Story #7

Your best friend is elected President.

(I mean, she didn't say President of what...)

"I can't believe you're the President. Are you gonna be able to do this?" I turn to my friend as she straightens her suit. She's the picture of professionalism.

"Someone has to, so I will. With you by my side I can do anything." I smile to myself as I look down at the carpet. But you know I won't be. You know I can't step on this stage. It's all you this time. "I'll do what I have to. This is what we worked for, right? We should be celebrating."

I can hear it in her voice. The tears she's not letting out stab at my heart. I take a deep breathe and force my sad smile into an optimistic one. "Yes, we should be. Do you wanna celebrate with cake or a movie night?"

The smile that was barely on her face took on a genuine look. "Both. We deserve it. I vote red velvet and Harry Potter."

"You got to pick the movies last movie night, now it's my turn." She gave a deadly look before sighing dramatically.

"Fine. Does that mean you're going to show me one of those k-dramas you love so much?"

"Yes it does," I sang. We stood in silence for a moment before we both burst out laughing. I could always laugh when she was close. All she had to do was stare at me and I would start laughing. Suddenly, the door opened, the knock that came before it barely reaching our ears before a tall man in a business suit stepped into the room.

"Excuse me. They're ready for you, Ms. President."

"Thank you, Kevin." With a nod of his head, Kevin slipped out as fast as he appeared.

"How do I look?" Her voice was soft. It almost sounded like she was nervous. I looked her over, brushed her jacket of a little, and smiled.

"You got this," I whispered. She smiled back. "There is nothing you can't do."

With my words fresh in her mind, she stepped out  through the balcony doors, where all the cameras were now focused on her. From below, an announcer's voice echoed over the crowed gathered on the ground.

"Everyone, please give a warm welcome to our new president, here to help us rule the world. Let's give it up, ladies and gentlemen." The applause was deafening. I stood next to the closed doors, my back against the wall, waiting to here how she'd start.

"Thank you, everyone." Her voice was strong and powerful. "I can't tell you what an honor it is to have been elected by my fellow citizens as the first female president of the Feline Federation of Freedom. Believe me, I plan to do everything in my power to bring the Triple F into power."

~Fun fact. The friend who this story is about once said, "If I every get married, it will be to my cat."
