Sneak Peek 1

(Since I haven't gotten any prompts, I've decided to give you guys a couple sneak peeks of a couple story ideas I have. This first one is the first fanfic book I've really started to write and is probably the one I'm the most excited for. It's the Jimin one I mentioned early in this collection )

"So what movie are we going to watch?" I ask Phoebe from the end of my newly made bed. She is sitting at my tiny desk scrolling through our options.

"Hmmm. I'm in a Captain America mood tonight."

"First one?"


"Okay. I'm gonna make the popcorn and grab the fruit bars."


I chuckle to myself as I walk out of the room. I grab two bags of popcorn from where Phoebe and I stashed them. I pop one into the microwave and pull the fruit bars out of the freezer. As I look around the cupboards for a big bowl, I think about Jimin.

After we had exchanged introductions, he had told me I was welcome to use any of his dishes and kitchen utensils if I needed them. He had kept his sweet smile on his face the whole time. Not that we had talked that long, but still.


I place the bowl I found on the counter.

"Nora, hurry up," Phoebe calls from my room

"Half way there," I call back. I stick the other bag in the microwave.

"Hey, Nora?"

"Yeah?" I open one of the fruit bars and take a bite, listening for her response.

"What do you think about Jimin?"

I would have shushed her, but Jimin had gone out for the evening. He said he had some practicing to do.

"I don't know. He seems very charming, very sweet," I say thoughtfully as I walk back into the room, treats in hand.

"Charming and sweet?" Phoebe gives me a look.


"Anything else you would like to add to that description?"

I stare at her, refusing to say what I know she wants me to say.



"Like... smoking hot?"


"What?! I know you're thinking it! And it's true. That man is hot as hell, and you can't deny being physically attracted to him, can you?"

She smirks at me. The blush on my face confirms her suspicions, even though I don't say anything.

Instead I glare at her before asking, "You got the movie up or nah?"

For those of you wondering (cough Mickey cough), the plan for the story was that at the end they found a different house just as great as the other one where they were able to keep Dean. It took long enough to find it, that everyone was preparing to let go of Dean, so everyone was going through those emotions, then they found the other house, and everyone lived happily ever after.

~Fun fact. I'm going to be an aunt in October!!
