when snorter does the unexpected -- d.m

synopsis; it's derek's birthday, and he receives an unexpected gift.

warnings; none.
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the airy home was chilly, but not cold enough for it to be uncomfortable. it offered a delightful contrast to the intense sunlight. a heat wave was currently in full swing, and the ac was proving to be worth ever dime that was spent to purchase it.

the air conditioner had a subtle hum which could only be heard in complete silence. the four bedroom, three washroom house was filled with laughter as the group of friends discussed heart-felt topics.

the sunlight shone on his face, casting warm hues on his defined jawline. he had that special twinkle in his eye, a content glint that spoke of moments savored and tranquility.

you could clearly hear birds chirping, and tree branches swaying to the sound to the soothing melody of the calming wind.

on the long, oak table laid numerous dishes and deserts. sushi, some vegetarian and other's filled with crab, lobster with an astounding butter sauce, vanilla ice cream with candied cherries and the fudge on the bottom. which allowed one to control their intake of the chocolaty liquid. potato salad, green salad, mashed potato's, and plethora of chicken wings, some spicy, other's with no pepper in it for jj, who could not handle a little heat to her meal.

gifts were adorned in many different styles of paper─ some with dog bones designs on it, another reading 'ho ho, holy shit i'm broke', there were some presents wrapped with face-like designs which has successfully scarred elle for the rest of her life.

banners hung in the air, balloons were stuck to the floor with the help of paper-weights, and there was an array of multi-coloured confetti on the marble counter in the kitchen.

"thank you guys, this has been the best birthday surprise ever." he smiled gratefully before pointing a finger at the group of friends.

"just don't tell my mom i said that. she likes to think that the best party to ever been thrown was for my sixth birthday when she dressed up as janet jackson to make me think that a literal goddess came to wish me a happy frickin' birthday." he warned as he reminisced.

"it's no problem. we're all just glad to have the chance to celebrate with you." jj responded, practically sitting on emily's lap as they all conversed on the floor of in the living room.

elle nodded in agreement as she sipped on her glass of cabernet sauvignon. her back rested against the blue sofa.

"by the way, em, your hair looks great." the blonde haired woman complimented her girlfriend who smiled softly at her love.

"so, no one is going to compliment what i did with my hair?" derek asked, caressing his head.

"you don't got shit on your head, looking at that chocolate covered almond, i'd see my own reflection." elle took a jab at her friend, though he didn't taking it to heart seeing as she was joking around with him.

jj choked on her martini, spitting the drink back into the glass as emily shamelessly cackled at her balds friend offended expression.

you, similarly to jj, had also choked on your drink. your eyes burned and watered as the liquor desperately tried to make its way up and out of your nose.

the friends continued to engage in playful banter, when suddenly someone softly moaning could be heard. your eyes widened, as you immediately thought the worst.

everyone's eyes turned to emily, seeing try to muffle her noises of delight after eating stuffing her face with the crab-filled sushi. you snorted, your hands flew up fast, they came to cover your face as you continued to chuckle.

elle opened her mouth to say something, but you cut her off when you asked, "how about we open presents now?" the sound of your voice was muffled by your hands, which was pressing harshly against your face.

you were lucky in successfully in escaping your friends teasing as all they agreed that it was time for derek to open his gifts.

the party shifted over to the other side of the room of the brightly lit living room where the treasuries rested on the dark oak table.

your hand shot up in the air "mine first!" you volunteered, grabbing the gift you had bought for your friend of two and a half years.

derek rubbed his hands together as he admired the pristine wrapping paper on his gift. "thank you so much." he pressed a kiss to your cheek.

his stubble bored into your face, the small hairs were itchy, but you weren't complaining since he seemed so happy throughout the entire day.

he ripped the paper like a child on christmas morning, opening the box to find a dark purple tube of mens hair gel.

his mouth was left agape, bushy caterpillar eyebrows were raised to his non-existent hairline. he began to laugh, as he held the item up for the other's to see.

"thought you'd might want to change up your look a little bit." you joked, your hands were slightly shaking from the nervousness of giving him his present.

you knew derek was the kind of guy not to be bothered by a light-hearted joke, but you were still anxious to hand him his gift, you didn't want him to take it the wrong way.

"yeah, well, i'm going to set more hair trends than the kardashians with this bad boy." he grinned, exposing his pearly white teeth.

he held his hands up in the air, "i can already imagine the headlines; derek morgan, hottest man alive sets yet another hair trend." he imitated what his fans would sound like whilst cheering for him.

"go derek!"

"you're the sexiest man to ever live."

"you're the stupidest jock to ever live." elle corrected, taking another playful jab at her friend, laughter erupted once again as the friends continued to converse.
