ii- dementors

"ANYTHING FROM THE TROLLEY! Anything from the trolley!" The trolley witch's voice ehoed around the train.

"Look, we're sorry we didn't tell you about it, Jess —" Aiden began.

"Can you imagine how it must've felt like, Aiden? The news of him escaping Azkaban hasn't been told to me by my friends, or Remus, or anyone, but Layla Pole. I just sat there cluelessly, dumb and blank." Jessica said.

"Sorry, Jess. We just didn't want to be the ones to have to tell you —" Natalie said.

"You really thought that I wouldn't find out sooner or later myself? You didn't think I would have felt at least a little bit better if the news had been portrayed to me by a friend?" Jessica asked, "You know I don't read the Daily Prophet, but you still didn't tell me."

"Sorry, Jess." George said, meaning it, taking her hand in his, which she snatched away. George being as stubborn as he was, took it again, "We won't do it again."

Jessica sighed, "I know you won't. It's just — my life is so crazy, look at me, having a mass murderer for a father, who ratted his friends off to Lord freaking Voldemort —" everyone flinched, "— and is now the first ever person to escape Azkaban."

"Not to mention, you're friends with the boy who lived." Fred pointed out.

"Not. Helping. Fredrick." Natalie hissed.

   One thing that Remus had told Jessica was who she had gotten her middle name from. Jessica Lily Black. Her middle name was after Lily Potter herself, who was also her anonymous mother's best friend, as Remus had said it, and was also Jessica's godmother, James Potter being her godfather.

   Naturally, she made friends with Harry Potter, who came around to Hogwarts when she was in her third year. She told him that Lily was her mother's friend — being careful not to mention Sirius, as Remus had told her that Harry didn't know he was the cause of his parent's death — and when Harry asked her what her mother's name was, he was very surprised to know that Jessica didn't know the name of her own mother. She was even two steps ahead of him.

    He instantly warmed up to her, and despite the age difference of nearly three years, they become fast friends.

"Hey, let's just get something from the trolley to lighten up the mood, my treat." Aiden smiled, "What does everyone want?"

"Chocolate frogs." Natalie said immedietly. She was addicted to chocolate. Jessica said that that was the reason she went along well with Remus, since both of them shared a huge love for all things chocolate.

"We'll both have Berttie Botts'." Fred spoke for himself and George, who nodded.

"I'll have a Cauldron cake, let me go and buy them, I want to walk around, have a breath of fresh air." Jessica said, as Aiden handed her the money, and Jessica rolled her eyes, and handed him two galleons back, "Goodness, Aiden, learn how to count."

   Aiden stuck his tongue out. Aiden, despite being half blood, was very rich, richest of the entire group for a fact, and didn't care how much money he spent out, and was always giving his friends treats. Which they all greatly appreciated, as none of them were very well off. Fred, George, Natalie, Jessica, none of them.

   Jessica was looking around for the trolly witch, as a small shudder escaped her. It had suddenly gone very cold, considering it was September. The view from the windows became blurry as frost covered it. Jessica had never seen frost appear in front of her eyes this fast before. It seemed as if she had locked herself into the lowest of the lowest temperate freezer. Her breath got caught in her chest and solidified.

    She felt like screaming at the top of her lungs. She wanted to kill herself, jump off of the highest tower in the world, punch mirrors and cause glass to shatter everywhere and injure, injure someone.

     She felt the unnatural cold begin to steal over her surroundings. Light was sucked from the environment right up to the ceiling which was covered in a thick, thick layer of snow white frost.

      She had never felt like this in her life. Sure, she had felt real sad at times but she had never, ever been this sad. It was as if all the happiness had gone from the world. Or almost seemed unnatural

   Then, she heard shouting. A boy shouting. Harry shouting.

"Shit!" Jessica muttered.

   Finally, the thought dawned on her. Dementors. Of course! How could she be so stupid! She had studied all about them in a book in the library. She tried to remember what it said.

   She remembered that they were amongst one of the foulest creatures to inhabit the planet, and that they fed on human happiness.

    Jessica started to make her way to the compartments. To make sure Fred, George, Natalie, Aiden, Harry and Remus were safe.

    She gasped out loud as a cloaked figure stopped her. It had glided over without making a single sound. Jessica screamed.

    All of her worst memories started coming back to her. As if she was reliving them.

    Think. Think. Think. How to repel dementors?

    Her thoughts were broken as a bright white light approached. It caused the dementor to flee and Jessica suddenly jumped up. It was very dark and the bright light caused Jessica to squirm her eyes in effort to see the conjurer of the patronus.

   Remus Lupin.

"Oh Remus! I'm sorry I couldn't remember what I had to do in order to cast the Patronus! Oh what the heck! Even if I did I wouldn't have been able to cast it! I tried once before and I wasn't able to do it! I'm sorry this is my fault! I should've know how to —" Jessica ranted on without taking in a breath of air.

"Shhh." Remus put his finger on her lip gently and squeezed her hand. "This is not your fault! Why would you think that! A patronus is a very complex spell!"

"But still —"

"Not buts! Come on, have this chocolate." Remus handed her a bar of chocolate.

Despite how weak Jessica felt, she laughed, "Gosh Remus, I'm starting to think that you have a serious and possibly problematic addiction with chocolate. How do you always have a stash of chocolate hidden up your sleeve?"

"It's a chocolate lover's secret." Remus winked at her, before pulling her up to her feet, and guiding her back to her compartment.
