a very serious fight ─ bau

taking part in pom's ( aka the lovely ) /imagining-in-the-margins monthly challenge. 

synopsis — the team is very lighthearted, but one thing they do take seriously other than their jobs, is water gun / balloon fights. warnings — cursing, fluff (?) gn!reader. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 

 you wouldn't of ever of thought that this is how it would end. you were terrified, alone and dripping wet. hiding behind the tree in rossi's backyard, you found a half empty water bottle that you could use to refill your gun. your clothes were sticking to your skin, as you tried to catch your breath. you ran very far for a very long time since derek was chasing you and laughing like a maniac. as you just finished refilling your weapon, you could hear footsteps approaching. making as little noise as possible, you aimed your gun in the direction where the noise was coming from.

stepping closer towards the din, you saw a purple sweater vest getting caught on a tree branch. automatically knowing it was spencer, you then started to squirt him with your gun. getting him soaked. he yelped loudly, his hands coming in front of his face to shield himself from the water, dropping his weapon in the process. 

his cries alerted emily, who quietly made her way over towards the both of you. though, you had a feeling more danger was coming, your gun was empty, so quickly, you stole spencer's full one.

 emily wasn't expecting you to notice her coming your way. 

meanwhile, spencer still remained oblivious to the ordeal. before emily could spray you, you held down the trigger, getting her wet before she could soak you. 

"son of a bitch!" the raven haired woman gasped. using the moment of vulnerability the former interpol agent had displayed, you grabbed her gun from her. now wielding two weapons, you felt protected, almost invincible. 

 trying to find your next target, you searched for jj — who seemed to be in stealth mode. walking by the pool, you saw a strand of blonde hair hiding behind the velvet sofa. now, the rules of the game was whoever was to squirt all seven members first ( minus rossi, because he's old. ), wins the cash prize of twenty bucks. 

 not wanting to lose out of the money you held down the trigger, a scream exiting her mouth. you took hear weapon, now having three. 

 so far, you've gotten emily, spencer, and jj. all you needed to get now was, hotch, derek and penelope, if you could ever find her hiding spot. 

 seeing someone's broad shoulders you made your way towards them. it was hotch. he was turning around to face the direction you were in. so acting fast on pure instinct, you ducked behind the abnormally large plant pot. he must've spotted you though, because he began to walk in your direction. 

with your guns raised you tried to figure out a way to press the trigger button without dropping the other two. once you did figure it out, you were getting soaked, hotch had sprayed you, but since your finger was still on the trigger, you held it down and got him back. you smirked at him.

"sorry boss, but i'm winning this thing." he cocked an eyebrow at you, the corners of his mouth turning up as he tried to fight off a smile "yeah? we'll see about that." he headed off. 

derek and penelope were the only two that you hadn't gotten yet. you groaned internally, knowing that they would be the hardest to get out. 

coming up with a genius plan, you noticed rossi had left his projector outside. hooking it up to your phone, you played an adorable kitten video in hopes of luring her out. "awh!" penelope cried out, before laughing at the kitten trying to get the laser. 

you made your way over towards her quietly, finding her underneath the umbrella — sitting next to her abandoned gun. you sprayed her with the water. "oh my goodness, y/n!" she screeched, before laughing and gushing about the plan you'd come up with "that was genius, because you knew i wouldn't be able to watch the video without making noise!" 

"do i hear the ice cream truck?" the bubbly blonde asked herself before walking towards the source of the noise. you blew a kiss at her, before walking off towards the backyard door in hopes of finding derek. 

you spotted him, quietly making your way towards him when you heard rossi call out — "alright kids, games over! put your weapons down." wanting to know who could've won, you placed all three of your guns down besides emily who gawked at them. 

 "and the winner is, our beloved doctor spencer reid!" derek could be heard crying out "what?" as he stared at the genius in shock. 

whilst everyone else was frozen in place. "how? you didn't tag me." you asked him, dumbfounded. "yeah, i did, actually. when you were going after jj, i found a water bottle, and i sprayed some on you like holy water." he corrected, looking fully content with himself, as he smiled awkwardly.  
