15 - ⚠️🖤Sour Berries 2

👻warning for angst, sh, body dysphoria, mentions of abuse,and sexual themes (since this is a chapter that is very important to the story I'll put a ⚠️ when sexual stuff comes up so y'all can skip it if you're not comfy)

As Yellow continued to chase after Blue, they took a few obvious turns. He initially thought that Blue would be headed back home but he didn't, because he took a left turn down this one street. Yellow was starting to run out of breath and his asthma was kicking in but he couldn't stop. He wouldn't stop. He was never going to stop.

Eventually Blue took a turn into an alley way and realized it was a dead end. He turned around as Yellow slid around the corner, finally stopping.

"Blue.. what the hell was that??"

"Get away from me!!" Blue shouted, backing into a corner. Yellow noticed that Blue was holding a pocket knife and knew that he was having some kind of outburst. He couldn't be rash this time, it could result in one of them getting hurt.

"Come on, bluberry.." He sighed, approaching slow.

"I am not your bluberry, don't fucking call me that!" He shouted

"..Blue, I just want to talk.." he said in a soft tone and he could see Blue tense up with every step he took towards him.

"I don't want to.."

"Blue.. you always say that but I know it's still bothering you.." Yellow sighed. "I'm bothering you about it because I want to help you.. you're hurting." He said, getting closer. "I know, okay? I know because I know you. I know you're in pain, and it's not fair.."

He was finally close enough to Blue and Blue had finally put away his pocket knife. He looked away, still upset. He was definitely crying, even if it was hard to tell due to the rain.

"It's not fair.. it's not fair that you have to go through pain.. you feel like you have no one to turn to but that not true. You have me.." He said, making Blue look at him.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you for months.. you have me.. and I can help you. All of our friends can. But not if you keep turning us away.." He said to which Blue simply walked over and hugged him, crying. Yellow wrapped his arms around him, shushing him.

"Shhh.. it's okay. I'm here, okay? I told you, I'm not going anywhere. I put up with you because I want to and I care." He said, as Blue continued to cry like a baby.

"I-I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry—" he continued to repeat himself. He felt awful for pushing Yellow away and saying what he said earlier. Yellow simply continued to hug him even tho it was pouring.

"It's okay, bluberry.. I know you were going through something, there's no need to apologize.."

"Y-you seemed mad.." He mumbled.

"I simply wanted to give you some space. I could tell you were getting heated and I didn't want you to feel cornered or trapped." He said. He then kisses Blue's forehead.

"Come on, we should go back before one of us gets a cold." Yellow said as the two walked back to the house. Once they did, they both took off their shoes to avoid dragging mud in. Yellow ushered Blue to head upstairs.

Green looked at Yellow. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. We'll be down in a bit to watch the movie with you guys." He said before following Blue up the stairs. As they both got upstairs, Yellow closed the door. He goes into his drawer and pulls out a large sweatshirt and some baggy grey sweatpants and hands em to Blue. Then he grabs whatever and starts changing himself.
(Shhh they're a couple and probably gonna fuck)

He looked over at blue who had on just the sweatpants and was staring at himself in the mirror, mainly at his binder. He looked at his body, his scars on arms, his belly fat, even tho there wasn't much, his scar on his hip from surgery, his eye bags. He didn't really like how he looked. Yellow came over and gently held his waist. (Guys blue has a muffin top 😍)

"You know you're beautiful, right?" He asked, which Blue simply shook his head.

"I don't feel beautiful.." he mumbled. Yellow looked at Blue's waist, gently rubbing it, making Blue jump a little. He then spun him around, like a princess dancing with her prince, making him giggle a little.

He then pulls him close and kisses him. "You are beautiful. You better accept it."

"Or what?" Blue smirked.

"Or this." Yellow said and tackled blue onto the bed, tickling him.

"AHAHAHA! YELLOW STOP THAT HSGWHAHQJ!!" He squirmed, laughing like crazy.

"Say you're beautiful!!"


Yellow stopped tickling him and gave him the sweater as Blue put it on. It was big on him, he liked it that way.

"I'll steal this." He smirked.

Yellow gave a small chuckle. "I don't mind.~"

Blue sighed, patting the bed next to him as Yellow sat down.

"Okay.. I'm ready to tell you. I uhm. My dad abuses me constantly and I just.. hhhh.." he mumbled. Which made Yellow's heart sink. He was right..

"I uhm.. I don't know how much more I can take and I know this Is a selfish request but.. c-can I move in with you..?" He mumbled.

"I-I promise I'll cook for you every day, I-I'll help around the house, I'll even get a job to pay rent just ple—" Yellow put his finger over Blue's lips, shushing him.

"Calm down, Hun." He said. He put an arm around him. "You can stay regardless if you do any of that. Like I said, I'm here to help you and keep you safe. So yes. You can stay with me." He kissed Blue's forehead, standing up.

"Now come on. Let's get back to the others." He said, as the two walked downstairs. Blue turned off the lights as Yellow brought over the popcorn, candy and drinks.

"Took you long enough." Red smirked.

Yellow snickered, elbowing him as he sat on the couch. Blue sat on Yellow's lap so everyone had more room and they all got their drinks and candy, before enjoying the movie. This time, it was Green's turn to choose the movie and he chose The Outsiders.(my fav movie) They all chillaxed and watched the movie.

Once the movie was done, it was time for all of them to head out. Yellow had offered to drive them back but they turned down his offer due to how late it was. Once they all left, Yellow started to clean up everything as Blue sat on the couch. Something seemed to be on his mind tho.


Yellow walked over and sat next to Blue, wondering. "Is something on your mind? You seem to be in deep thought.." he asked, as Blue looked away, his face going a slight shade of red.

"I-I uhm.. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this but uhm.. I feel uhm.. horny.." he mumbled very quietly, which Yellow was surprised.

"Oh.. oh." He said, Processing what was said. After everything that's happened, maybe Blue needed something to take his mind off things..

Yellow scooted closer, with a sly smirk. "You want me to.. help you with that?~" (guys guys yellow is NOT 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ A VIRGIN oh yea but blue is teehe 🤭)

Blue looked at Yellow, sheepishly nodding. Yellow gently repositioned Blue onto the couch to be laying down, before getting on top of him and kissing him passionately. Blue wrapped his arms around him and was quick to adjust to this.

Yellow broke from the kiss and slid his hands up Blue's sweatshirt, and looked at him for permission. (Soft dom 😍)

Blue nodded at him before Yellow went to kiss his neck, gently groping his chest, making Blue quietly whimper.

He continued to kiss his neck eventually switching to biting. He bit everywhere until he heard another whimper, meaning he found the sweet spot.

They continued like this for a bit until Yellow sat up for a second.

"You ready to take this to the next level?" He asked as Blue nodded.


Just as he was about to take off his shirt, a woman's voice was heard behind them.

"Am I interrupting something?"


I'm gonna make every ship fUck 😍 (I've never written a smut before)

Anyways we're gonna get back on track cuz these last few chapters have had nothing to do with college lmaooo

Peace ✌️
