test them."
Darryl just facepalmed.
"Anyways..." Zak started the conversation again "I've prepared something for us too... I thought that recently we had quite a lot of work to do and I thought that maybe..." he stopped for a second "youwouldliketogotoChicagowithme?" He said it very fast, so Darryl wasn't able to understand what he said.
"Can you repeat?"
"Ummm... I asked if you'd like to go on a trip to Chicago with me." He said not looking his friend in the eye "You know, I would make some vlogs, you could escape from memes for a while... But you probably don't want to... Ok, forget it!" He said quickly, turning red.
"No, I'd really like it!" Darryl confessed kindly, putting his hand on Zak's back. This little gesture made Zak's heart beat faster.
"Thanks, I really appreciate it, I don't like traveling alone."

Zak have just bought a ticket for a next week when he felt his phone buzzing.


Emily: Hi!
Zak: Hi there
Emily: Would you like to meet again soon?
Emily: like idk tmr or smt
Zak: sure, we can meet
Zak: apparently I have some plans for tmr but maybe we can meet day after?
Emily: i think I can make it, I'll let u know
Zak: great, call me when you got time

Zak went to Darryl's room, to tell him about their plans for their trip, but forgot about it as soon as he walked through the door.
There he was, staring at Darryl who was topless. It might seem weird but even though they've lived in the same house for quite some time already, they haven't seen each other topless. Shit. He thought as he ran out of the room. Oh my f***ing god why did I like it?

"Hey, Darryl, come, we need to discuss our trip." Zak shouted from his room.
After a minute or so his friend was at the door, this time fully dressed.
"Ok, so I already booked the flight, it's we need to be at the airport around 4:00 am, cause plane is starting off at 6:00." Zak continued when he made sure that Darryl was listening.
"Wow, that's early...but whatever muffin. I want you to make me a favor... Could you not tell our fans that we're going there together? It would motivate fans to make more fanfics and all... and I don't think either of us want it" He said slowly, but Zak felt sudden pain in his chest. He didn't think about it for too long than because the feeling disappeared as fast as it started.
"Yeah, sure."

I know it took me long to write this one, but I'm on a trip so I hadn't got time and I'm trying to not fasten the action too much. Plz do not say anything about the drawing cuz it's mine and it's terrible.
Hope you liked it!!!
