10- lifeguard is a shipper

Zak's POV
Around noon we decided to go to aqua park, as we got nothing different to do and we heard it's one of the best attractions nearby.

It turned our to be pretty big and had a lots of slides which of course we headed to first.

We started from the smaller ones, but they weren't too bad, most of them got some cool lights on the ceiling. (Do slides have ceilings? Whatever, idk how to call it)

It was middle of a week so we could go straight into the slides most of the time.

"Aye, Bad, shall we go on those pontoon slides? They seem really fun and we can go on a double pontoon." I asked. It seemed like a better idea, 'couse waiting for each other at the end of the slide every time was quite boring.

"Yeah, sure."

We took the blue pontoon and started dragging it up the stairs. I have no idea who thought that it was good idea making the staircase round when they have pontoon slides. Well, probably an idiot.

"Uhm... Zak, I'm not sure if I want to go on this slide after all... maybe we can go on the one that we were before?" I saw Darryl was looking anxiously through the window at the slide.

"Well... you don't have a choice now!" I pushed him at the pontoon and jumped on it after him.

"Zaaaak whyyyyyy?!" He shouted as he covered his eyes.

I couldn't stop laughing. I hugged him which made him jump.

"What are you doing?!" He gave me surprised look.

"Making you enjoy the ride. It's already working, you aren't covering your eyes anymore" I grinned at him and pulled away. He smiled shyly and turned away.

"Just.. don't push me on another slide. Or at least inform me about it."

"But there would be no fun!" I started laughing again.

It was my terrible mistake. I felt water filling my mouth and I couldn't breathe. I was left without air for few seconds but started coughing violently.

Darryl turned to me and saw my effort so he hit me in my back few time.

"Thanks dude, I literally couldn't breathe" I said with hoarse voice.

"You see, you've got your reward for forcing me to come here." He grinned at me " But for real, no problem, are you sure you are okay? We can chill for a little."

"No, it's ok, it was just a little water, don't worry. Soo.... do you want to go again?"

"You know what? Actually I want. It didn't seem that bad when I got over the shock. But this time I will sit on the pontoon myself."

"Sounds good! Last to reach the stairs is a poopy head!" And I ran.

Darryl's POV

Oh. My. Goodness.

"Really?!" I shouted after him and started chasing him. I heard him laugh. He always laughs.

I was suddenly stopped by a lifeguard. He whistled and waved at me to come over.

"You can't run around here like this or I'll have to kick you out of the pool. Tell this to your boyfriend or he is going to get kicked out too." Wait what? Did he assume that Zak is my boyfriend?

I just nodded and walked away quickly, too embarrassed to point out his mistake.

Zak's POV

I stopped by a stairs leading to the slides. I looked behind me to see Darryl being stopped by a lifeguard.

Guy told him something and he walked away blushing intensively.

"What did he say?" I asked as he walked over to me.

"Uhm... just not to run around or we will be kicked out." He murmured.

"And why are you blushing than?" I poked him in the arm.

"Uhm, it's nothing..." he tried avoiding eye contact.

"Saaaaaaaaay why, or I'm not going to push you down that slide again!" I joked.

"Uhmmmm... it's nothing hejustthoughtthatwewerecouple" he said in one breath suddenly interested in his toes.

"Oh-" I didn't know what to say. What do you say in these situations?

After few awkward seconds I decided to break the silence and pretend like this never happened.

I poked him again. "C'mon are we going on that slide or not? Here, help me drag this upstairs." I pointed at pontoon. He finally looked me in the face and nodded silently.

Hey! It's me again!
I know I haven't written anything for a while but I was (and still am so plz help) out of ideas. So if you want smt to happen in the story dm me or write comment ^^

I will try to write more again and I hope it will work out.

And how the heck did THAT happen?!
4K reads?!
Are you crazy?!
I am so amazed like wtf is this number!
Thank you so so so so much! <3

And congrats Skeppy for hitting 1.1mln subs and BBH for hitting 200k!!! And of course a6d hitting 50k!!!  And for BBH and Skeppy for almost winning Minecraft Monday UwU.

Anyways Cya!
